New York

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Jessica was packing her bag to head back to Chicago for her high school reunion. She had left right after graduation to attend NYU. Her stomach was in knots just at the thought of going back to her hometown.

She was staring at her clothes in her walk-in closet trying to decide what to pack. She then felt a pair of arms snake around her waist. A kiss was then placed on her shoulder. She smiled and turned around to face the man she had met a few weeks after she arrived in New York.

Jessica was looking into the eyes of her fiancé. He had dark chocolate eyes and was a little taller than her. He had a smile that could capture any girls heart. Her heart still fluttered anytime he smiled at her.

"Hey beautiful." He placed a kiss to her forehead.

"Hello love." She relaxed into Andrew's arms feeling at home. Feeling safe.

"You ready to go?" Andy noticed her bag was still empty.

"Yeah I just can't decide what to bring to wear." Jessica pulled herself out of Andy's arms to look through her closet again.

"Babe it doesn't matter. All that matters is your happy. Who cares what any of them will think."

"Easy for you to say. Your mother wasn't a known druggie. You grew up in a loving 2 parent home." Jessica was getting irritated.

Andrew knew she got this way anytime Chicago got brought up. There had been plenty of times over the years when she was going to go back but chickened out at the last second. But this time he wasn't going to let that happen. He knew she needed to do this. She needed this to be able to move forward in her life.

Jessica has been stuck in this limbo ever since she came to New York. Andrew loved her and he was ready to marry her but every time he tried to get her to pick a date she would make some excuse or change her mind. This had been going on for about 5 years.

"Let me help." Andrew went and picked out her favorite pieces of clothing and helped her finish packing. "Come on we are going to miss our flight."

This man knew just what to do to make her feel better. He had put up with so much when it came to her and her emotions. She honestly didn't know how he hadn't up and left her. "Thanks Andy."

"You're welcome love."

Andrew grabbed their bags and loaded them into the car. They then headed to the airport to catch their flight for Chicago. Jessica was quiet for most of the trip. She was fighting her nerves and the urge to run back to New York.

Their flight landed in Chicago. Jessica stepped off the plane and took a deep breath. There was no turning back now. The two of them headed towards baggage claim and then got their rental.

They headed for their hotel to get settled in. The reunion wasn't till the following night so they had time to just sit at the hotel and relax.

Jessica knew she wasn't going to sleep well that night. She was prepared to toss and turn all night. Andrew had tried to stay awake with her but he soon fell asleep.

Jessica stared at her sleeping fiancé and just smiled. She knew how lucky she was.  They had a perfect life together. Andrew was a big time lawyer in New York. Jessica was one of the main doctors in the emergency room at New-York Presbyterian in lower Manhattan.

They had a beautiful home together and couldn't wait to start a family together. Jessica was just hoping coming back to Chicago wouldn't ruin everything she had worked so hard for. Or maybe it would be just what she needed to move forward.

Eventually at some point she became so tired that her body finally let her go to sleep. That night she dreamt of Kelly Severide. Someone she hadn't thought of in a long time.

Kelly and Jessica were together all through out high school. Everyone thought they were meant to be but as fate would have it Jessica left for school and Kelly broke up with her. He couldn't do the long distance thing.

Kelly entered the fire academy to follow his dreams. Jessica left and followed hers. Their lives were going in completely different direction. It took Jessica forever to accept that reality but she eventually did and was able to open her heart up to Andrew.

The next morning Jessica woke up to the smell of coffee being made. She stretched and sat up. Andrew entered the bedroom with two cups of coffee in his hands.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Andrew placed her coffee cup on the bedside table and placed a kiss to her forehead.

"Morning." Jessica picked up the coffee cup and took a sip. "Thank you."

"I know how you are when you don't have caffeine in the morning." The two of them laughed. Andrew took a seat on the bed. "So what do you want to do today? The reunion is not till this evening."

"Hm I could show you around Chicago. Show you all my old spots and where I grew up?"

Andrew was happy that she was opening up more and willing to show him her childhood. "Sounds wonderful."

The two of them finished their coffee and then got ready for the day. They then headed out so Jessica could show Andrew all of her favorite places in Chicago.


Jessica pulled into her old neighborhood. Not much had changed. Houses looked a little older but still the same. She pulled into the driveway of her old childhood home. She got out of the car and walked towards the house. Stopping to look at her childhood home.

She still owned the house. Her mother had passed 7 years ago due to a drug overdose. She hadn't set foot in the house since she left. She still paid for someone to come by and clean and mow the lawn. For some reason she couldn't just let the house go. Anytime she came close to selling it she would back out.

Andrew got out of the car and stood next to her. "Is this your childhood home?" Jessica just nodded her head. All the memories from inside that house came flooding back. Some good. Some not so good.


Jessica was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her name. She turned her head towards the voice to see April, one of her oldest friends walking towards her. "April?"

"Oh my gosh it is you!" April ran over and gave Jessica a hug. "It's so good to see you."

"It's good to see you too April." The two parted from their hug. "April this is my fiancé Andrew. Andrew this is one of my oldest friends April. We grew up together."

The two shook hands and said hello.

"So how long you in town for?"

"Just for the reunion."

"Well everyone has missed you so much. We were wondering if you would show or not."

"Everyone?" Jessica became a little uncomfortable at the thought of everyone wondering about her.

"Oh yeah. Matt, Heather, and even Kelly."

Jessica heart skipped a beat. Why would Kelly Severide care about how she was doing? After all he was the one who ended things.

"Well hey I have a shift at Chicago Med. But i'll see you two at the reunion?"

"Sure. See you tonight April." The three of them said goodbye and April left for her shift.

"Sounds like you still have people who care about you here."

"Yeah I guess so." Jessica got back in the car and Andrew followed.

The two of them finished going around Chicago visiting places. Jessica was pretty distracted thinking about Kelly. She kept trying to get him out of her head but she couldn't.

They eventually made their way back to the hotel to get ready for the reunion. Jessica's nerves were really starting to kick in. She was debating rather she should run or not. Seeing everyone again. Seeing all of the pain. She just didn't know if she was ready.

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