The Library

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Tw: Just a bit of violence

A/n: ...The Figure might be my favorite, yet here I am writing a Seek x Reader...

Love you all platonically~

Word Count: 2059


The two of you had made it past quite a few doors and Seek turned out to be very helpful. He had pointed out when the lights flickered, helped find lighter replacements, found keys for you, and was able to keep the mood up through little jokes and riddles.

Your pace slowed when you came across a large double doorway, Seek noticed your change in demeanor and slowed down to prevent from dragging you forward. The black entity turned toward you, taking his hand away from your own. Kneeling down he began to prod for answers. "What's the problem?" Seek asked, tilting his head to convey his confusion.

"That door is different; doesn't that mean like... Doesn't that mean it's something different?" You asked confused, swaying from side to side as you eyed the door suspiciously. Seek looked over his shoulder before realizing what exactly you were asking.

"This door is the entrance to Figure's library." Explained Seek who stood back up to his full height. "I suppose you haven't been here, have you?" Seek questioned to himself, tapping his chin as he thought.

Waiting patiently the monster finally turned back to you, an answer on his mind. "This is probably going to be the one and only time you see Figure, he is... trapped within the library. For his own sake of course, we aren't that mean." Seek now looked nervous to continue on, whether it was for your safety, or for his own sanity you did not know.

"Look, I won't be able to help you all too much, a simple distraction at most. This all relies on you, got it?" Seek explained, poking you in the chest with his pinky finger as if to prove his point of urgence.

You didn't even feel important, you just felt stressed. You didn't know who 'Figure' was, or how you were supposed to beat them. It was just anxiety inducing if anything. "What do I have to do while you distract them?" You asked, shifting from foot to foot in nervous contempt.

"That is important, isn't it? Ok, there are 8 books, 6 of them are actually going to be useful. There will be a paper on the desk that is coded with the books. Each shape represents a number, the number will be used to unlock a padlock that secures the next door. Got it?" 

As soon as Seek finished explaining you heard a loud roar, it started off as a deep rumble before spiking into a high-pitched scream. It quieted but a few seconds later you could hear soft growls. That was enough clue for you to know that there was something in there.

Nodding slowly, you took into account about what you were agreeing to. This was the only way to progress. And progressing meant freedom. 

Was it worth it? Hopefully.

Seek took a step back, beckoning you toward him. "Whenever you're ready." Seek told you, stepping to the side of the door, leaving you to do the honors of opening the two behemoth doors.

Glancing nervously at Seek who gave you a reassuring nod, you stepped forward. Swallowing down any doubt you pushed the doors open. Almost instantly a pink-ish red hand equipped with smaller, finer claws than Seek's own, slammed into the floor.

The claws flexed into the wood before a stocky entity drew its body forward. A ribcage was practically ingrained into its skin, some of the bones were snapped and jagged, others fully intact and razor sharp.

Its head was a gaping maw, rows upon rows of teeth pointing inward to the center of its spherical head. Its head was turned in your direction, obviously alert that you were now in its domain.

Without a second thought it practically charged at you, its body weight shaking the bookshelves and tables. That must've been what saved you, right as it was reaching one of long arms in your direction there was a loud shatter.


The creature instantly turned and began charging into the aisle of books. A few books fell as its crushing weight passed by, but it took no notice, more concerned with the shattered glass than it was the books.

But then it was starting to dawn upon you. Information that had failed to make its way to you. You looked over at Seek who seemed to know exactly what you were questioning. Using two fingers Seek pointed at his own eye.

The Figure was blind, and it was using echolocation to map its surroundings.

Crouching low to the ground you inched forward just enough so you could see Figure's body and his whereabouts. His arms explored the bookshelves as he stepped around the broken shards of glass. Seek gave you a final look before strutting over to Figure.

"Afternoon, Seek." Figure greeted with his deep, growl-heavy voice. Despite the greeting, Figure didn't turn to engage in conversation, Seek standing directly behind Figure.

"Hello, Figure." Seek responded calmly keeping a poised tone. Seek may have sounded calm and not at all disturbed, but the way he finicked with his hands and kept glancing over at you every two seconds said otherwise.

A soft growl came from the throat of the unique monster, it seemed to stand up straighter, craning its mid-length to help it detect any vibrations. The joints in its legs straightening to give The Figure another 3 feet to work with. Seek glanced cautiously at you, willing you to start searching for the books that would allow you to escape.

Taking the hint, you turned and started walking down the row of books. Confused about what you were looking for left you hopeless and feeling quite feeble. But then you saw a book just barely sticking out of the shelf, the color was slightly brighter than the books around it. That must be what you were looking for. Crawling over, you ghosted your hand around the spine of the pages.

Scared to take the book, you looked over at both of the monsters. The Figure was still trying to detect any vibrations or strange noises and Seek was giving you tiny nods of approval. You slipped the book from its spot on the shelf, sucking in just a tiny bit of air as you backed away from the bookshelf.

"Seek... Haven't you heard? There's another person on our floor, it's all that Rush and Ambush have been talking about." Hissed Figure, who crouched down, legs folding in such a peculiar way, arms dragging lazily behind it.

Figure started lumbering away from Seek who continued to follow the large monster. Despite Seek's attempt to stop the other monster from moving, Figure continued pacing around the library.

"I have. I have a feeling Screech did what they did best and actually got them. It does seem to be the one thing they can pull off." Seek's answer didn't catch the attention of the large pink-ish red entity.

Another book, you slipped it from the shelf, stuffing it under your arm you continued walking down the bookshelves making sure to stay well away from the large monster. The flesh-colored entity began huffing, the growls becoming more frequent. "Maybe isn't going to cut it." Snarled Figure.

Another book. Another step closer to the exit.

You could hear The Figure's claws rattle as keratin touched keratin, his pace beginning to pick up, as if... As if it knew. You then realized that The Figure's claws were tracing the bookshelf, slipping into the dips of where there were supposed to be books. The books you had taken. Realization hit you as you spotted another book. You snagged it quickly before hurrying up the stairs.

"Well, they never came down to my hallway." Seek answered with a shrug despite Figure's lack of sight. Figure was not easily fooled though, clearly aware of your presence.

Figure whipped around, towering over Seek as he brought his hands up to display his sharp claws. Figure let out a snarl that quickly escalated into a rage-filled roar. "Seek. My books are gone. I know that there is someone here, and either you're too stupid to notice, or you're trying to distract me." Figure's voice raised into unnaturally high octaves as it snarled and snapped at Seek.

"What if-"

"What if this and What if that. I know this whole library; you are not going to tell me otherwise." Figure hissed, whipping around right as you picked up two more books. You now had 6. 2 more to go, and you couldn't forget to retrieve the coded paper, the whole key to escaping.

Figure stormed around the lower area of the library, a furious screech escaping it as it tossed a book onto the floor. The loud smack as the hard cover landed flat to the wood. The wood beginning to creak as Figure paced rapidly back and forth. Figure's weight easily stressing the wooden boards of the floor.

The 7th book. You snatched it quickly before practically throwing yourself down the stairs. Walking forward into the left side of the isles of books, keeping distance from Figure's location which was rapidly storming over to the staircase.

You ran into the middle of the library as you grabbed the book Figure had angrily thrown to the side, opening it up for a quick glance you identified it as the 8th book Seek had told you that you would need.

In your rush of excitement at being so close you rushed over to grab the paper on the desk, quickly realizing your mistake when you heard Figure's low-pitched roar.

Your head snapped to the large entity that was still on the upper level. You watched as the large monster crawled over the railing, crashing into the floor as its weight toppled it from the edge. Sharp claws reached out toward you as it used its long arms to its advantage.

Absolutely terrified, you climbed into the closet. You quickly realized how bad of a mistake that was as Figure regained its balance and began approaching you. You could only imagine how horrified Seek was, that was if Seek wasn't secretly rooting for Figure.

The Figure crashed right into the desk, splintering it under its heavily clawed foot. Seek began calling to Figure in an attempt to distract him, Figure faced your closet now, but Seek's nagging got to him first. Oh, so lucky you were.

"You can't tell me you missed that!" Snarled Figure who whipped around to loom over Seek who now look utterly terrified despite his lack of facial details. His eye looked slightly hopeful as his pupils glanced over at your closet. 

"I- I wasn't paying attention." Seek tried quickly, which seemed to drag Figure into a fit of fury. The flesh-colored beast rammed into a bookcase which creaked, toppling over into the floor. Books and pages were launched into the air as Figure shuffled through the differently colored books. Figure managed to lift and smash the bookshelf into the wall, overly upset by just the miniscule problem of, well, you.

You quickly exited the closet, extra careful to stay low and to tread quietly as you could. Seek decided to follow your theme and led you up to the large gray-ish black padlock. 

Your heartrate spiking as you laid out the books, matching the shapes with their correspondent number. Seek entered the 6-digit code into the padlock as you pointed to each number, terrified that Figure would hear your voices no matter how quiet your whispers were.

But the click of the lock alerted Figure that he hadn't caught you... yet. Figure charged at the risen level, not bothering to use the stairs and instead ramming the railing. Seek pushed the door open and dragged you from your spot on the floor, snapping you from your petrified state. The wood splintering as Figure crawled onto the second level.

But it was the loud thud followed by an angry roar told you that the Figure had been right behind you. Had Seek not saved you, you would've been flattened to the door under the weight of The Figure.

Noticing your panic-stricken state Seek crouched down to your level, pulling you into a tight hug. "Don't worry... That room was built to keep Figure in, he won't be breaking through." Seek told you as he cradled you.

You were absolutely terrified, you had just barely escaped with your life, and you only had Seek to thank for saving your life more than once.

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