Secret Bouquet

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"If I had a flower for every time you made me smile and laugh, I'd have a garden to walk in forever."


Suddenly the doors of my room open giving me a small fright. A little boy comes inside after peeking. He looked so cute. He's all dressed up in a cute little tuxedo, a rose in his pocket which was the theme of my wedding. He hands me a beautiful bouquet of roses from behind him.

I bend down to his level and take the bouquet happily. The boy kisses my cheek, completely surprising me.

He then clears his throat then says, " Your highness, I was told to give you these roses and kiss you on the cheek. There is a letter attached to it on the side. Don't forget to read it." He bows after completing his sentence and was about to run away when I stop him.

"Wait, who gave you these?"

"I don't know. He was a tall and handsome man,Your highness. He gave me these in the Swiss Hall", he replies innocently.

Swiss Hall? That's where King Robert is staying. Someone must admire me a lot to send these. I chuckle at the thought.

"Okay, can you tell him that I am thankful for these. And oh wait, give that person a kiss on cheek as well." I kiss on the little boy's cheek  chuckle lightly at that. The boy nods shyly, his cheek tinting red making him look like a tomato. He leaves mumbling,

"Have a great day". That boy really made my day. What a cute boy.

I smell the roses and smile. Then I see the letter and open it to start reading it.

"Roses are red
and my eyes are blue.
This bouquet is gorgeous
but not more than you."

I wonder who sent this to me. I mentally slap myself for telling the boy to kiss him. I am such a fool.

What if he is at the wedding. Oh my god what have I done. I'm getting married today and I'm sending kisses to some random man. What is wrong with me.

After a while, my father comes inside the room and offers me his arm. I gladly accept it and stand up. He is looking handsome in his suit, his light grey eyes shining brightly. Of course he would be happy he is marrying his only daughter to his best friend's son.

"You're looking gorgeous, Rose", he says holding my hand.

"Thank you, father", I say and hug him. He then leads me towards the door and outside the palace to a black limousine. Here goes nothing.


Hey ya'll!

Leave your guesses in the comments on who sent that bouquet and a cute letter.

I know the poem I made is cringe worthy.  Bear with me people.

Only one more chapter left.

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