23. Flying to America

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Harry's POV
I look out the airplane window, onlooking the endless fields of green. I feel tears stream down my face. I got the call from Emma. She seemed worried and sobs would escape her lips. I felt my heart break when she told me that Gracie was in the hospital. Apparently, She wasn't feeling very good for a while, and one day she passed out. I have to find out what's wrong with her? Is she gonna be okay? I feel more tears running down my face, at the thought of losing her. If she dies, I might just die with her.


Kayla's POV
"Hi!" I said running over to Emma after our long flight. She looked so different. Big red marks were on her cheeks and her eyes were red as well. I see Harry walk over to her and give her a friendly hug. She's looks at him with pure sorry in her expression. When they pull away she sees Louis standing at the gates at least fifteen feet away. Her face lights up and they run to each other. She jumps into his arms and he lifts her and spins her around in circle. Louis and her have gotten really close lately.
"I. Missed. You. So. Much."she said sobs in between. He rubs her back in a circular motion.
"Shhh..... don't cry. Your alright. Everything's gonna be alright."he said into her ear.
I turn to Niall and just stare in his big blue eyes. What if it wasn't alright? What if Gracie wasn't alright? What was wrong with her? Niall pulls me into a big hug and runs my back. I didn't even realize that I was crying until now. What's happening?
I'm snuggled up into Niall waiting for the news about Delia. The white walls and blinding lights surrounding me.

"Gracie Woods family please." A doctor says walking out of a room. Gracie's parents jump up and run over to him, us following. He leads us down the hall.

"So what's wrong? With her?" Harry asks nervously. The doctor stops in the middle of hall, and turns around to face us.

"I'm sorry to tell you this....but Gracie had been diagnosed with breast cancer it seems to be about two months ago. It came in very severe." He says those words and I feel my stomach turn. Harry's breathing gets heavy and he starts to cry. No. No, no, no. This can't be happening! Not Gracie! I can't lose her too! The doctor opens a door to reveal a small, fragile looking girl. Gracie. I could hear Harrys heavy breathing stop. Since, when as she been so small. The steady beating of a monitor is going off. She's okay.

"There's one more thing." he says "she only has a month left to live."
Those were the words I never wanted to hear.

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