Lunch at 51

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Jessica had left the 21 precinct and was on her way to firehouse 51. Everything was finally perfect.

Jessica parked her car behind Kelly's and headed into the firehouse. All the trucks were on the apparatus floor.

Kelly was reading the paper not paying any attention. Jessica had motioned to the rest of the guys to be quiet. Jessica snuck up Kelly. "Gotcha!" She wrapped her arms around from behind.

"Jesus babe your gonna give me a heart attack. "

"I'm sorry." Jessica planted a kiss on Kelly's cheek. She then took a seat in one of the open chairs next to Kelly. "Babe you know all of that is on your phone. No one really reads they actual paper anymore."

"Well I don't like to look at a screen all day like someone I know whose phone seems to never leave her hand." Kelly was eyeing her from over his paper.

"It leaves my hand when we're having sex." Jessica just smirked at the lieutenant.

"Okay yep I'm out. I don't need to hear about your twos sex life." Capp got up and went inside the firehouse. Tony and Cruz both decided they would follow as well. Leaving Kelly and Jessica alone at the squad table.

"So what's for lunch?" Jessica puts her feet up on to Kelly's lap.

"Not sure. It's Matt's turn to cook. So whatever he's making." Kelly finally put the paper down and looked at Jessica and just smiled.


"Just happy. I never thought this would happen." Kelly was rubbing her legs since she was wearing shorts.

"Well I'm not going anywhere Kel. Your stuck with me."

Kelly moved her legs and pulled her over onto his lap. "Promise?"

"I promise Kelly." The two shared a quick kiss and the bells went off.

Truck 81 Squad 3 Ambulance 61 structure fire. 1255 Berch St

"Stay and wait for me?"

"Always." Jessica gave Kelly another kiss. She slipped off his lap and got up. Kelly ran to squad putting on his turnout gear. She stood there admiring the man she had know practically her whole life. How did she get this lucky?

The trucks were off to the fire so Jessica decided to go finish lunch so it was ready for them when they got back.


Jessica was just finishing setting everything out when she heard the trucks pull in. Soon they all walked inside the common room and saw the food was already done.

"Jess did you finish making lunch?"

"Maybe." Jessica just smiled at Matt.

Everyone started dishing out food and Jess walked over to Kelly. "How was the call?"

"Easy nothing exciting." He wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

Jessica kind of crunched up her nose. "you smell of smoke."

"Sorry comes with the job."

"It's okay. I kind of like it. Reminds me of the bonfire we went to when we were on spring break in California."

Kelly started thinking back on that trip and how amazing it was. They all had saved and worked so they could go somewhere nice for spring break. "That was an amazing trip."

"Yes it was." Jessica's phone started ringing. She looked at the caller ID and it was the hospital.

"You should probably answer that."

"Yeah probably." Jessica picked up the phone. "This Dr. Holbrook."

"Hey Dr. Holbrook I know it's your day off but Cristina is back and she won't see anyone but you."

"I'll be there in 30 minutes Maggie. Just get her in a room and I'll see what's going on."

"Will do. Soon you soon."

Jessica hung up her phone and put it back in her pocket. "I'm sorry babe but I have to go. A patient needs me."

"I understand. I'll see you later." The two exchanged a kiss and Jessica said bye to everyone. She then headed out to go to med.

Jessica parked her SUV and headed into the ED. "Hey Maggie. Tell Cristina I am here and I'll be over to see her in a minute."

"Will do Dr. Holbrook."

Jessica slipped into the doctors lounge to grab her coat. "Hey Will. Hey Natalie."

"Hey aren't you off today?"

"I was but Cristina came in and she won't see anyone but me." Jessica slipped on her coat and headed to find Christina.

She found her room and entered. "Hey Cristina what's going on?" Jessica took a seat next to her bed. They had formed a doctor patient friendship. See Cristina is what someone would call a sex worker. She goes to the bars and tries to find clients.

"I don't remember."

Jessica was confused. "What you mean you don't remember?"

"I went out last night and then woke up this morning in a strange hotel room. I don't know how I got there." Cristina was usually a tough girl but something about this broke her.

"Okay well let's run some test and see if you have anything in your system. But does anything else hurt?"

"The back of my head." Jessica got up and took a look.

"Yeah you have a pretty nasty gash on the back of your head. We will get you cleaned up and see if we can piece together last night."

Jessica went to make her leave. "Dr. Holbrook." Jessica stop to look back at Cristina. "I was with a friend last night but she wasn't with me this morning. And she's not answer my texts."

"What's you friends name?"

"Sarah Johnson."

"Okay I'll see what I can find out."

Jessica left Cristina's room and went to the nurses station. "April can you run Cristinas blood for every possible date rape drug we can test for? And can you clean up the wound on the back of her head?"

"Yeah sure. Is everything okay?"

"I don't know. She has no memory of last night. I gotta make a phone call." Jessica slipped back into the doctors lounge and pulled her phone out.

She scrolled through her phone till she stopped on Erin's name and tapped it.

Erin picked up within the first couple rings. "Hey Jess what's up?"

"Erin I have a patient in the ED that doesn't remember anything from last night. I think she was drugged and she has a nasty gash on the back of her head."

"Does she have long brown hair? And Hazel or green eyes?"

"Her hair is black and her eyes are green. But she was also with a friend last night and now she can't get ahold of her."

"Alright we will be right over."

"Thanks Erin." Jessica ended the phone call and took a seat on the couch. Waiting for the test results and for Erin to get there.

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