Jim sat in the interrogation room as Lee talked to Rumer to see if she truly had forgotten. If she truly was different from the Rumer Mills that had a hand in almost destroying Gotham.
"Jim, may we have a word in the hall please." Lee asked, standing from her seat and sending a gentle smile Rumer's way as if she were telling her, 'wait till mommy comes back, I'm going to go talk to the big, scary cop about how good you are'.
Jim nodded inquisitively and followed Lee out of the room, keeping an eye on Rumer until the door closed. "So, how is she? Does it add up? Is she being honest?" Jim asked as soon as the door shut. Lee nodded, "She seems to literally be a different person. She doesn't remember anything before being with Theo. She even cried when we showed her the tape of her murdering Tabitha. Begged to talk to her mom and dad, who we had to explain were dead, which made her cry even more. Jim that girl is terrified, of herself if anything."
Jim nodded, "She may be a different person, but either way, she's a murderer. I have to send her up to Arkham." Lee wrinkled her eyebrows, "In Arkham? With Jerome, again? Isn't that how this all started? What if he kick starts something in her, reverses the whole process her mind took to get her where she is now?"
His eyes and body tired, Jim sighed heavily, "If she really is a different person,then she should react to him differently. Or at least that's what we're hoping for." He said as he opened the door, "Miss Mills, I'll be escorting you to Arkham." She nodded and stood from the table, following Jim, "It was lovely meet you Dr. Tompkins." Rumer said politely as she passed Lee, not before giving her a tight hug and a quiet take care.
As she got locked onto the van and the door closed before her red eyes, Rumer laughed. "Oh dear Lord, I'm better than I thought." She said to herself as she felt the van start to move. It wouldn't be long before they caught Jerome, and Ed was already decoding the message she'd left for him about Barbara's whereabouts so Penguin could be rid of her.
Despite Jerome's 'death', everything was going to go according to plan, falling right back into place like nothing changed. Rumer got comfortable and began singing to herself, "Everything goes, according to plan,"
Jerome sat in the rec cell by himself. Ever since he saw the video of Theo killing Rumer, he's been a monster. His wit and charm weren't able to cover up for his quick temper and ruthless attitude. He was toxic and poisoned everyone he saw. Whether he hit them or cornered them to the point of being terrified, they were poisoned.
No one could fix him. Not anyone living at least, and he made sure everyone knew that. Every last one of them.
Rumer spent her first day back getting her hair together. She was back in the eye of her public, she couldn't look a mess. Before her mother was murdered, she had told Rumer that the first thing you notice about a woman is her appearance. She could be wearing rags, but the way she composed and carried herself could make her look like a diamond. A queen. Words she had never forgotten.
Rumer cut the sides of her hair shorter, just so it was touching the middle of her ears rather than her shoulders - a cut her mother always wore - and dyed the black, blonde, so now her hair was blonde, pink, and thank the Lord, flat ironed again. She most definitely did not have the means in Arkham to wear her hair in it's natural state yet.
Rumer grabbed the hair gel in front of her - one product she could get quite easily in Arkham - and looked at the guard outside of her door, "Crazy how you don't get any of the good stuff until you're admitted into an asylum, huh?" She said gelling back her hair to add a look of power, of serious power for Jerome's first time seeing her in almost half of a year.
Rumer decided to make her debut a silent one. Jim was right about one thing, she was a different person. She was stronger, she was angrier, and definitely more dangerous. In her tight fitting jumpsuit and new white shoes, it was obvious to anyone who walked into Arkham and saw her that she ran the place. Which was exactly how she wanted it.
Jerome must have felt something in the air because he was kinder that day, sitting with people, making jokes even. He didn't really know why his bitter and black heart felt so good, but it made him think of Rumer, so he didn't fight it. Didn't complain one bit.
When all of the guys at his table stopped listening to what he was saying and looked behind him, Jerome turned to see what they were all looking at, irritated to see their attention go so quickly. When Jerome turned around to see what they were gawking at, he felt his jaw drop.
It was Rumer 3.0. Alive and in the flesh, and she had never looked so good.
Jerome was so happy he laughed into his smile, one that was making his eyes tight and his face hurt, he didn't care though. It was Rumer, his Rumer, and she was alive, and she was smiling.
As he watched Rumer walk toward the cell, the guards at her side like loyal soldiers, he thought of the first day he saw her. She had the same aura, smile, and sway in her step, but this time, she made her power known as the door was opened for her gently.
Jerome was so happy, he couldn't help himself. He got up and walked over to Rumer, pulling her into a kiss to make sure she was real. Rumer pulled away first and smiled at her laughing boyfriend, "Hey Kid. Ya miss me?" She asked as they walked back to the table, Jerome laughing, his eyes trained on their interlocked hands. The overlapping of his pale skin and her brown had never looked so good to him.
"I like it in here anyways." Rumer whispered to him as they sat down. As long as they were together again, they liked it anywhere.
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