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For the next week I tried to get my shit back together. Alex had dumped all the alcohol, that I'd been hiding from my parents, down the toilet. They didn't see much of me anyways since I was always in my room. They had no clue how bad it had gotten.

I wanted to talk to Leo I just didn't know what to say to him. Should I trust him again? Should I believe he won't go crawling back to Sarah?

I'd go back to school tomorrow. I was terrified. I didn't wanna face Leo. I didn't even wanna look at him because, even though I was rightfully pissed at him, everything about him was a weakness to me.

I laid in my bed looking at my ceiling as Alex laid next to me also staring at the ceiling.
"You ever wonder how many universes with different us's there are?" She random said around the silence.
"Not really, but I'm thinking about it now." I laughed a bit at how random she could be.

"What do you think another version of you would be like?" She looked over at me and I averted my attention to her.
"She'd probably be super tall, because I'm short." Alex laughed at me, "shed most likely have like short hair and be super bitchy. I think she'd be my polar opposite, to be honest."

"You're already bitchy." Alex pointed out and I nodded.
"Good point."
"You should definitely cut your hair short, though." She studied my hair, "it would look seriously amazing on you."
"No, really?" I furrowed my brows at her.

"I wouldn't lie to you." She looked back at the ceiling.
"Will you help me?" She quickly looked back at me.
"Like actually?" She seemed excited.
"Duh. I think a change would be nice after so long." I shrugged.

"What if we did shoulder length to start and did some curtain bangs?"
"What the hell are curtain bangs?"
"I'll show you." She pulled out her phone and went to safari pulling up a picture.
"Yeah, see, I don't know. She has a different face shape than me. Plus, she's like ten times prettier."
"Shut the hell up. You'd look great." She argued.

"Let's do it then." I smiled and sat up.
"I need scissors, a towel, and a spray bottle." Alex sat up with me.
"On it." I got up and jogged out of the room and looked for the things Alex needed.

Leos POV:
After the night y/n and I fought about Sarah, I told her I couldn't go through with trying again with her. I also told her the honest truth. I don't love her. I never really did. Of course, because she was Sarah, she pulled the manipulative bullshit but she didn't get to me this time.

I have my heart set on someone. Someone I may have lost all chances with.

I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to make it right. But, I needed to let her come to me. She was pissed and she had every right. If I learned anything since I've known y/n it's that when she's angry, it's best to give her space. But it was killing me.

I knew that since she was staying with Alex, that Alex would do something about her obvious alcohol problem. Alex didn't like seeing her in pain, almost as much as me.

My mother waves her hand near my face, "earth to Leo."
"Sorry, what did you say?" My attention directs to her.
"I was asking you about y/n. How is she? She hasn't been around." She quizzes me and I feel my stomach turn.

"I don't know right now, actually. We had a big fight." I look down at my dinner plate which I hadn't eaten anything from.

"Why?" I feel her eyes pierce through me. At least that's how if felt. It was too much pressure.
"I forgot I'm supposed to meet a friend near the park down the street." I stood up, "thanks for dinner, ma." I got outside almost as fast as I could.

I didn't have anyone to meet I just didn't want to talk about what had happened. I knew my mother would shame me and I already felt like an asshole.

Readers POV:
"All done" Alex chirped.
I turned around to the mirror and my mouth dropped. I looked so much different. Sure, maybe it was a minor change but my hairs been the same since I was in second grade.

"What do you think?" Alex stood next to me.
"It's different." I stared at myself altered reflection.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" She turned her head to me.

"A good thing, I think." I continued to stare, "I'm just not used to it."
"I think it looks amazing." I looked at Alex who was smiling widely.

"Y/n! You have a visitor!" My mother yelled from downstairs and I looked at Alex confused.
Alex shrugged and I left the bathroom, making my way downstairs.

"Honey, your hair looks lovely. Tell Alex I said she did an amazing job." My mom held my shoulders and brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"Thanks, mom, I'll let her know. Who's here?" I was impatient.
"At the kitchen table." She pointed around the corner and I walked into the kitchen.

Leo sat at the table. As soon as I entered the kitchen, his eyes shot up. I felt my heart ache. I slowly sat down across from him.

"Can I talk to you?" He stares at me apologetically.
"Sure. Say what you have to say." I looked down at the table.
"I'm sorry, y/n. I never wanted to even consider trying things out with Sarah. Actually, after we had that fight I told her the truth."
I looked up from the table, "and what's that?"

"I don't love her. I never have. And I never will." He stared into my eyes. The blue around his pupil as captivating and pretty as always, "you may not have realized it but, the night at the drive in, you told me you loved me."

I knew what I'd said. I meant it.

"Mhm." I nodded.
"I love you, y/n. Not Sarah. Not anyone else. You. And I know I've probably blown my shot and you hate me by now but, even if I can never call you my girlfriend, Id rather call you my best friend again if nothing else."

"You realize, Leo, you're going to have to build up a lot of trust again." I caught myself looking down at his lips but quickly after looked back at his eyes.

"So is that a yes to being my best friend?" His face lit up.
"I'm not sure yet. I know I don't just want to be your best friend. Because if I had to go back to the way it was before, that constant waiting game to see if you still like me or not, I might rip my hair out." I stated honestly.

"Listen to me, y/n." Leo reached over the table and took my hand gently, "I promise that if you give me this last chance that I'll never hurt you like that again. Let me be your boyfriend and I'll show you I can be trust worthy again."

I felt my heart pounding. He was actually asking me to make it official.

A/n: Hey guys! So sorry this one took a bit to write! If any chapters take me a while it's because I've got a lot on my plate right now. I love you all though and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have an amazing day or night wherever you are in the world <3

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