eight; staring problem

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hyunjin just stood there, staring at the two, who had seemed to be laughing at a joke the oldest had made just now.

'what the hell is she doing here?' the older thought.

the younger starts to happily march away in their direction, leaving hyunjin standing there at the entrance doors.

'why is she here? no one told me that she would be here.'

the older was quickly entering a state of panic. after the dinner, he had planned not to see her again. obviously, that plan was already failing.

hyunjin slowly, and dreadfully walked over to the small group, where the young blonde boy was already motioning him to come over.


bangchan was surprisingly funny. you guys found that you had a lot of things in common with each other as well. you hadn't really talked that much at the dinner, but now that you were talking to him — alone.. it was really fun.

after trying to catch your breath from all of the laughing chan just caused you, you look up to see a happy felix skipping over to you guys at the window.

although you were happy to see felix, you really wanted hyunjin to come over.

"hi guys" the young blonde said.

"heyy felix, how's your morning?" you say, trying not to focus too hard on the tall boy far behind him.

"good." he said with a scrunched up smile.

you liked seeing the younger happy. he gave off a warm, glowy vibe that was hard not to be addicted to.

after a minute or two of listening to the two boys talking, there came a long pause between their sentences. you took this opportunity to ask about the quiet male just standing way back there, still at the door entrance alone.

"what's he doing back there?" you say.

felix shrugged. he felt bad for leaving to older all by himself, but he didn't quite know why the older stayed. he usually followed along anywhere felix went.

"tell him to come over here." you command. he looked kind of bored, and it confused you as to why he didn't just come over here and talk to you guys.

felix signaled the older to come over, and soon enough, he listened.

after a few minutes of talking to the others, felix and hyunjin eventually ordered and received some coffee.

hyunjin still hadn't really said much. you thought for a second, wondering what you could say to spark conversation.

"so.. what's everyone been doing today so far?" you say awkwardly.

"i was just bored when i woke up, so i wanted to get coffee and see if any of you guys wanted to come." the oldest said.

"i was just in my room. i was about to go on a walk, but i came here." felix said.

the group fell silent for a second.

"what about you hyunjin?" you say.

the blonde stared blankly at the ground; you could tell he was still unsure about engaging in conversation that you were involved in.

"just.. sitting in my room."

the boys stayed silent for a couple seconds, looking around the shop as people walked in and out.

you noticed everyone's steaming hot coffee still in their hands.

"let's take a picture with our coffee" you said.

you held out your cup while everyone else did the same as you lined up your camera frame with the 4 cups.

"cute. what's your snapchats so i can tag you?"

the 4 members gave you their snaps and you added & tagged them.

you guys talked for a little more, but everyone drank their coffee, and it was getting boring. after a while you each said your goodbyes and parted ways.

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