Мой любимый спаситель.

Мой любимый спаситель.

1,460 27 7

Ами возвращалась с работы. Был поздний вечер. Девушка шла по пустой улице , как вдруг на нее напали. Поблизости как раз находился Черноволосый парень. Он помог девушке, а та поблагодарила его и они разошлись.На следующий день девушка пошла в кофейню и встретила там его. Но отшила. Через несколько дней они встречаются на вечеринке.Не отошьет ли его девушка? Или все таки они будут вместа…

Otherside(Kooky x oc)

Otherside(Kooky x oc)

3,453 25 8

The Doomship crashes down in Ozzy's backyard and she decides to let them stay. Once she earns their trust she decides to help them turn a new leaf, but what happens if they help her too?…

Boboiboy x reader Songfic Oneshot.        ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡qqqqqqqdge

Boboiboy x reader Songfic Oneshot. ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡qqqqqqqdge

13,010 552 23

So basically you give me any songs and I'll try to make it into a short story!You can request anything but no OC's thoo sowwy( ◠‿◠ )//I don't own you or Boboiboy. //…

Let's Beat The Female Lead

Let's Beat The Female Lead

82,563 7,079 27

Momoသည္ကားတိုက္ခံရၿပီး‌ ေနာက္Coma၀င္သြားခဲ့သည္။ထိူအခ်ိန္တြင္သူမဝိညာဉ္သည္parallel worldတစ္ခုကိုေရာက္သြားၿပီး "ဇာတ္လိုက္မကိုျဖဳတ္ခ်ေရး" ဆိုသၫ့္systemနဲ႔ဆက္သြယ္မိ‌သြားေတာ့သည္ ။ ထိုSystemမွသူမအား worldတစ္ခုခ်င္းစီတြင္ Missionမ်ားအားၿပီးေအာင္လုပ္ႏိုင္ပါက မူလကworldသို႔ျပန္လည္ပို႔ေဆာင္ေပးမည္ဟုကတိေပးခဲ့သည္။worldတစ္ခု ၿပီးတိုင္းသူမ ၏မူလဝိညာဉ္အားအသက္ဓာတ္ေဆးေပး ၿပီးထိန္းသိမ္းထားမည္ ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္းလည္းေျပာ ျပခဲ့သည္။ ေရြးခ်ယ္ခြင့္မရိွသၫ့္အဆံုးတြင္ေတာ့Momoတစ္ေယာက္အဲ့Systemမွာသၫ့္အတိုင္းလုပ္ကာ အိမ္ျပန္ရန္ဆံုးျဖတ္လိုက္ေတာ့သည္။…

Apex legends. She Likes His Adrenaline.  Octane X Loba

Apex legends. She Likes His Adrenaline. Octane X Loba

5,376 36 16

don't think this is a common ship but I don't really care lol, so idk what else to say tbh 😁 and also I didn't know what to name it…



1,864 65 9




19,979 467 28

" fuck that contract paper and come here let me fuck you"…



1 0 2

its the story of my table…



156,501 5,405 44

" លែងដៃខ្ញុំ លោកTae ខ្ញុំប្រាប់ថាឲ្យលែង "Kang Sohyunប្រមូលកម្លាំងដែលខ្លួនមានមកប្រឹងរើបម្រះ ឲ្យរួចផុតពីការចាប់ច្របាច់កដៃខ្លាំងៗ នៅលើថ្ពាល់សម៉ត់រលោងក៏ដាបទៅដោយទឹកភ្នែក ព្រោះអ្នកកំលោះនៅចំពោះមុខមិនព្រមលែងដៃនាង ហើយនៅចាប់កាន់តែខ្លាំងទៀត។" លែងឲ្យនាងទៅថ្វាយខ្លួនឲ្យប្រុស ដូចដែលនាងធ្លាប់ធ្វើជាមួយខ្ញុំនឹងមែនទេ Kang sohyun?"អ្នកកំលោះរុញនាងឲ្យដួសទៅលើឥដ្ឋមួយទំហឹង ដោយបោះពាក្យសម្តីដ៏សែនគ្រោតគ្រាត ទាំងទឹកមុខខឹងសម្បាស្ទើរតែអាចសម្លាប់នាងឥលូវនេះបាន។" អូយ៎! ហឹក "នាងអោនមុខអោបដៃ ទាំងយំខ្សឹបខ្សួលមិនហ៊ានឲ្យគេឮសំឡេងយំរបស់នាង ច្បាស់ណាស់គេនឹងថានាងរំអួយមិនខាន។" ហឹស! រំអួយ មាយា មុខលុយ ល្បិចកល ថោកទាបហ៊ានសូម្បីតែប្រគេនខ្លួនឲ្យខ្ញុំដើម្បីបានរៀបការ ទាំងដឹងថាខ្ញុំមានមនុស្សដែលខ្លួនស្រឡាញ់រួចហើយ នាងជាស្រីបិសាច ខ្ញុំទាំងស្អប់ទាំងខ្ពើមន…

ненависть заставляет любить.


10,636 637 21

mi nombre es ___(tn) vivo en ___(donde vives) mi cabello es de color negro hasta la cintura ,mis ojos son de color rojos , 1.65 , tes clara casi pálida, tengo___(tu edad), me gustan los creepys pero mas de ben drowned y si soy una otaku loca q le gusta la nuetella mi colegi se llama LOS ABURRIDOS ok no :v se llama ___(el nonbre de tu cole) soy un poco loca * MUY LOCA* :v pero todos quieren a esta locaasi que yo no tengo problemas :v…

Та самая ночь и я влюбилась...

Та самая ночь и я влюбилась...

9,295 98 9

Эвелина, обычная девочка живущая самой обычной жизнью, но что-то пошло не так…

How dare you!? 成何体统

How dare you!? 成何体统

120 21 8

Yu Wanyin is teleported into a novel about palace struggles. The female protagonist of the novel is also teleported into it. To reverse her fate as a villain, Yu Wanyin chooses to join forces with a tyrant, who also turns out to be a modern man teleported in. Yu Wanyin hopes for the three modern people to put aside the palace struggles and just play cards and eat hotpot together peacefully. However, the female protagonist believes she is the chosen one, and still chooses to go against Yu Wanyin and the male protagonist King Duan's team. Thus, Yu Wanyin has to carry out a series of actions in order to survive and help Xia dynasty prevent the drought crisis…

Malfoy twin

Malfoy twin

103 0 8

{Draco Malfoy twin sister}Pronouns- she/her Name- y/n Dad abuses me (Lucius)Mum loves me and Draco Dating Fred but he is gonna die (spoiler alert) Once Fred dies I fall into a deep depression Draco has always been my no.1 best friend as well as my annoying twinAlready ast hogwarts third year…

Doctor jm

Doctor jm

1,873 70 3

Its a story of 2 siblings.Here Jimin is working as a doctor.Yn as a student.…

Hide it or ride it

Hide it or ride it

230 14 5

a secret and a secret keeper…

My doctor

My doctor

305 22 9

"I hate enemies to lover shit" also him falling in love with his enemie and being obsessed with her…

Rusame ~ I guess?

Rusame ~ I guess?

65,309 1,075 21

Trigger Warnings: Self-Harm,Suicide attempts,Depression,Death,Cussing.…

Oh Kadhal Kanmani

Oh Kadhal Kanmani

86,186 7,817 39

Hello guys here with my 4th story 💜Yes it's an new story..writing with my frnd ..support us guys tqqqq 💖…

random things book

random things book

130 0 9

qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq++qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq hi~…