3RD Person
After the younglings rescued Ahsoka and Axle, they rushed back to their ship with the pirates in hot pursuit.
While Petro scouted behind them, Ahsoka wrapped some bandages that they found in the tank's medical kit around Axle's injuries. "If I see Hondo again, I'm gonna return the favor." He grunted. "You need to save your strength. We have to get him a bacta patch soon or he might get infected." Ahsoka said. "Don't worry we're almost to the ship." Zat answered from below. "Wait. So is it true? Are you two...in a relationship?" Petro asked. Axle and Ahsoka looked at each other. If the rest of the order found out, they'd be expelled from their Jedi life. They continued to stare at each other with worry. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with us." Petro said, smiling and looking at the other younglings. Axle and Ahsoka smiled at each other. "How long have you been.....together?" Katudy asked. "About a year." Ahsoka answered. "Did you guys...you know....mate?" Petro questioned. "We are not answering that." Axle rolled his eyes. "Are you gonna have a baby?" Katudy asked. "No." Ahsoka and Axle both said, starting to get annoyed. "That's enough questions for now." Axle sighed.
Just then, Pirates started to fire at the tank. Ahsoka and Axle got below and grabbed the controls. Ahsoka drove faster and Axle got on the rear cannons. He blasted the tank down, but another tank fired and destroyed the cannon. Axle flung back from the hit and slammed on the metal floor. Zat grabbed the controls and Ahsoka lifted Axle. "Why am I the only one getting hurt?" He groaned as Ahsoka picked him up. The tank continued to damage their speeder.
Petro called Ganodi to pick them up. The ship started to lower down. The younglings on the tank went up top. "Is there an autopilot on this thing?" Axle asked Ahsoka. "No. Give me one of those masks." Ahsoka said. Axle gave her a mask and she used it to stabilize the controls. "That'll have to do." Ahsoka says. "Come on, let's go." Axle said and jumped up top. When Ahsoka got top side, Axle was already blocking the blaster bolts away. She joined him. "Younglings, get on the ship now!" Axle ordered. The younglings did as they were told and tried to jump onto the ship's ramp. One of the blaster bolts hit the tank and the steering came undone. Petro went back below and fixed the mask. The tank relined with the ship's course. Axle and Ahsoka continued to defend as best they could. The tank was heading right for a cliff. The younglings tried to climb onto the ship. Petro steered away from the cliff and the ship flew overhead. It came back around while Ganodi tried her best to pull her peers onboard. "HURRY UP!!!" Axle yelled as the tank took more hits. The pirates then aimed at the ship's engines and damaged the central controls causing it to self-destruct. Ahsoka noticed it and contacted R2 who was still in the cockpit. "R2 GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!!" The droid rolled as fast as he could to the landing platform. "GET OFF THE SHIP NOW!!!" Axle yelled to the younglings. "LET GO!!!" Ahsoka added. The younglings let go and R2 fell off the ship. Professor Juang managed to get off as well. It crashed sending the tank smashing onto the ground flinging everyone off. Ahsoka and Axle's lightsabers fell out of their hands. The pirates walked over to the Jedi and cuffed them. "Nice try little Jedi, but it looks like you'll be coming with us." One of the pirates taunted, making the rest of his gang laugh.
The pirates loaded the Jedi on their tank and brought them back to the stronghold, but were stopped by the sight of Separatist droids attacking the base. "What the...? Droids? It's an invasion!" One of the pirates acknowledged. Grievous then appeared from his assault ship and walked toward Hondo.
"This isn't good. Those droids are looting the place. They're dismantling our ships." The pirate says in anger. "The fact that Grievous is here with his entire fleet, means that Master Kenobi must have been overrun." Ahsoka realizes. "This entire system is under Separatist control." Axle added. "What should we do? There's nowhere to run." Katudy asked. "You're not running anywhere. You're still my prisoners." The pirate goes on, "Maybe I can exchange you for my freedom." "Don't count on it." Axle warns "Not likely. Grievous didn't come here to make deals. He already controls the planet and this system. If you hand us over to him, he'll kill us and then you." Ahsoka says to the pirates. "We have a common enemy in Grievous. Together we can get out of this." Axle proposed. "You must have some ships somewhere. You are pirates after all." Ahsoka asked. "Hondo's got a private fleet, but only he knows where it is." The pirate informed. "Then we'll have to rescue him." Ahsoka proposed. "Great. Then I get the chance to pubble him." Axle jokes and continued, "I know Grievous." "And I know droids. With our help you stand a better chance." Ahsoka finished his sentence. The Pirates thought about it.
All of a sudden Axle started to choke and gag. Ahsoka tried to free herself. Axle collapsed. The younglings watched in horror as Axle kept choking in pain. "FREE US NOW!!! WE HAVE TO HELP HIM!!!" Ahsoka yelled. One of the pirates walked over to her strangled in her cuffs. The pirate aimed at the cuffs and blasted them off. "You got yourself a deal, Jedi." The pirate grunted. Ahsoka grabbed Axle who was running out of air. "WE NEED BACTA!!! ANYONE HAVE BACTA!!!" Ahsoka stared at the pirates. One of them pulled out a med-pack which contained bacta spray. Ahsoka grabbed it and sprayed it over Axle's wounds which started to heal and he started to breathe again. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* "That was not pleasant," Axle responded as Ahsoka hugged him again. "Alright you two love-burgs now help us get the Captain back." The pirate demanded. "Let's go." Petro nodded.
R2 distracted the guard droids with a tank as the others snuck passed them. Ahsoka and Axle took out the Guards outside Hondo's cell. And walked in. "Jedi. And here I thought you made your escape no?" Hondo said. "No. There were complications" Ahsoka said. "You're lucky we came back." Axle mocked. "Well it looks like you are on your feet again." Hondo says. "No thanks to you." Axle responded. "Now we have to put our differences aside and be friends or else we're all gonna die here." Ahsoka informed him. "Very diplomatic. I know you didn't come back to rescue Hondo out of the goodness of your hearts." "Yea...Not even close." Axle said angrily. "You need something from me." Hondo finished. "A ship to be specific." Katudy answered. "Ah a ship a ship. But where would we find one of those. My new friend General Grievous destroyed my ships." Hondo sighed. Petro spoke up, "We know you have one, a whole pirate fleet." "And one of my old friends has probably been talking too much." Hondo yelled. "Ah, what does it matter anyway. Grievous's army is way too big." He finished. Petro again spoke up. "Don't give up. We can fight." "Well then, show me. Show me your swords tiny Jedi. Show me you are ready to fight." Hondo asked. The Younglings ignited their sabers except Katudy who hadn't finished hers. "This is worth the price of a ship. To see first hand, the construction of a Jedi lightsaber." Hondo encouraged Katudy to finish her blade. "Amazing. Now cut me free, young Jedi." Katudy cut down Hondo's restraints. "Alright, let's put up a fight." Hondo smiled. "One more thing." Axle said putting his hand on Hondo's shoulder. He rammed his fist fight up Hondo's gut and force pushed him into a wall. "Now, we can go." Axle relaxed as he left the room. Ahsoka walked up to Hondo who was struggling to stand up. "I'm surprised he's not angry with you." She taunted. "Wait, wait, wait.....That wasn't his angry side?" Hondo asked in surprise. "Nope." Ahsoka smirked at him and turned around to follow Axle. "Right then, let's free the rest of my men." Hondo nodded as he ran out of the cell followed by the younglings.
The Jedi and pirates started to destroy the droids. All of a sudden, the building started to crack and fall. "Grievous is bringing the building down. We have to get out of here!" Axle yelled. They all headed for the exit, but when they got there, the droids started to open fire. Axle and Ahsoka lead the group deflecting the bolts back at the droids. "TAKE EM!!!" Axle yelled as he and Ahsoka slammed into the droid army, cutting down as many droids as they could. The pirates lead the way to the speeders with the Jedi quickly behind them. Katudy got on a speeder bike with Hondo and the rest of the younglings got on a tank. Axle and Ahsoka backflipped onto the tank as it sped away from the droids. Grievous chased them with his speeder droids. Debris from the blaster fire hitting the rocks caused the younglings to change course. "DRIVE FASTER!!!" Axle yelled as he continued to block lasers. Grievous came to the side of the tank "TINGUARD!!!" Grievous laughed as he engaged. "YOUNGLINGS GET TO THE FRONT OF THE SPEEDER!!!" Axle ordered them as he kept parrying Grievous's strikes. Ahsoka helped him as best she could. She knew Axle was a better fighter, but since he was still injured, he couldn't fend off Grievous. The cyborg then jumped on the tank and attacked the two Padawans. With the instruction of Professor Juang and the Skill of R2, they shook the tank, making Grievous fall off, but ended up crashing.
The younglings slowly recovered, and Axle helped Ahsoka up. Grievous crawled over to them. The younglings ignited their sabers, Axle and Ahsoka went into a guard position blocking the younglings from Grievous's reach. "So many lightsabers to add to my collection." He taunted. "RUN!!!" Axle screamed. "ALL OF YOU RUN!!!" Ahsoka repeated. The two Padawans ignited their blades and blocked the clanka's attacks. Hondo arrived with his ship and the younglings jumped on.
After fighting Grievous for a while, Axle and Ahsoka were pushed back to the cliff. "AHSOKA, GO! I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!!" Axle yells to her. "BUT YOUR NOT FULLY HEALED!!!" She shouted back. "TRUST ME NOW GO!!!" He ordered. With hesitation, Ahsoka jumped onto the ship.
"ALRIGHT YOU OVERGROWN CLANKA, YOU WANT MY SABER? I CAN'T BLAME YOU. IT'S REALLY COOL!!!" Axle jokes which makes Grievous even more angry. The robot attacks, but Axle starts to take the upper hand. The others watched in amazement as Axle single handedly took on Grievous. After parrying the general's attacks, Axle kicked him in the guts, spun around and used a force light shock wave on the cyborg which sent him flying into the rocks. Grievous slowly got up and looked at Axle who stood proud over him. Then, more droids appeared. Axle then smiled at the General and backflipped onto the ship and they escaped.
"That was amazing!!! How did you do that?" The younglings kept asking questions. Axle simply said, "I learned from my Master that you must be prepared for any enemy you might face. Gain experience from each battle. This will help you improve." Ahsoka walked over to Axle and gave him a final dose of bacta. "Now all you need is some bandages and you're good." She notified him. "So, what is my payment for rescuing you? And of course if you don't want me to say anything about your relationship to the Jedi, that will cost extra." Hondo said. "First of all, we rescued you and I didn't kill you. So there's your payment for our rescue. And none of this would have happened if you hadn't attacked us." Axle answered. "Yes, yes, yes. But I will still need payment if you want me to keep you two a secret." Hondo responded. "Fine. We'll arrange payment." Ahsoka answered. "Very good. Now I have one question. Did you two ever mate?" Hondo asked. Axle and Ahsoka stood there in disgust while the younglings laughed.
They soon later rondevu with Master Kenobi. After Hondo left, Master Kenobi approached the group, "Ahsoka, Axle It's good to see you're all safe." "Yes Master. We had quite an eventful mission." Ahsoka says. "Does this mean we can relax now?" Axle jokes which made everyone laugh. Master Kenobi then addressed the younglings. "You have survived an ordeal few your age could. And with the brilliant leadership of Ahsoka and Axle, I believe you two are close to knighthood." Axle and Ahsoka looked at each other and smiled. Master Kenobi then ignited his blade. "Welcome home, young Jedi." He announced as the younglings, Axle and Ahsoka ignited their blades and pointed them a circle.
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