Chapter 1

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Eurydice grew up alone. She never knew her parents she was left on the doorstep of an orphanage with a flower and a note with her name written neatly on it. Eurydice Reyes. She knew she was different from everyone around her she would walk through the flower fields and it was like all the flowers would bloom as she walked by only to wilt once she's passed them. She also saw things the other kids couldn't. Things her teachers would always tell her weren't real.

When she turned thirteen one of those things came after her. It was a fury or at least that's what the satyr who showed up at the orphanage told her.

"We need to get you somewhere safe," He explains, "This is Luke, Annabeth, and Thalia. I'm Grover. We can help you, you just need to trust us."

"Ok." She responds wearily not sure why she trusts him, but she does. He takes her hand and they walk out of the orphanage breaking into a run when they hear a screech from behind them.

"We need to go now," Grover exclaims, running faster.

The five of them pick up the pace until they reach a wooded area.

"Camp should be right around here," Grover says pacing back and forth trying to figure out which way to go.

Just as he seemed to figure it out the group hears a loud roar from right behind them. They turn to see a fury running at them.

"Run!" Grover yells running towards the hill.

"We can't all make it!" Thalia calls out pulling out her sword, "You guys go!"

"Thalia!" Eurydice shouts, trying to stay back and help fight, but Luke is pulling her up the hill.

"No!" Eurydice screams when she watches the fury tear apart Thalia. The fury then notices the four left making a break for them. The four brace for it to hit them, but the fury is blocked by an invisible barrier.

"We made it," Grover let out a relieved sigh.

"Not all of us," Luke points out gesturing to where Thalia laid bleeding out.

With the fury still stalking the border there is nothing any of them can do to move to help her. In a flash of light all of a sudden Zeus himself shows up. He holds her daughter his hands glowing. The group watches in shock as he turns her into a tree in an attempt to save her life.

Zeus nods at the group before disappearing taking the fury with him.

Eurydice goes to run to Thalia, but Luke keeps his grip firm on her wrist shaking his head solemnly at her.

"I should go tell Mr. D and Chiron you're here," Grover hangs his head sadly walking off. The three half bloods left, stand shocked at the top of the hill, before deciding to head down into camp.

The first day sucked. Eurydice refused to leave Luke or Annabeth's side terrified that she would lose them too. She barely ate any of the food given to her that night opting to scrape most of it into the fire.

The next day, Luke was claimed. Son of Hermes. Annabeth followed shortly after. Daughter of Athena. Eurydice hoped that it would be any day before she was claimed, but as months passed she began to lose all hope.

Then the day finally came. Her and Luke were walking through the camps flower fields. They laid down in the grass weaving flower crowns and laughing with one another. That's when all of a sudden Eurydice felt a buzzing beneath her skin and suddenly the wind blew flower petals over her head forming the a pomegranate.

"Does that mean what I think it means?" Eurydice asks in shock.

"You were claimed!" Luke exclaims grabbing her around the waist lifting her up and spinning both of them laughing brightly.

"Put me down!" Eurydice giggles. Luke places her back on the ground.

The two stare at each other for a moment, before moving closer together. Their lips touch slowly and Eurydice melts into the kiss.

"I've wanted to do that for a while daughter of Persephone," Luke chuckles lowly pulling away.

"Me too son of Hermes," Eurydice smiles up at Luke.

Her face falls suddenly, "Oh my god! We can't tell Annabeth. She'll kill us."

Luke just laughs at the girls concern. He looks up at the sky before realizing the sun is starting to go down.

"We should get back to camp," Luke points out, "It's getting dark."

"Right." Eurydice frowns.

"Hey what's wrong?" Luke stops walking to face the girl.

"I've just gotten so used to staying in the Hermes cabin, and now I have to go stay in my own cabin." Eurydice confesses, "I don't like being alone."

"How about I stay with you tonight," Luke offers, "At least until you get used to it."

"I'd like that," Eurydice says softly placing a gentle kiss on Luke's lips before running towards camp, "Last one there has to give the other their dessert with dinner!"

"Cheater!" Luke calls racing after her.

It's been a few months since Eurydice was claimed and things have been great, her and Luke became official finally telling Annabeth who was surprisingly ok with it. Things had never been better for the two and then Luke got called on for a quest.

Eurydice begged him not to go, "Please, Luke. I can't lose you." She sobbed that whole night and Luke help her rocking her back and forth shushing her telling her everything would be okay.

The next morning he left. Eurydice wouldn't leave her cabin for days. Annabeth would bring her food at mealtimes and would stay with her some nights. She would try and talk with the blonde, but the blonde didn't have the energy to respond.

It went on like that for about a month. More and more of Eurydice's food would be left on the tray when Annabeth came to pick it up. Until one day it wasn't Annabeth who brought her the food.

"Eurydice?" A soft voice calls out. A voice that the girl recognizes in an instant.

"Luke," She tries to call out in response, but her voice is raspy from a month of no use.

"It's me Angel, I'm back." He whispers moving quickly over to her.

She stands weakly and he pulls her into a tight hug. They separate and her fingers trace his face. She notices the scar on his cheek running a finger over it.

"What happened," She whispers shakily.

"It doesn't matter," He responds resting his forehead against hers, "All that matters is that I'm here now. I'm not gonna leave you ever again."

"Promise," Eurydice asks shakily looking up at Luke.

He places a soft kiss to her forehead, wiping away her tears.


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