You Can't Go

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Casey and Dawson were sitting in Kelly's room still waiting for news on Jessica. Kelly was starting to wake up again. Neither of them wanted to tell Severide that Jessica had been rushed back to surgery. He didn't need the added stress.

Kelly began to wipe the sleepiness out of his eyes. Once he was able to focus he look around to see Casey and Dawson. "Did something happen?"

"No man everything is all good." Casey was trying to keep his cool and not let Kelly know something was wrong. But he failed.

"Casey has anyone told you you are a terrible liar. " Casey became uncomfortable. He knew they would have to tell him now. "What is it? Is Jessica okay?"

"Severide... they had to rush her back to surgery. " Gabby knew Casey wouldn't be able to tell Kelly that something was wrong with Jessica. After all Matt was friends with Jessica as well.

"What happened?"

"Her brain was swelling they we're hoping  it would go away on its own but she bottomed out. They got her back and took her straight to surgery."

"I need to see her." Kelly was trying to get up out of bed.

Casey stood up to block Kelly from getting up. "Severide she's not back yet. Now lay back down."

Kelly wasn't happy but he laid back down. "How long have they been in surgery?"

Gabby looked down at her watch. "About 4 hours." Gabby could see Kelly's face fall. "It's going to be okay Severide. She's a fighter."

"I hope so Dawson." Kelly was laying down looking up at the ceiling. Thinking back on Jessica and his relationship. He knew he couldn't lose her. Not again. Kelly had started to cry.

There was a knock at Kelly's door. He quickly wiped his tears away before Dr. Ashton stepped in. "Hey Severide just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing?"

"Doing better."

"Is it easier for you to breath?" The doctors started to make notes in Kelly's charts.

"Yes. Better than the first time I woke up."

"Perfect." Dr. Ashton was still making notes in Kelly's chart.

It was eating Kelly alive. He had to ask. "How is Jessica?"

Dr. Ashton looked up from making notes in Kelly's charts. "Last I heard was the surgery went well and they should be bring her back up." Kelly breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll let you know when she is back in her room. She maybe unconscious for a while. Her brain needs to heal."

"Thank you."

"Anything for Jessica. Her and me use to go out and drink together when we were in med school. You know she mentioned you one night?"

Kelly's ears perked up. "What?"

"Yeah it was a while back and she was super drunk." Dr. Ashton was smiling at the memory.  "But all she kept saying was she needed to call Kel. That she needed to see him. I of course had no clue who she was talking about."

Kelly could feel his heart worming up. She hadn't forgotten about him. "Can you tell me about her time here? She doesn't talk about it."

Dr. Ashton put down Kelly's chart. "There is not much to tell. We went through med school together. I never liked her and Andrew together. He's a prick." Everyone chuckled. "I asked her the next day when she was sober who Kel was. I remember the look of pure shock on her face. I had to reassure her that Andrew didn't know. She then went on to talk about you and growing up in Chicago."

Kelly couldn't believe what he was hearing. He thought she left all of it behind and never looked back.

"She loves you very much Kelly. I could see it in her face when she began to tell me about you. I tried to convince her to go back to Chicago and find you but she wouldn't go."

"I love her very much as well. I couldn't believe she had come back for the reunion. I missed her so much. " Kelly was smiling as he talked about Jessica.

"I honestly believe Andrew abused her in some sense. I could never get concrete evidence. But the signs were there. I tried asking her once and she completely changed the subject. "

Kelly hated hearing that Jessica may have been abused while she was with Andrew. She had gone through so much in her life and to just ended up right back in a situation like that. It hurt him.

Matt asked the question everyone was thinking. "What do you mean by in some sense?"

"What I mean is most of the time I believe it was verbal abuse. Not sure if it ever turned physical. If it did she hid it well."

There was another knock at Kelly's door. A nurse stepped in and told Dr. Ashton that Jessica was back in her room. She thanked the nurse. "Let me go do an examine and then you can come see her?"

"Thank you"

"Just treat her right. She deserve some happiness." Dr. Ashton left the room to go do her examine of Jessica.

Kelly sat there in his bed thinking about everything. Think about how seeing Jessica after all this time and how all his old feelings came back. Even though nothing was official. He wasn't going to leave this hospital that way. He was getting his girl back.

Dr. Ashton came back in to Kelly's room with a wheelchair. Kelly was going to protest. "Hospital rules. Plus if something happened to you on my watch Jessica might kill me."

Kelly smiled and did as he was told. The four of them then made their way next door to Jessica's room. Dr. Ashton rolled kelly up to her bedside.

"They are keeping her sedated so her brain can heal. Neurology doesn't know how long they are going to keep her under for yet."

Kelly took Jessica's hand in his and gave it squeeze. He wanted her to know he was there. and that she wasn't alone.

"I'll give you guys some privacy." Dr. Ashton left the room. Leaving Kelly, Matt, and Gabby alone listening to the machines breathing for Jessica. Gabby was keeping a close eye on Jessica's heart rate.

"Jess... I'm here and I need you to stay here with me. You're my girl. I love you Jess." Kelly placed a kiss to the back of her hand.

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