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I closed my bedroom door and slid down to the floor as I let all my tears out. Why did he have to do that? Everything would have been fine if he hadn't but he ruined it. Now it's too late. He made his decision and with that he ended our bond. 

She was right he was just trying to manipulate me. I wasn't going to fall for his tricks. Not again. He could smile or cry but I am never going to love him again.

After a bit I went out and stared at the different doors of my floor before entering my music room. My floor had a music room, a dance studio, a kitchen, a theater and an art room. I also had a  dark room for my photography. There were also two guest rooms. One with a bunk bed and the other with two single beds.

I entered the music room and started playing the piano. After a bit I found myself singing along to the tune of  'We The Kings'. Me and Jin used to sing this all the time while Appa would play the piano when we were kids. I could feel tears roll down my cheeks when the song ended. I sat there for a bit before Eonni knocked the door. 

She placed the food on the coffee table before turning to me "Jennie dear, how much longer is this going to go on. He's your brother. You could at least sit with him for dinner. The poor boy was crying just now." I looked at her for a bit "No. You know that I hate him. He did this himself. It was his choice,not mine. If you want to talk to me about him you can leave and he's NOT MY BROTHER!" 

She sighed before speaking up "Jen, he loves you. At least tell me what he did." That's when I couldn't take it any longer. "He doesn't love me. All he ever does is lie. If you're going to side with him you can leave!" I said coldly "Jen-" "LEAVE!" I shouted at her. I could see that she was hurt but I ignored it.

Eonni was like a mother to me. I loved her and I knew she was only thinking about me but I couldn't tell her the truth. If she knew she would hate him as well and I didn't want that.

After Eonni left I screamed in frustration and threw all the ornaments and pictures I kept on the fireplace. I then ran to my room and put on my shoes and took my purse and left my room. When I reached the bottom of the stairs Jin was there with Eonni. They must have heard the crash and came to check it. I rushed to the door before calling out "I'm going out Eonni!"

"Where are you going?" Jin asked. I didn't turn around and was about to walk out when Mr. Oh called me "Jen, be respectful!" I sighed before turning around "What?" I asked him. "It's late at least wait for hyung so he can take you." I sighed "I can take care of my self" "At least tell us where you're going." He says again. Now he's getting on my nerves 

"I told you I'm going out right? I don't have to tell you where. You're not my father!" "Yeah, but I am your brother." I snap at him "NO! YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHER! YOU STOPPED BEING MY BROTHER 8 YEARS AGO! I'VE BEEN PERFECTLY FINE WITHOUT YOU SO DON'T TRY TO BE ONE NOW!" I turn around and walk out to my car and drive away. I can feel tears well up in my eyes but I ignore it and reach the beach.

Once i reach the beach I get out and take off my shoes I stand in the ankle deep water looking at the stars as I let all my tears stream down. It hurt shouting at him like at that. I screamed and sat down on my knees as I screamed till my throat was raw and hurt. After sitting there for a bit I got up and headed home.

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