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Exams had already commenced in school. It was a morning paper  which was scheduled from 9 _11:30am. It was a3 credit unit course. Dr.Sharif sent Yasmin a goodwill message wishing her all the best in her exams.

    Hasssana& Hussaina's P.O.V
   They were already 23 years . They had finished their service.It was time for them to bring their suitors.

Hajiya& alhaji's p.0.v
  Since the twins already have suitors and they are trough with their NYSC  I think we should tell them to send their suitors so that we get to know them and finally have a mini introduction with the three families said Alhaji. Hajiya called out the twins   and told them what their father had said they both responded munji Ku. Alhaji and hajiya said Allah yemaku albarka.
    Yaasmin& sadiyas 's p.0.v
     They were heading home and they discussed how their exams went. Yasmin told her friend what is between she and Dr.Sharif .she told her friend to keep praying for the best.
Meanwhile  Dr.Sharif had to travel to see his sister he arrived at 4 pm . He immediately started his journey after he finished invigilating exams. He was so tired after he ate he went to the mosque. It was after  eesha'I prayers he had a discussion with his big sis and her husband. He told them about Yasmin .In the process of their discussion he showed them Yasmin's picture on his phone . His sister husband said ai saukiyazo Ashe abun nagida ne
   What does aunty Aisha's husband mean by saying abun na gida ne??
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