Bound to Rescue

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 On the Planet Florum, Jedi Padawans Axle Tinguard and Ahsoka Tano have been captured by Hondo's gang of pirates.

In the pirate's base they have Ahsoka in chains as the pirates mock and taunt her. "It would be wise if you would let us go." Ahsoka said furiously. "No, it would be unprofitable if I would let you go and why would I do something as short sided as that?" The pirate Captain answered. "If you don't let us go, you will wish you had been born a protocol droid." Ahsoka snapped. Hondo laughed, "Sometimes I do anyway. But you are really in no position to make threats young lady." Hondo taunted as he continued, "You look stressed. Thirsty?" Ahsoka tried to take a sip of the drink. Hondo pulled the cup back, "Sorry, but I don't like to share." As his pirate gang laughed. "You know, your Jedi friend has been causing me much trouble." Hondo snarcked. "What did you do to him?" Ahsoka yelled. "Well let me show you." Hondo waved his hand to a pirate who brought Axle's barely conscious body over to them. Cuts and bruises were everywhere. "AXLE!!!" Ahsoka yelled, trying to hold back her tears. "Perhaps I should show you what happens to people who try to put up a fight." Hondo grinned and told the other pirate to start beating Axle once again right in front of Ahsoka. She couldn't fight the tears as they streamed down her face. She cried harder every time the pirates landed a hit. Hondo noticed this and told the pirates to stop. Ahsoka couldn't keep her eyes off her partner. Hondo finally said something, "Ah, you two share a close relationship." Ahsoka just kept staring and crying at Axle's beaten body. "Oh, you have...feelings for him." Ahsoka still didn't take her eyes off Axle. "You two....are in love." Ahsoka then closed her eyes and cried to herself. "It is very very rare to find a Jedi in love. But now, we have two Jedi who are in love. And this will be even more profitable." Hondo laughed. "Chain him next to his lover." He ordered as he went to grab another drink.


Hondo gave Axle a bacta spray, but not enough for him to fully recover anytime soon. Ahsoka was starting to calm down as Axle was stabilizing. "The Republic will not pay a ransom and the Separatists can be trusted." Ahsoka informed Hondo. "They'll betray you and kill us all." She finished. Hondo rubbed his forehead, "Yes I know this. The Separatists are no friends of mine. Don't ask me why, but Dooku holds such a grudge against me since our little, I held him hostage affair. The truth is, I have my sights set on more nefarious criminals then I. A business man who would pay handsomely for a Jedi let alone two. And even more when they find out that these two Jedi are in love. Say isn't it against your code to have attachments? No matter. It gives me money." "You don't scare me Hondo." Ahsoka replied. Some of the pirates started to chuckle. "Oh by the way, they don't care if you're dead or alive. I mean I prefer alive. Less messy, but I find my mood so changeable these days." Hondo laughed, mocking Axle's previous statement. Ahsoka closed her eyes and turned away from the pirate. She turned her head over and continued to stare at Axle who was still asleep.


Soon, A circus arrived at the pirate stronghold. Hondo and his gang went out to see the show and dragged Ahsoka and Axle, now conscious, out with them. "Where are my Jedi? I would hate for them to miss the show." Hondo Mocked. They brought Ahsoka and Axle next to the pirate Capitan. Hondo then went to address the two, "Call this special You two look like you haven't gone on a date yet, have you young lovers?" The younglings overheard this and then looked at each other. They couldn't focus on that right now.

Once the show started, the younglings ran out to their positions. Ahsoka noticed this. "Oh no." She said concerningly. Axle was conscious, but still had a little trouble focusing. "What?" He asked. Ahsoka pointed her head over to the disguised younglings. "Oh, This should be interesting." He jokes. The younglings start their tricks to distract the pirates as Katudy snuck over to Hondo from behind and stole back the Padawans lightsabers. She then snuck over to Ahsoka and Axle. "You guys shouldn't be here." Ahsoka whispered. "Why aren't you back at Coruscant?" Axle asked. "Don't worry we have a plan." Katudy responded. "I think." She stuttered. Axle looked over to Ahsoka who was already looking back at him with concern. 

Once Hondo crashed into some boxes, Katudy used the lightsabers to free the two Padawans. They ran to the others. The pirates recognized the younglings and started to open fire. Axle now was able to focus more and with the help of Ahsoka, deflected the incoming blaster bolts. The younglings also tried their best to help as well. They commandeered a pirate tank and started their escape. "GET US OUTTA HERE!!!" Ahsoka ordered. "GET BELOW!!! AHSOKA AND I CAN DEFEND UP HERE!!!" Axle added as the younglings did as instructed. They sped off as the pirates started their pursuit.


After a while, the younglings came up top to check on their two shopaarons. "How are you feeling?" Katudy asked. "Better now. Axle are you ok? Are you still hurt?" Ahsoka asked, trying to help heal the rest of his wounds. Axle giggled and sighed, "Ahsoka, I'm fine, calm down. You did everything you could." Ahsoka brought him into a tight hug. "I'm never letting someone do that to you ever again." She said as a few more tears fell from her face. "So are we just gonna ignore the fact that Hondo called you lovers?" Zat questioned. "Yes you are. You better keep your mouth shut." Axle replied very seriously. "Don't worry. We owe you for risking your lives." Petro said. "I could pretend to be angry, but you save us both. Thank you." Ahsoka said. "Yea, but would it have killed you to come crashing down the door before I was beaten half to death?" Axle jokes. All of them chuckled. "You still need more bacta if you are going to fully recover." Ahsoka explains, holding Axle's hand. "We may have some on the ship." Katudy said. "We still disobeyed orders." Petro said sadly. "Well I learned from my Master that sometimes doing the right thing, means bending the rules." Ahsoka informed the younglings. "Yea, and the council still needs to realize that." Axle nodded. Ahsoka nodded back as they all headed for their ship. 

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