24. Spending time

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Louis POV
I walk to the bed I want, in the hotel, and put my stuff on it. Niall and Kayla are staying at her apartment. Harry walks over and puts his stuff on the bed next to me. He hasn't lifted his head since we saw Gracie. Poor Haz. Poor gracie. Why can't the world just make something go right for him? I take off my clothes leaving on my boxers and climb into bed. I find myself drifting off to sleep.
I shot up out of bed to the sound of glass breaking. I look over and all the boys are climbing out of their beds too. Harry's bed is empty. We walk into the living room together to see the worst sight possible. Harry throwing plates on the ground breaking them into a thousand little pieces. I rush over to him as he picks up a vase and chucks it against the wall. He has tears streaming down his face. I look on the ground to see his phone, the screen cracked, and a picture of Gracie and him smiling on it. Oh Harry..... Liam runs over to him and wraps his arms around him.

"Calm down mate." Liam says, but Harry try's to pull out of his grip.

"LET ME GO!" He yells struggling.

"Harry it's okay." I say as I wrap my arms around him. I pull out of the hug. Harry falls onto the floor and puts his head in his hands, crying.

"Why? Why is this happening? She can't leave me." he says looking up at us.

"She's not going to Haz. She's strong." I say.

Harry's POV
(The next day)
I just look at her. Gracie. She's sleeping. I can't lose her. I have a month to spend. Only a month. I have to make the best of it.  I've decided to make this the best month of her life. So she's remembers me. forever.

"Hey.."she says as her eyes flutter open.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I say back kissing her forehead.

"I got you breakfast." I say holding out a plate of eggs, bacon, and home fries. Her favorite.

"Thanks. So what are we going to do today?" She asks taking the plate and starting to eat.

"I was thinking me and you go to the beach." I say.

"Sure. I'll have to go back to my house to get my bathing suit and stuff." She says getting up out of the bed.

"Ok." I said helping her stand up.

I wait for Gracie in the car. She's getting her stuff. I hear the door shut so I look over to see her walking towards the car. She's in a white sundress and I can see her pink bikini strap showing at the top. She opens the door and steps in the car.
"Okay I'm ready lets go!" She says.
"Okay." I start the car and pull out of the drive way.
I lead her down the beach, hand in hand. We get to the spot that I had set up for us. The plaid blanket laying on the sand.

"Can we swim?" Gracie says.

"Yes. Of course." I say back. She quickly takes off her dress and runs down to the water. She stops and Turns around to say something to me.

"Are you coming?"

"Yes." I say looking at her up and down. she looked hot in that bikini. The bright pink made her look really tan. I take off my shirt and run down to her on the sand. she grabs my hand and pulls me behind her into the water. The cold liquid hits my bare back.

"Harry." Gracie says as she comes closer to me.

"Yeah. " I say.

"Listen about the whole cancer thing-" I cut her off.

"Lets not talk about that. Your going to be fine."

"But I'm not."She says.

"Don't say that. Your going to be fine. You have to fight it. Please. For me?"I say back. She splashes me, and I splash her back. Pretty soon, we were in a full on splashing war.

"Ahhhh!" She yells trying to run away from me. She's laughing like crazy. I run over to her and wrap my arms around her. I feel her shivering.

"Your cold. Come on lets go." I say picking her up in my arms and walking to the shore. I sit her down on the blanket and wrap a towel around her.

"Thanks Harry."She says shivering.


We pull up to the Ice cream shoppe. I get out and run over to the other side of the car to open the door for Gracie.

"I love ice cream! Come on!" She yelled grabbing my hand and dragging me behind her.  She walked up to the stand and looks at the ice cream.

"I'll have a small Forbidden Chocolate please."She says. (a/n SHOUT OUT TO TAY!!!)

"The same for me too!" I pipe up.

"Ok. That will be 6 dollars please." The man says. I hand him a ten and say "keep the change." while walking out of the store. We walk down the street, and I see a park ahead.
"Race you to the swings!" Gracie shouted clearly thinking the same thing I am. I run behind her, trying to catch up. She was able to sit down in one before me.
"I win!" She yelled. I laughed in return. We swing for a bit. I feel something poke into my leg. I reach my hand in my pocket and pull it out. A black sharpie.
"Hey Gracie, can I see your foot for a minute." I don't give her time to answer I just grab her foot and put it on my lap. She laughs at me. I take off the cap of the marker and write forever on the toe of her converse. on the other toe I write always.
"Our love will be forever and always. I love you." I say to her. her eyes get watery and she starts to cry. My knees start shaking as I get even more nervous from what she's going to say next.
"Harry. I love you too."

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