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At the campus ( B .U.K) , Yasmin and farida headed to their various department with their credentials .They were both screened successfully and had completed their registration. They were given matric number .It was already 11:00am ,Yasmin saw her departmental time table of her level at the entrance of there faculty .she hastened to go to the lecture hall to see if she can meet up since the lecture was scheduled for 11:30 am_12:30pm.As Yasmin was on her way to her class, she bummed into a tall fair handsome man .He looks like a man in his early 30s.The man was holding some books and text book which had fallen on the ground.Yasmin was rude to the man she said to him can't you watch were you are going? The man just looked at her smiled and he picked up his books while Yasmin hissed and left.Before Yasmin entered the lecture hall, she went to ease her self in the toilet .But before she could be in her class ,the lecturer was already in class.The lecturer's name is Dr.Sharif.Yasmin stood outside for 10 minutes hesitating to go into the class or not, she became bold and entered the lecture hall.All eyes were on her.The student in class were all astonished because Dr.Sharif is a man that does not like late coming to his class, he looked at her smiled and did not say anything he then continued his explanations.
Yasmin got a sit at the first three middle row of the hall.she sat with a Lady called Sadiya, since then they became friends . It was when she sat down that she realized it was the man she bumbbed into a while ago she said Oh! My God.Sadiya said what happen?Yasmine said I will explain to you after the class, while she was uttering a word, Dr.Sharif had eye contact with Yasmin and he said you young lady you came to my class late and you are making noise? I don't tolerate such rubbish said Dr .Sharif.He continued his lecture and then he gave out his handout to the class rep so that he can make photocopy and give the student.Submit my previous assignment he said, class has ended.

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