seven; date

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you open your eyes to the bright beams of sunlight hitting the white sheets covering you. as you pull the covers midway off of you sit up and stretch, letting out some unsettling noises.

you grab your phone, going to check if you had any new notifications overnight.

(1 new notification - 30 seconds ago)
'bangchan: i'm going to the local coffee shop this morning if anyone wants to tag along or meet me there?'

you quickly swipe up and open your phone to view all replies.


im going to the local coffee shop this morning if anyone wants to tag along or meet me there?

me, jeongin, and changbin have to work on something in the studio today

i promised jeongin i would take him to the new shop opening up today

i can go, i'll ask hyunjin aswell because i'm home right now

ill go too. i just woke up so i might be a little late

okie dokie, see you guys in a bit


hyunjin was going? great. no seriously. you needed an excuse to talk to him, and hopefully loosen up his tight attitude towards you. maybe this was a chance to get closer?

you pulled the covers, this time, fully off of you as you got up to get ready.


brief footsteps approached the tall white door of the older males bedroom.

as the door creaked open, the view of the young australian boy came into the already-awake boys sight.

"morning hyung" the younger stepped fully into the room

"g'morning. what are you doing up so early lix?" the older questioned, knowing felix was usually the type to sleep in until about 10 or 11.

"well.." the younger trailed off

"i was thinking of meeting with chan at the coffee shop and was wondering if you would wanna tag along yeah?"

the older stood from his bed and placed his phone in his back pocket of the baggy jeans he was wearing, heading towards the younger to follow him outside.

"yeah, i'll come." the older stated.

he needed to get out of the house anyway. why not go on a nice coffee date with felix and bangchan?


after walking a while, hyunjin and felix finally reached their destination of the same coffee shop felix had met bliss at a few days ago.

they approach the door, felix holding it open for the older.

the smell of warm, toasty coffee fills the air as they both step in. looking around with their eyes, they scan the small shop to find chan.

"ah, over there hyung" the younger says to hyunjin, finally stopping his head direction when he lands on the oldest.

hyunjin turns his head to where felix is suddenly pointing, excited to see chan and catch up with what he's been doing today.

his happy face expression drops when he sees a shorter girl, holding a cup of coffee and giggling with chan.

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