Chapter 35

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Ogron stands there, staring at Nabu in astonishment. "How are you still alive!?" He demands. I smirk in his direction, as anger crosses his face. Nebula shoots me a grin, before intently staring at the wizards of the black circle.

"Everyone, combine your powers and use it to attack the wizards!" I state. An powerful orb surrounds us and rages towards the wizards of the black circle. The wizards use a familiar approach, before attacking us right back. Our spells clash, struggling against each other's. The loser would be trapped in ice for eternity.

"Everyone, push yourself!" I shout. I look at Jax, who appears right behind the wizards of the black circle and sends a powerful orb of them, which makes them lose their concentration. A second later, the wizards of the black circle were turned into ice. The fairies start to cheer, as Jax appears right next to me, with a warm smile on his face.

"You were amazing, Aqua," he says, as I raise my eyebrows in astonishment. I wrap my arms around me, as he holds me close to his chest. "I know what you did," I murmur, as he chuckles to himself.

"I know but still," he responds. We step away from each other, as the other fairies start to fly out of there. I exchange a look with him, before we hurry out of there. Jax propels himself forward with his magic, as I fly alongside him. Soon enough, we were back at Tir Nan Og, with bright smiles on our faces.

"We did it!" Morgana cheers, before looking at Nebula. "Fairies, you will have a new queen. I'm stepping down from my position to be with my family." All of them stare at her in surprise, as a warm smile appears on my face.


"The next queen will be Nebula," she states, as a crown appears on the said girl's head. The fairies start to bow to her, as Nebula nervously looks at me for a moment. "I should be thank you, Aqua," she says.

I tilt my head to the side. "Why?"

"You helped me discover my inner peace once again," Nebula admits. "I will forever be grateful." I smile, before engulfing her in a hug. I wave good bye to the earth fairies, as Morgana, Roxy, the guys, the winx, and I are sent away in a portal. 

We appear in front of our pet shop. "We're going home," Roxy says, as I nod in response. "See you soon, Winx!" As I wave good bye, Roxy and Morgana scurry away, with genuine smiles on their faces.

That night was our last concert on earth. I was sad that it was one of our final ones, but it could mean something even greater. I look at the crowd, as a smile forms on my lips.

Trust the crowd, Musa's voice echoes through my head. I smile softly, before staring at the members of the crowd. There was fat people, skinny people, brunettes, blondes, old people, young people, and a whole lot more. My face softens, as I prepare to sing.

As we sing the song, I felt extremely at ease. As a band, it was an amazing night! If anything, I cannot wait for our next adventure! Although i originally thought that this would never end, this is where we are. It's over. And, in the end, we won against the wizards of the black circle.

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