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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 π…πŽπ‘π“π˜-𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 |Β The Underworld is darker than Freyja expected

"PERCY." A hand shook his shoulder, as the son of Poseidon woke up to look at Jake Mason, the head of the Hephaestus cabin. "Freyja's coming back. Someone spotted her, said she was helping an injured person. What should we do?"

Percy rubbed his eyes, before sitting bolt upright at the thought of his sister being out there and alone.

"Will, come on!" Will Solace left Annabeth's side, who was sleeping off the injury, that Ethan Nakamura had inflicted on her, and the trio ran outside to meet Freyja halfway. They would need his help to heal the injured person, that Percy was sure would be Layla.

The woman was almost at the hotel when they saw her, carrying Layla in her arms confirming Percy's thoughts.

"Freyja! Is everything okay?" The woman glanced up, before she trudged more towards them, tear stains streaking through the grime on her cheeks.

"I couldn't just leave her there." Percy and the others froze when they realized what Freyja meant. "She deserves to be burned in her shroud like Zac was. I couldn't let her stay on that bridge."

Percy's heart stuttered as he realized that Freyja had walked over five miles to get back to the hotel, carrying the dead body of one of her closest friends in her arms. Even in death, Layla Tribulatio was smiling.

"Freyja..." Percy trailed off, as Jake went to the other side, placing Layla's arm over his shoulders. He helped Freyja walk the body into the hotel, to where they were placing their dead for the time being. Will and Percy went in front of them, as Connor and Travis appeared to greet their sister and Freyja.

"Freyja! Layla!" They grinned widely, before Will managed to grab both of them and shake his head, holding them out of the way. The room fell silent at the sight of the fallen demigod, who had made it to adulthood against all of the odds, yet was unable to survive the battle.Β 

Freyja and Jake placed Layla down in one of the other rooms, covering her with a sheet, as Freyja sent a prayer for the woman to find peace and rest in Elysium with Zac. She briefly stopped in to see if Annabeth was okay and living, before continuing straight back out of the hotel and onto the street.

"Freyja! Where are you going?" Percy called, as the woman prepared to go to the Underworld, knowing there was an entrance in Central Park. She knew what she had to do now.

"Leave her." Everyone turned to look at one of the older hunters, who was shaking her head. Sierra knew that, as a goddess who didn't normally see death, Freyja would most likely be going to the Underworld to make sure Layla's soul reached Elysium. "She'll be back when she needs to be."

"But we need her here." Percy replied, panic in his eyes. He might have the Curse of Achilles and be stronger than Freyja, but she was a calm and steadfast beacon in every battle. He needed that, now more than ever.

"Not at the moment, we don't."Β 


Freyja reached the Underworld, opening the doors to the throne room where Hades was berating Nico, whilst Persephone and Demeter watched on. Hades paused, as Nico's jaw almost fell comically open at the sight of her, before furrowing his eyebrows.

"Freyja?" Hades looked over at the girl, who raised a hand in silent greeting. Persephone and Hades shared a glance, before the Lord of the Underworld left his throne to place his hand on the girl's shoulder. "What happened?"

"I need to know if a soul made it to Elysium." Hades nodded slowly, having not seen his goddaughter like this ever before. "Layla Tribulatio. Died 12 hours ago on Williamsburg Bridge."

Hades pulled a tablet out of his robes, before checking through a list of names, sighing and then handing her the screen.

"She's living with a demigod by the name of Zac Prudens." Freyja nodded, before handing the screen back and turning to face her godfather with fire in her eyes.Β 

"You have to go to surface and fight."

"No." Freyja looked at him in confusion, eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not helping up there. It's not my war. I'm safe down here."

"Not your war?" Freyja scoffed at the god in front of her, as Nico watched her in shock. He had never seen someone look as annoyed as Freyja did, nor seen a demigod standing up to a powerful god. That was suicide!

"Freyja. Stop it." The woman looked at Persephone, who's eyes were narrowed in warning. "We do not need to fight."

"You have to. Uncle, please." Freyja turned, as Nico walked to her side, showing his agreement with the woman. Hades still did not look convinced, so Freyja used her last card. "Consider this me calling in on your godparent duty."


Mrs O'Leary barked as Freyja heard Percy call for her. Holding her hand up, Freyja parted the monsters with Nico's help until they could see the demigods on the other side.

They must have struck an imposing figure, both in pitch black armor with a large hell hound at their side but Freyja didn't care about any of that. She just wanted this war to be over, so she could mourn in peace.

"Got your message. Is it too late to join the party?" Nico called, as Freyja and he strolled towards the son of Poseidon. The Hunters and other demigods all looked at them in awe, as Freyja unfroze Clarisse and deposited her back with the others.Β 

"Son of Hades. You." Kronos spat, as Freyja glared at Luke's annoyingly handsome face. "Do you enjoy death so much that you wish to experience it?"

"Your death, Kronos," Nico said. "Would be great for me."

"You fool, I am immortal. I have escaped Tartarus. You have no business here and no chance to live."

"You tricked your way out of Tartarus, there's a difference." Freyja growled, drawing Epilogue as Nico pulled his own sword from the shadows. Cracks began to form in the ground around them as skeletal hands grasped the air. The dead clawed their way into the world of the living, forming into zombie like soldiers.

"Hold your ground! The dead are no match for us." Kronos thundered, as the sky turned dark and cold. Shadows grew thicker as a harsh war horn sounded, and the dead closed ranks. A chariot appeared behind them, as Hades, Demeter and Persephone joined the fray.

"Hello, Father." Hades smiled coldly, before glancing over at Freyja, silently asking if this was who she truly picked to fall in love with. "You're looking...young."

"Hades. I hope you and the ladies have come to pledge your allegiance." Kronos growled.

"No." Hades smiled down at Freyja and Nico. "My son and niece persuaded me that I should prioritize my list of enemies. As much as my siblings and I bicker, we all agree on one thing. You were a terrible father."

He drew his double edged Stygian Iron sword coated in silver.

"Now, fight me! For today, the House of Hades will be called the saviours of Olympus."

"I don't have time for this." Kronos snarled, before raising his scythe.

"Freyja, go!" Persephone called, as the young goddess sprinted past the dazed army and threw herself through the barrier and into the Empire State Building, landing beside her brother.

"Percy." Freyja nodded up at him, before standing up and calling the Hunters back to her. "Hunters, form ranks."

Percy smiled at his sister, relaxing in her presence before Kronos' army began to attack them all. She glanced over at Percy once more, before turning back to the fight at hand, hacking her way through Kronos' guard with a vengeance. They would not be getting past her, not today.

Growling, she slammed her sword into the back of a dracaena, pulling her bow out to shoot an empousai behind Sally Jackson. The woman turned, watching as Freyja nodded and shot after a giant.

Kronos and Ethan had disappeared into the Empire State Building, and Freyja could see that Percy, Annabeth, Grover and Thalia were following them. Sighing, the woman turned to Sierra.

"I've got to get to Olympus."

Sierra stabbed a giant in the back of the head, nodding over at her friend.Β 

"Go, we'll handle it here." She said, as she and Clarisse began to team up in a combination that made even Freyja nervous. The goddess nodded, before running towards the Empire State Building, shooting as many other monsters as she could.

"Connor! Travis!" The Hermes boys turned to look at her, as she quickly gave them a once over. "Don't die on me."

The words were left unsaid, perched on her lips; "You two are the last that I have left."


So this is kind of a filler chapter because next chapter is a really fun one. I'm sure you're all gonna love it dearly, and I'm excited for it.

Question of the Day (thanksΒ OtterweaselΒ ) : Favorite book series ship? Either Percabeth (from an actual book) or Lyrey (which are two of my own characters from another book)

Let me know what you think,

Love Li xx

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