F O R T Y - E I G H T | P O V

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My head was spinning and i could barely form a sentence. how was i going to live with the fact that i was the reason why he wouldn't go to Harvard?

I was pacing back and forth in my dorm, not even knowing what to say, i think i was going to have a panic attack

"Are you out of your mind?" i could barely said looking at him, my eyes glistening for the mix of emotions in my head

He sighed and rubbed his face while sitting on the edge of the bed

"Let's just forget it and watch something, yes?" he said trying to let this all go, did he seriously think i'd let it go ?

"No Noah! you have to go to Harvard" I said upset, i didn't want to be the reason why he wouldn't go

"If i go there, It'll ruin what we have" He said looking down , not wanting to even look me in the eyes

"That's not true, we can... there are many couples that make Long distance relationships work!!!" i exclaim.

"It won't work Valerie, i can barely go 2 days without seeing you!" He snapped starting to get annoyed, well, i was pretty annoyed with him too

"We'll video chat, or whatever, I'll come in every chance i can get" I continue but he just shakes his head

"Yeah, until you fall for someone else, and dump me, how can i help it? i'm not going to be here to remind you why you should stay with me" He said in a sad voice

"You can't say no to the university of your dreams just for a girl Noah!" I finally let out the words that i was thinking about since he told me he wouldn't go.

"You are not JUST A GIRL... Is it so hard to understand that you're more important to me than a stupid university??" He screams back and i look at him shocked

"i... " i am lacking words to say "this is your future noah" i whisper "Your career will be with you for the rest of your life, you don't know if i will" I said sad, but trying to be realistic

"You don't see yourself with me in a couple of years?" He asks frowning looking at me, I wasn't even sure of what i was going to have for lunch tomorrow, and he asks me what we would be in a couple of years?

"I don't know Noah, and you don't either, what if we break up in a week and you regret not going for the rest of your life" I blurt out and then i realize how it would have sounded to him

"Jeeez... thanks for being so brutally honest with me Valerie" He said annoyed, he stood up from my bed and turned to the door and i held his hand and didn't let him go

"Babe" i whispered

"I thought you felt the same way about me, Valerie" He whispered sad, and i felt like the worst girlfriend in the world "Glad to know we're not on the same page"

"I love you Noah, that's why i can't let you give up your dreams" I answer quickly

"You are my dream, Valerie" He sighed shaking his head and pulled his hand away from mine "I think.. I think is better if i leave, the guys were going to eat something, i guess i can tag along..." He said with a frown and i stood up from bed

"Cmon Noah, we still need to talk this out" i said holding his hands and he sighed leaning down and giving me a kiss on the forehead

"I want to be alone" He whispered and i bit my lip letting go of his arms.

"You just said you'll go out with your friends, that's not exactly being alone" I said glaring a little bit at him

"Do you want me to say Out loud that i want to go cuz i don't feel like talking to you right now?" he said almost in a whisper but he sounded a little annoyed.

"please don't..." I murmured back and he sighed biting his lip trying to calm himself down

"Good night monkey, I love you" He stroked my cheek and pecked my lips, then he turned around leaving my room, leaving me there alone with my thoughts.


A/N: poor Noah :( and Valerie, what would you guys do if you were noah? would you go to harvard? what would you do if you were valerie? would you be mad at him for not going?

Such a fun chapter to write, i'm sorry it wasn't so long, i don't have much time nowadays because of my finals, give me 2 weeks and everything i'll do will be writing <3

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