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I was talking to Mrs. Im the housekeeper who was actually Jennie's nanny when we were little but when Jennie decided that she didn't wanna come home during vacations my dad asked her to stay with Jen to take care of her.

 Mr. Oh was our driver/guard and Jen was super attached to him which is why he was also sent to take care of her. They were like parents to Jen. She loved them and they loved her. With them present I always knew she was well.

While Mrs. Im told me about how Jen was doing these days. Even though she hated me she was still my little sister and I would check on her everyday through either Mrs. Im or Mr. Oh. While we talked Jennie came downstairs and the boys introduced themselves. "Jen!" I called but she just snapped at me. 

I sighed and turned my attention to what she was saying to the boys. She seemed so serious, nothing like the Jen from 8 years ago. She looked so much older and so tired. I wanted to hug her, tell her that it was okay, her brother was here but I knew she wouldn't like that.

As she went up stairs I sighed and sat down on the couch. The boys were still looking at the stairs where she walked away. "Yah! She's still my sister. You're not allowed to like her." The boys chuckled and sat down around me. 

"Hyung! Why doesn't she like you?" Jimin asked. I shook my head "I don't know, when I left to start training we were very close but then one day when I went home to visit my dad told me that she had asked to move to boarding. She was 12 at that time. I tried to call her but she refused to talk to me. When I met her after 7 months on a weekend she just pushed me away and shouted that she hated me when I went to hug her."

 I could feel tears in my eyes when Mrs. Im put her hand on my shoulder "It's all going to get better Jin-ah. I'm sure that deep down she still loves you." That's when I broke down "When Noona? When is it gonna get better.It's been 8 years. Haven't you heard her? She hates me! She won't even look at me. 8 years Noona and she still treats me like I'm some stranger. I miss her Noona, I miss holding her, playing with her. I miss my dongesang" I sobbed as Noona hugged me and comforted me.

Once I had calmed down I took the boys to the third floor and showed them their rooms. This whole floor was customized for me just like the fourth floor was customized for Jen. The floor had three rooms.My room had a bunk bed along with my bed while the other two rooms had bunk beds only. Then there was a gaming room and a kitchen along with a small theater and a dance studio. The boys soon settled into the room when Noona called us downstairs for dinner.

When we got there Noona was taking Jennie's food upstairs. I sighed knowing that she wouldn't eat with me present. Mr. Oh had joined us for dinner as Jennie refused for him to have dinner in his quarters. "Anneyong Hyung!" "Anneyong Jin-ah" he smiled sadly "She still refuses to eat with you." I sighed "Don't worry Jin, it's gonna get better. You're here for 3 months she can't ignore you forever." Just then Noona came downstairs and we heard a glass shatter which made my head jerk. I was about to rush up to check on Jen when she came down stairs and headed for the door. "I'm going out Eonni!"

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