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"Y- yes."

"!" Prince Kai looks at me so happily and I blush and look away from him. Then he stands up and leans towards me. "I'm glad. Remember that I love you."

The words ring throughout my heart and I just pretend to pout and I blush even harder. Slowly, slowly, he leans in closer and closer. I can feel his warm breath on my cheeks and then our lips barely touch.

"Hey! Where are the paper towels?! It looks like you ran out!" A voice breaks through the moment and I cough and turn my head.

"They should be in the small cabinet that's under the sink." I answer loudly and then I cover my mouth with the back of my hand. Once again, Prince Kai is coming closer to me. He gently holds my hand and pulls it away from my mouth. Oh my LORDDD this is making my heart beat like a freaking DRUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our lips meet and I'm in the same feeling. I'm in the same trap. The same trap that made me fall in love with him.

"Ok! I feel all better now!" I hear my friend come clomping out of the restroom and I try to pull away from Kai, but he stays onto me and I panic, knowing that she's coming closer. He smiles and grabs my waist and molds our body into one. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot her and watch as her mouth drops all the way onto the ground.

"Kai," I mumble in between his breathless kisses. He only kisses me harder and my friend slumps onto the ground. I frantically push Kai away and then run to her.

"Are you okay???" I shake her shoulders and she lays limp on the ground. I turn back to Kai. "Prince Kai!!! You didn't have to do that to her!!!!!" I sigh and he looks down at his feet in response. All of a sudden she gasps and then sits straight up. "Hey!!! Are you okay?!" I hug her. "Thank god."

"Hm? Oh, I just had the weirdest dream. You and Prince Kai were k- ki- kissing! Can you believe it?! Omilord, my brain is making up really weird things." She chuckles loudly and I bite my upper lip. She looks at me a bit concerned. "Are you okay? You look a bit... I don't know... worried?" I'm about to tell her that what she says is really just a dream, but Kai talks first.

"That's wan't a dream. It was real. It is real." He stares at her and she laughs.

"I didn't know Prince Kai had a sense of humor! Prince Kai, I must say, your jokes are quite excellent." She laughs harder and I bite my lip even harder. She looks at me again and then she frowns. "That was a joke, right?"

"Er... uhm... uhhh... n- no..." I stutter and her eyes widen to the size of a softball. She faints again and this system cycles over and over and over until finally she wakes up and just gives up.


That was the second person to know about our relationship.


"This girl? I'll have to talk to her and then I'll decide if she could be your bride." King Viktor eyes me and then turns back to Prince Kai. "Although she is quite cute." He smiles and Prince Kai leaves the room, leaving me and the king in the room alone.

"Sit down, sit down." His eyes are sparkling as he motions with his hand.

"Oh, yes sir." I quickly take a seat on a chair in front of his desk.

"I'm glad that my quiet son has finally found a girl he likes. But I think I have to know more about you first, if that's alright." He tilts his head and smiles again. He really is a nice and cheerful person.

"Oh, no, that's definitely alright. I feel like this is more a bother to you, actually." I make eye contact with him and I can even see a smile in his eyes.

"Well, of course this isn't a bother to me. This is my son's girlfriend we're talking about here." He nods. "So... I'll have to switch to my dad position right now. Why do you like Kai? What is it about him that made you attracted?" He stares at me.

"Well, to be honest, I didn't really take an interest in him at first. That was obviously because of the rumors of him being terribly mean and cold-hearted. However, becoming his maid, I found out his true soul in which no one else had found out before. Now, I like everything about him. His passion for soft things, his kind words and actions, even his hair! I grew to like everything about him and I still do. He rubs my hand often and I always can't help but laugh or giggle at his adorableness. He can also be serious at times when he needs to." I beam, proud of the person that (AHEM) is about to be my groom.

"Well, it looks like you know a lot about him, then. I've never known that he rubs people's hands. That's quite... er... charming." King Viktor half-smiles and I nod in agreement.

"No no, it really is charming! He has many of his own special charms."

"Can I ask if you guys have made any physical contact with each other other than holding hands or rubbing hands?"

"Oh! Uh... you mean as in... well... yes." My cheeks burn the color of red.

"Well? Can you describe it for me? Or is that too personal?" He chuckles.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel that that is too personal..." I wince.

"Oh, that's alright then. Well, I think this talk has shown me enough about what you feel about Kai, but I want to know more about you. Your family? If you don't mind?" His eyebrows raise.

"I'm sorry, I... I don't have a family."

"What? You're not a rebellious teenager, are you?"

"No, it's nothing like that. More of... my family passed away." I look down at my feet and I feel tears starting to burn.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry. I just assumed what was going on there." He sighs.

"It's okay. I had this happen a lot before, so I'm used to it." I chuckle sadly and then he stands up.

"I feel as if I've offended you in too many places. I've gotten to know you, so I'll let you go now." I stand up and and then bow.

"The marriage can happen."


THE END!!! HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY STORY!!!!! (Actually I really wanna write an after ending so.... ;p)

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