Two | Meeting New People

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The following days Maisie stayed inside with Hailey, she hoped that the days resting would be best, that she would get better without any repercussions, she wasn't so lucky, Hailey was still unwell, she wasn't getting better and that was scaring Maisie, she was scared about the possibility that she would have to drive a knife into her tiny skull, Maisie wondered if Hailey would even turn,

were babies infected?
Would she be alone if Hailey died?
Would she be expected to stab her sister in the head?

Maisie wasn't sure but she did know she wasn't prepared to lose her sister, she wasn't prepared to lose the only family she has left, yeah she had an uncle and a cousin somewhere but as she believed they are dead already, she couldn't remember where they even lived; she only met them a few times when she was little, her uncle was her dads twin and they we're almost identical and if Maisie was honest she doesn't think she has ever met her cousin. The teen knew her aunt was already dead, she's was dead way before the outbreak happened, her uncle and cousin weren't as lucky.
    Maisie often found herself wondering about people she knew before the fall of everything normal, her best friends Luna and Lily who were non-identical twins; Maisie knew Lily was probably dead by now, she was battling stage four bone cancer and was told she had 8 to 12 months to live, the family had been trying to make as many memories together. They even took Maisie out for days so she could make memories with her best friend.

Maisie thinks she'll be haunted by the memories of who she was, she was always a good girl with a heart of gold, she loved skateboarding and writing which she didn't let the apocalypse take from her, she'd always have her skateboard with her and a bag too, none of that changed, her love for skateboarding and writing only grew as the days turned into months. Skateboarding was quicker than walking too which was an added bonus seeing as she couldn't drive and even if she could she had no idea how to get gas to make the cars move, it's not like you can even go to a gas station now and even if you could go to a gas station and fill up the car Maisie still didn't know how to drive.
    The teen had driven a go-kart before but she always ended up crashing which ended with her breaking her leg, to this day she wasn't even sure how she managed to do that, she even crashed every ten seconds on Mario Kart Wii. It was safe to say Maisie was clumsy.

Maisie found herself sitting beside her sleeping sister with a book in her hands, she found said book a couple of weeks before she found the daycare and only now decided to start reading it. She was had packed everything up ready to leave the following morning, where she was going she wasn't sure but her aim was to find somewhere with adults who would hopefully know what to do with Hailey.
    Hailey had been asleep for a short while when she woke with a ear piercing cries, prompting the teen to put a random piece of plastic into the book to safe her page, she gently picked her sister up and started rocking her gently hoping the not dead wouldn't hear the younger Rose's cries however whatever Maisie did nothing would sooth her sister.

"Please Hailey, you're going to make yourself sick" Maisie said softly to the girl, her own emotions were hard to handle, she didn't want to cry but she was drained, scared and exhausted.
    Unsure what to do Maisie decided to try doing some singing, she remembered her mother singing nursery rhymes to Hailey when she was first born up until she sacrificed herself for them, the nursery rhymes always seemed to sooth the crying child but then she wasn't sick. "Row, row, row your vote gently down the stream" the teen began singing softly but still Hailey cried she even cried as Maisie heard glass smashing and movement, she felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest.

"Please Hailey, you have to be quiet" Maisie soothed worried that the people she heard were not good people, she didn't know what to expect. Holding Hailey close, Maisie flicked open her pocket knife and pressed her back firmly against the wall, her heart was racing as she tried to sooth Hailey and prepare to protect them both, whoever it was wasn't entering through the door, Maisie had already barricaded that to protect her and Hailey, plus the glass that she heard was a clear indication that a window has been smashed.

As Maggie climbed through the window she just smashed she heard crying, the place looked abandoned. Maisie was scared in a room off the main daycare. As the footsteps grew louder the crying also got louder, Maisie held her breath as the footsteps stopped, she heard breathing over Hailey's cry's and gripped her pocket knife tighter.
Daryl swung into the room his crossbow pointing at the Rose sisters saying "put your weapons down" Hailey's cries were all Maisie could hear as she held her pocket knife out, it wouldn't be much use against Daryl's crossbow but at least she was trying to protect her sister, the teens hands shook slightly, she was either going to get herself and Hailey killed or they would get out of this alive.

"Daryl they're just children" Maggie said as she realised Maisie and Hailey wouldn't harm them, well Maisie might but Maggie wouldn't know that.
"Where's your parents?" Maggie then asked taking a few steps closer to Maisie and Hailey which only made the teen take a few steps backwards away from the door. Quietly and carefully Maggie crouched down "I'm not going to hurt you. Neither will Daryl. Are either of you hurt?" Maggie asked, Maisie was skeptic, she didn't know if she could trust this woman.

"Our parents are dead. Neither of us are hurt but Hailey is poorly. What are you doing here?" Maisie asked probably asking a stupid question but she needed to know if they truly weren't out to hurt her. Maggie looked towards the sisters, Maisie was holding Hailey close to her, it was clear that Maisie was doing her best but it was also clear that she was in way over her head.
    "We came to look for baby supplies. One of our group needs them" Maggie said slowly, this reassured Maisie, she believed Maggie, she wasn't sure what it was about the brunette woman but she felt like she wouldn't lie to her. Maggie then asked Maisie "How long have you been alone?"

Maisie looked to Hailey, gently bouncing to try and stop her from crying, her pocket knife was still held firmly in her opposite hand. "Long enough" Maisie mumbled looking down "who are you two?" She then asked. Maggie introduced herself and Daryl making sure she took it slow with the teen not wanting to scare her any more.

    "I'm Maisie, this is my sister Hailey" Maisie finally loosened up and flicked her pocket knife up. "What's wrong with Hailey" Maggie asked softly, she could tell Maisie was struggling to sooth the child.

"I don't know. Shes not been well for a while, she's fussy, she won't exactly eat." Maisie paused shaking her head "I don't know why I'm telling you this"
    "Why don't you come back with us, to our group. I could get my dad to have a look at her" Maggie offered. Maisie looked towards Daryl, his crossbow no longer pointed at her and Hailey. The teen accepted the offer and packed up her things while Maggie and Daryl went searching for baby supplies.

"Hello Dinner" Daryl said after shooting a possum prompting Maggie to say "I'm not putting that in my bag" as she began searching in cupboards.. Maisie watched from the doorway her things were with her, Hailey was in the baby carrier and her skateboard was under her arm, Maisie couldn't believe she was going with two practical strangers back to their group all because she trusted Maggie.

Maisie was close behind Daryl and Maggie, skating along with a now sleeping Hailey in the carrier, they were heading towards a prison, the teen saw that there were some of the Not dead around but not many and their were fences, this place must be safe she thought.
    "Stay close" Maggie called behind to Maisie, that's all the teen had done. Once inside the prison grounds Maggie went straight to Maisie's side as she picked up her skateboard. Glenn noticed Maisie beside Maggie and almost immediately said "hi I'm Glenn" Maisie looked up to Maggie who gave her a reassuring nod, after all the bad people she has met since the apocalypse first began Maisie has became wary of new people so the nod she received from Maggie helped.

"I'm Maisie, this is my sister Hailey" Maisie introduced  herself and Hailey to the older man, she was relieved when Glenn didn't ask where parents were, she hated having to tell people that they were dead, she had to take care of her sister for months because of the Not dead. Hailey began stirring in her sleep making Maisie worry the girl would wake up and start crying again.
    "Maisie and Hailey are joining our group, I couldn't just leave them behind" Maggie explained briefly, Glenn noticed his girlfriend had a soft spot for the two children, Glenn made a mental note to ask Maggie about the girls parents later on.

Once inside the prison Maggie and Daryl went ahead with Maisie behind, her skateboard under her arm as she gently rubbed her sisters back so she stayed asleep, it didn't always work. Glenn quietly told Maisie everyone's names as they headed into the block. The grimes siblings were obvious to Maisie, they were looking lovingly to their baby sister, she remembered looking to Hailey the exact same way when her sister was born.

"Beth" Maggie said running down the steps into the block the group were staying in. Maisie felt like an outside, after all she was. A crying baby made it obvious that Maggie hadn't been lying about searching for supplies.

"How's she doing" Daryl asked, the baby was crying as he took her from Carl. Carl and Penelope were both trying to sooth their baby sister. Nobody really noticed that Maisie and Hailey were there not even as she was sticking beside Maggie. Daryl manages to sooth the baby as he feeds her a bottle.
    "She got a name yet?" Daryl asked the siblings, Maisie guessed the baby was a few days old at most, she could be wrong but she was certain that she was right, mostly because she didn't have a name yet.

"Not yet" Carl and Penelope answered together before Carl said "but I was thinking Sophia" Penelope shook her head, giving Maisie the vibe that she didn't want the baby to be called Sophia. Carl continued saying names until Daryl said "little Ass Kicker" to which I everyone laughed at, Maisie was meter and why he said that but she didn't say anything, she didn't few right to.
    "Everyone meet Maisie and Hailey. Maisie meet everyone" Maggie soon introduced everyone to the teen who smiled anxiously with a small wave. Maggie walked over to Hershel "dad, do think you could take a look at Hailey, Maisie said she hasn't been well for a couple of weeks" Maggie said to her father, Maisie nodded. "Want to put your things down for a moment? You can get a room after?" Maggie asked, Maisie wasn't sure, she'd only met these people and she's already gone too far with her trust and joined the two of them back to a prison, if felt strange thinking that she was in a prison.

"Okay" Maisie mumbled placing her skateboard down and her bags with it, the only bag she didn't put down was her bagpack, the bag which has her most prized possession, the photos of her mom and dad, her notebooks, the blue dinosaur stuffed animal she had since she was little and she also had Hailey's stuffed animal in there, she found it when they were on the road before their Mom died, its a dolphin, Maisie found it and thought it was cute and had to take it for Hailey.
    Maisie carefully took Hailey out of the carrier and placed her on a table so Hershel could check her over while Penelope and Carl came to greet the girl. "Hi, I'm Penelope everyone calls me Nellie and this freak is my little brother Carl" the taller girl smirked as she looked towards the boy who rolled his eyes "your only older by 3 minutes" he scoffed making Maisie giggle, Penelope smiled at the sound.

"I'm Maisie, sometimes people call me Mai. That little one there is my sister, Hailey" Maisie smiled to the siblings.
    "Your sister is cute" She then added to the siblings in front of her "she's only a few days old" Penelope said looking over to Daryl who was still holding the girl, Maisie hadn't been around other children in so long that she kind of forgotten how to socialise with them so she was relieved when Hershel was finished examining Hailey.

"Your sister is dehydrated, has she been drinking?" Hershel asked bringing Maisie's attention away from the Grimes twins, Maisie hadn't guessed that her sister was dehydrated but what was she supposed to do when she couldn't get her to eat or drink.
    "I've been trying to get her to drink but it's hard, she refuses to eat or drink and she's been throwing up a lot. I've tried to get her to drink. I really have but I don't know how to do any of this." Maisie said her voice cracking as she held back tears, she didn't want to cry, not in front of strangers, the teen fiddled with the locker around her neck, the one her mother and father gave her on her 11th birthday, she never took it off.

"It's okay. Nobody expects you to know what you're doing. Your only a child" Maggie points out but that didn't stop the teen from feeling guilty, her little sister could die because of her, it was all her fault, her dad dying, her mother sacrificing herself for them and now Hailey being poorly.
"It's all my fault" Maisie thought to herself as she continued to hold the tears back "what do we do now? How do I get her to drink?" She asked a frown planted firmly on her face.

"Why don't we try her on some formula? See if she'll drink that?" Penelope suggested, she wasn't sure if it would help but seeing as Hailey was still technically a baby she thought it might help Maisie on the other hand didn't know if her sister could have formula, up until their mother she was on breast milk. Hershel seemed to agree, Maisie went along with it, she didn't know if it was wrong or right and he was an adult after all so he must know what he's talking about.
    Hailey was reluctant to take the bottle from Maisie who had woke the girl up, this resulted in the teen stressing until Maggie tried, the child was still reluctant but eventually had some of the formula before she was asleep again and Maisie took her to choose a free cell and calling it a night, for the first time in months she was able to get some actual sleep even if she was still worrying about her little sister.

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