A/N: I recommend you to go make yourselves some tea
"And it's almost over, stanford is leading the race, only a few meters left and the crown will be their again this year!!!"
The man in the speakers was narrating the whole race excitedly, He was screaming his lungs out telling who was about to win
I was on the first row of bleachers jumping and screaming cheering for Noah, It was the Bay championship finals. He was killing it, like i knew he would. He was like a dolphin in the water.
"AND STANFORD TAKES WINS AGAIN THIS YEAR" most all of the bleachers cheer happily since the finals were being host in our campus. Noah won easily, reaching the end and the next one didn't reach it for a few couple of seconds.
Noah got out of the pool, with his amusingly short swim trunks and his spectacular body wet from the pool. i ran to him with a gatorade in my hand and a granola bar on the other, assuming he'd be both super thirsty and hungry
"Babyyyy" i screamed happily "You made it!!" I hand him the snacks and he smiled sweetly at me
"Thank you monkey" he said taking them and pecking my lips and i quickly scooted over to him.
"Baby, you're gonna get..." I didn't listen and hugged him anyways, getting my clothes all wet but i really didn't mind "... wet" he mumbled once i was already hugging him tightly and he chuckled hugging me back tightly since he noticed i didn't really care about getting wet.
A soft cough was heard from behind us and i pulled away, we both turned to where it came from and there was a middle aged man in a suit with a briefcase .
"Mr. Centineo" the man approached him and Noah shook his hand
"Mr. Collins" Noah greeted him and i was a little surprised that he knew him.
"I know what you said in our encounter last week, but i want you to know that our offer is still on the table" The man said carelessly, and i frowned when i didn't even know what he was talking about ,Noah would tell me something like this.
Noah looked at me for a split second, and then looked at the man "Thank you sir, It's great but I think my answer is still the same as last week" Noah formally replied and the man nodded
"That's a shame, but you can sleep on it, and take as much time as you want to think about it, you know Harvard will always have its doors open for such an amazing athlete like you" The man responded and took Noah's hands again shaking it
"it was a pleasure to see you swim, I really hope to see you next semester in our campus" Noah didn't say anything, just nodded and then the man left.
My mouth was dropped when i heard all of that, and i wanted to jump on Noah's hands out of excitement because he got what he had always dreamt of.
I squealed and took my his face in my hands "Babyyyyyy you made it" I said excited but Noah's face didn't seem nearly as happy as mine.
"I'll go get changed babe... wait for me so we can go home and watch a movie?" he asked scratching the back of his head and i didn't seem to understand why was he so chill about this.
"o..okay" i replied confused, but didn't put much thought to it, sitting on a bench and waiting for him to get dressed.
Wow... A Harvard scholarship, that's not something a normal person gets. He is such an amazing guy, and i'm so happy he can make his dreams come true like that, he deserves everything in the world.
When he came out of the dressing room, i ran to him and hugged him again, i was feeling very affectionate today. and he didn't seem to mind.
"Should we pick up some Thai food and go watch The vampire Terrible diaries?" He chuckled and i glared at him, he was drinking on the gatorade i just gave him.
"We can eat mexican, your favorite" I said excited " i mean you kind of deserve it, You WON the championship and got a scholarship to Harvard!!" I announced happily and noah started choking on his drink. Coughing his lungs out.
I patted on his back and he was recovering slowly "Valerie, i.." he started
"baby, it's okay, i know this is too much for a day, I'm so proud of you, noodles" I grinned and Noah sighed
"Let's just talk about this at your place" he said with a calm tone on his voice, I didn't even know why was he so calm about this and i was even happier than him.
i frowned and didn't say anything else, we got in his car to drive from the pools to my dorm, which wasn't so close as some other places in campus.
When we arrived, we both walked inside, and Noah collapsed on my bed, he must be exhausted for today and all of these weeks training. I can only imagine.
I walked to my bed and got on top of him sitting in his crotch, with my legs in either side of him, he was laying looking up at me
"hey.." he said looking up and placing his hand behind his head with a smile. "mind doing a little strip show for me?" he smirked and i giggled
"Anything for my Harvard boy" I joked but Noah's playful smile dropped . I frowned and he sighed
"Valerie... I'm not going to Harvard" He blurted out and my mouth fell in surprise
"wha... what?" i whispered "Are you crazy Noah?" I said frowning and he shook his head
"I don't want to go, babe" He whispered and i shook my head
"Why wouldn't you? It's the best university in america, Noah!!!" I said almost screaming,
"I know... but It's a little far away, don't you think?" He said with a little high pitch at the end of his sentence
"so?" I replied annoyed
"I umm.. I don't really want to leave the team, babe, they'd be devastated..." He said and i shook my head
"You can't stop going just for the team! You'll have a new team there, and they'll be super good at it and you'll make the school win!" I said not really getting why wouldn't he want to go
"Umm, It's also really cold up north baby, you know i'm a pussy when it gets cold" He whined and i glared at him
"I'll give you a blanket and a jacket " I replied and he sighed
"I don't want to go there anymore, Valerie, it's fine, I'm great here at Stanford." He cooly said, and i frowned again
"Why? This is your dream Noah, You can't give up your dream for the swimming team, or because the weather is cold, you can't give up your dream for anything" I encouraged him, i didn't want him to miss out on the opportunity.
"I kinda have other dreams too.... and they don't match" He whispered and i frowned i rolled my eyes and cupped his face in my hands
"Noodles, what could possibly be more important than going to the University of your dreams"
He gulped and sighed. he stayed silent for minutes and deep in thought.
"Noah? what could be more important than HARVARD?" I told him to get an answer from him
"you are, valerie..."
Cliffhanger much?
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