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I know I made this; I know it seems like I simp... I don't. Let's just get this out of the way, I. Don't. Simp. It started off as a joke, and I got a plot idea, and I didn't want to let it go to waste.

Now, Read the disclaimers, it's highly advised.

! Not a love story. We're going the friendship route.

! Not really canon story, it's a fanfic, it's going to be changed for the story

! The warnings for each chapter will be at the VERY top

! Reader POV (Second Person)

! Reader will not be referred to as 'Y/n,' Reader won't have a name at all.

! Adding some of my own headcannons

Get it? Got it? Good. Let us begin my Readers.

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net