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"N- no."


"I'm sorry Prince Kai, but a no is a no." I stare at him sadly and he stares back.

"Hey! Where are the paper towels?! It looks like you ran out!" A voice cuts through the silent moment and I look towards the bathroom.

"It should be in the cabinet underneath the sink!" I reply loudly and then I see Prince Kai stand up.

"You should leave when she comes back out, Prince Kai." I stand up too. He just looks at the ground and then finally my friend comes back.

"It's late. You guys should get going," I tell her.

"I'll come back another day as soon as I can!" She nods and then the two of them take off, leaving me alone by myself.


Prince Kai is getting married! It's official! Please stay on our channel to watch the wedding live! The event is taking place in five minutes.

My eyes stay glued to my TV screen and I can't help but feel a slight bit if regret when I said no. But it's really true that a commoner like me shouldn't marry him. A series of ads come on and I reach for the TV remote. I'll definitely feel a lot of pain if I watch the wedding. I click the TV off and then stand up. Ok. Not only is Prince Kai's wedding in five minutes, but I have a job in five minutes too. I pick up my black bag of cleaning tools and then head out of my house.


"Oh my, Prince Kai and his bride-to-be look so perfect together!" The middle aged lady sighs romantically with her lips curled upwards (they're pink this time).

"Truly. They do look quite beautiful together." A middle aged man agrees. (Probably her husband.)

"What do you think, dear?" The middle aged woman turns to me and I face her.

"Me? Oh, they seem like a good couple." I shrug and go back to cleaning. PLeAse I'm purposely trying not to think about that! I even turned my body around so that I won't have to face the screen!!!

"That's what I think too! Oh, the wedding is starting!" She hushes everyone and then watches the screen. I can't look, I can't look, I can't look, I can't look, I can't look, I can't look...

"Oh finally, the pastor is reciting the lines! The bride says yes! Now it's the groom's turn..."

I can't hear, I can't hear, I can't hear, I can't hear, I can't hear, I can't hear, I can't hear, I can't hear.

"Hm? What is Prince Kai doing? Is this also planned for the wedding?" Confusion enters her words and I can't help but look at the screen in curiosity.

"Don't tell me he's running away! That's quite disgraceful!" The woman shames him and I can't help but feel relief flowing through my blood. But why in the world would he run off? And where would he run off to?

"Ma'am, I believe I'm done cleaning," I speak and her attention comes back to me.

"Oh dear, that was quite fast. But still as sparkly clean as ever! Here's your pay." She pats a $100 bill into my hand and I bow and leave. My body's moving on its own while my mind wanders, lost in its own thoughts. Where could Kai have gone to? Where could Kai have gone to? Where could Kai have gone to??? Pretty soon I'm in front of my house and my eyes aren't doing what they're supposed to do, so I bump into someone.

"P- Prince Kai?" I stutter.

"Please hurry. Open." He points to the door of my house and I scramble to quickly open it. I usher him inside and then lock the door. Then I turn back towards Kai and then take in his clothes. Pretty damn fancy with a white tux made out of silk and a light blue handkerchief tucked into a small pocket on the front of his suit.

"Why did you come here???" I look away from his clothes and then stare at him.

"I- I couldn't do it."

"That doesn't mean you can just run! Prince Kai, please go back to the wedding before anyone sees you here. People are already calling you disgraceful," I say worriedly.

"It's alright. I just need time." He sighs as he plops himself down onto the sofa. It's pretty sad to see him depressed like this. Maybe I should've just said yes.... Kai notices me staring.

"I'm so sorry. It's technically my fault you're like this right now." I sigh and look at him sideways.

"...It's alright. I didn't want to push you..." He coughs a bit. Dammit, I'm feeling a lot of regret from saying no. But I shouldn't be in his business anymore... GAHHHHHHHHH KILL MEEEE!!!

"Er... u- uh. Prince Kai?"

"Yes?" He looks at me.

"Is the uh... ............ ................................. marriage offer still available?" I squeeze my eyes and want to bonk my head against a wall.

"I think it's too late."

I sigh, nodding understandably.

"But I'm sure it's not impossible." He nods and then stands up and grabs my hand. "I need to hurry back. I want to tell everyone." He releases my hand and opens the door as fast as he can. Wait... did he say he needs to tell everyone? I'm so confused.... He's already running and soon he's only a dot in the distance. Christ, I think my question just changed the direction of my life.


THE END!!! HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY STORY!!!!! (Actually I really wanna write an after ending so.... ;p)

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