Wake Up

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The neurologist kept Jessica in a coma like state for a couple days. Casey and Dawson had to go back to Chicago but told Kelly if he needed them they would fly right back.

There is a knock at Jessica's hospital door. "Yeah?" Dr. Ashton opens the door and steps in.

"Hey Kelly."

"Hey Dr. Ashton."

The doctor walked closer to Jessica's bedside. "So good news. Neurology has given us the green light to wake her up." A grin came over Kelly's face. He was ready for Jessica to wake up. To see her beautiful eyes again.

Dr. Ashton began the process of waking her up. "It shouldn't take very long. Press the nurses button when she comes around ."

"Thank You." Dr. Ashton left Jessica's hospital room. 

Kelly sat there watching Jessica. Waiting for her to open her eyes. Dr. Ashton had been correct it didn't take long. Within in an hour Jessica began to open her eyes.

"Jess?" Kelly was hoping he would soon hear her speak. See her beautiful eyes again.

"Hey Kel."

Kelly jumped to his feet and leaned over placing a kiss to her forehead. "I'm so happy to hear your voice." Kelly pressed the nurses button as instructed.

"What happened?"

"Andrew rigged the house up. The second you opened your closet door an explosion happened. You were thrown backwards. The house went up in flames in a matter of minutes."

Jessica sat there staring off into space. She couldn't believe Andrew had actually tried to kill her. But why?  Just because she broke up with him? None of it made sense to her.

Dr. Ashton knocked and enter Jessica's room. The doctor was happy to see Jessica awake. "Jess."

"Hey Brooke."

Brooke closed the door and walked over closer to Jessica. "You scared us for a little bit there. We didn't think you were going to make it."

"I'm full of surprises." Everyone in the room laughs. "When am I getting out of here?"

"As long as your test results come back good should be in a couple days."

"Thank you Brooke."

"Girl I've always got your back." The two women do a fist bump. "I'll come check on you again a bit later?"

"Sounds good." Brooke left Jessica's hospital room.  Jessica took a hold of Kelly's hand. "Kel?"

"I can't lose you Jess. Not again." Kelly was trying to contain his emotion.

"You didn't lose me Kelly. I'll always come back to you." Jessica squeezed his hand. Kelly started crying so Jessica moved over to allow Kelly to lay down with her. They both were holding on tight. Not wanting to let the other one go.

"Jess will you be my girl again?"

"I've always been your girl Kelly."

2 Months later

Kelly and Jessica had returned to Chicago. Kelly had gone back to work and Jessica had started to work at Chicago med. Andrew had been arrested and the amount of evidence against him was overwhelming. He was going away for a long time.

Kelly and Jessica were getting back into being a couple once again. It honestly amazed them how easy it was for them to fall back into their relationship. It was as if no time had passed.

Kelly and Jessica were curled up on the couch watching a black hawks game. There was a knock at their apartment door.

"It's open!"

The door came open and in walked Casey and Dawson. "Hey guys."

"Hey you two!"

Casey and Dawson took a seat on the loveseat. "How's the game so far?"

"Pretty boring." Jessica had finished her beer. "Kelly you want another beer?"

"Sure babe."

Jessica stood up and headed to the Kitchen. Dawson was following close behind her. Jessica pulls four beers out of the fridge.

"So how have things been between Kelly and You?"  Gabby began to open the beers.

"Honestly Gabby things have been absolutely wonderful." Jessica hadn't felt this happy since the first time she was with Kelly.  Jessica's face fell.

"What's wrong?"

"I just feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like something is going to happen and pull us apart again."

"Jessica if there is one thing I'm certain of is Kelly loves you. I haven't seen him this happy in years." Gabby grabbed her and Matt's beer and went to the living room.

Jessica couldn't help but smile. She grabbed the other beers and went back to the living room. Handing Kelly his before returning to her original spot in his arms.

The four of them enjoyed the rest of the game and drinking beers. Once the game had ended. Kelly walked Matt and Gabby to the door and said goodbye.

Jessica was sitting on the couch when Kelly came back into the living room. "Hey babe. You okay?" Kelly always knew when Jessica had something on her mind.

"Just overthinking."

Kelly took a seat next to her. "About?"

"Why do I always feel like something bad is going to happen? Like something is going to pull us apart again?"

Kelly wrapped an arm around Jessica and pulled her close to him. "Everything is going to be alright princess. We've got each other and nothing is going to change that."

"You promise?" Jessica felt so safe and warm in Kelly's arms.

"I promise." Kelly placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Let's go to bed."

Jessica nodded her head. The two of them then headed upstairs to what had now become their bedroom. They got ready for bed and then slipped under the covers and into each other's arms.

"I will always hold you close and I will not let anything pull us apart again."

Jessica was staring into Kelly's eyes. She could feel his love wrapping around her like a safe warm blanket.

Kelly placed his lips on hers. They shared a sweet but passionate kiss. When they separated Jessica felt this aching need. She needed to keep kissing Kelly.

Jessica placed her lips back on Kelly's. They began to make out and feel each other up. Kelly broke the kiss. "Jess are you sure?"

"Yes Kelly."

That was all Kelly needed to hear. they went back to their intense make out session. Kelly soon climbed on top of her. They needed each other. They wanted each other.

Their bodies soon became entangled with one another. And they stayed like this for the rest of the night.

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