A New Case

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A/N in the process of trying to figure out where to go next with this story. I ended up starting another... When Was It Over is the title.


Jessica had the day off from the hospital so she was on her way to district 21 to meet up with Erin. Kelly was also on shift but she told him she might stop by later for lunch.

Jessica parked her Jeep Grand Cherokee and headed inside the precinct. "Hey Trudy!"

"Hey Jess. I'll buzz you up."


Trudy pressed a button and Jessica entered the gate making sure it closed behind her. She then went up the steps and into the bullpen of the intelligence unit.

Everyone was nose deep in paperwork when she arrived. They hadn't even noticed her arrival. Jessica went and stood in front of Erin's desk.

Erin felt a shadow overcast her so she looked up and to see Jess standing there. "Oh hey girl! I'm sorry we didn't hear you."

"It's okay."

Erin got up from her desk to give Jess a hug. "Alright so maybe introductions would be nice this time?"

"Yeah sounds good."

By this point everyone had noticed Jessica was there and were all looking at her. "Jess that is Jay, AL, Ruzek, and Atwater." Erin pointed to each member as she said their name. "Guys this is Jessica Holbrook. We've been best friends since we were toddlers."

Jessica shook each of there's hands. The last hand to shake was Ruzek. "Pleasure to meet Ms.Holbrook."

Erin let a laugh escape past her lips. "Ruzek turn it down a notch. She's Kelly Severide's girl." Ruzek cheeks turn a light pinkish red.

"Nice to meet you to Ruzek." Jessica shook his hand.

"Come on lets go see Hank." Jessica and Erin headed for Voight's office.

Jay clapped a hand on Ruzek's shoulder. "Nice try man." The rest of the guys couldn't help but laugh. They all then went back to doing what they were doing before Jessica showed up.

In Hanks Office

Erin closed the door and the girls took a seat in front of Hanks desk.

"You know the guys are teasing Ruzek now."

"I know." Erin was very proud of herself.

"What did Ruzek do?" Hank finally looked up from the file he was reading.

"Oh Ruzek turned on the charm when officially meeting Jessica. But I quickly cut him down and warned him that she was Kelly Severide's girl." Erin playfully hit Jessica in shoulder.

Hank was smiling. He was happy that both girls despite their upbringing had turned into such fine adults. "You two make me so proud. You have overcome so much and become amazing responsible women."

"Awe Hank." Both girls were touched. It wasn't very often Hank showed his sensitive side.

"So Jess how are things going with Kelly?" Hank wanted to make sure Kelly was treating her right.

"Everything is fine Hank. He treats me amazingly. It's honestly like we were never apart." Jessica was smiling from ear to ear talking about Kelly. She was finally feeling truly happy.

"You guys didn't run off and get married did you?" Erin was teasing Jessica.

"No. He's going to have to propose to me again. And it better not be that same ring. It's bad luck now." Jessica's phone started buzzing. It was Kelly texting her.

Kelly: Hey you stopping by for lunch?

Jessica: Yeah I am. Just at the 21st talking to Erin and Hank. Erin had to get onto Ruzek because he was trying to charm me lolz

Kelly: Ha ha ha....

Jessica: Your not jealous??

Kelly: Of Ruzek? Please. He just better know your mine and I'm never letting you go again... I Love You Jess. I always have and I always will.

Jessica: I love you too Kelly.

Jessica slipped her phone back into her pocket and joined in on Erin and Hanks conversation.

"... So this guy is spiking girls drinks and then luring them outside. He hits them over the head knocking them out and then takes him back to his place." Erin was talking to Hank about their new case.

"How many?"

"We've found 5 bodies so far."

Hank was sitting there quietly thinking trying to decided what their next move would be. "Get some surveillance from the bars he picked these girls up from. I want to know his every move."

Jessica knew if they were getting this involved in a case Erin was going to be busy the rest of the day. "Hey I'm going to head to 51. You guys seem pretty busy with this case."

Jessica got up and gave Hank and Erin a hug. "See ya kiddo. Tell Kelly if he hurts you no one will be able to find his body."

Jessica couldn't even laugh because she knew it was true. Hank Voight had his way of dealing with things. "Alright Hank I'll let him know."

Jessica then left Erin and Hank in the office and she headed for 51.

Once the office door closed. Erin and Hank continued their conversation. "Erin tell me about the victims?"

"He had a very specific type. Long hair. Usually a dark color. Eyes are usually a Hazel or a green color."

"So you mean Jess?" Hank had connected the dots and Erin began to connect them as well.


"Erin we may need a decoy. And she fits the type to a tee. I don't want to use her but I know she can hold her own if things get hairy."

"You sure Hank? She's been gone for quite awhile. She may not be the same." Erin didn't want to have to use Jess but the more she looked over the victims photos she could see what Hank was talking about.

"Those things are not something someone forgets. It's an instinct. If she's cornered she'll do whatever is necessary to get out of the situation."

"I'll talk to Jess but first let's exhaust all other options?" Erin was waiting for Hanks approval.

"alright but if we don't get something soon we may not have a choice."

"I'll get right on it Hank." Erin got up and left Hanks office and began working. Praying she wasn't going to have to have that conversation with Jessica and Kelly.

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