Chapter 34

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My eyes flutter open. I get to my feet, before looking around. The Winx and I share an apartment within the palace, which has eight bedrooms inside of it. A smile forms on my face, as I stretch my arms. I snap my fingers, before appearing in my everyday outfit.

I leave my room, before glancing at each room. It's safe to assume that they're still asleep. I smile, before walking out of the dorm and finding the dining room. Nebula and Diana were already in there eating some breakfast. "Hey, Aqua," Nebula says.

"Hey!" I proclaim, before staring at them for a moment. "Are you ready for today?" Diana smiles, as a bright smile forms on her lips. Nebula nods, before taking another bite out of her cereal.

"We're ready!" Nebula states. "Their evil needs to be stopped." I look at her, being in complete agreement. Things have changed, and we're going to end it.

As I sit down across from them, a bowl of cereal appears before me. "Are you nervous?" Diana said questions. I shrug my shoulders, before staring at the food before me. That's one question I haven't put much thought into.

"I never thought about it," I admit, as smiles form on their faces. "I just want to go on more adventures with my friends." Their faces soften, as more fairies start to enter the room. I stare at them in astonishment, realizing that they're not in their transformations.

A few hours later, we were ready to face the wizards of the black circle. "Let's go!" Morgana states, with a bright smile on her face. I nod in agreement, as the fairies around us start to transform.

"Winx: Believix!"

I look at Morgana, as she smiles gracefully. She was at ease, and I knew that was going to be harder than we thought. She opens up a portal, which teleports us to the omega dimension.

My eyes widen in shock, as I look at Bloom. "I never thought we'd be back..." Tecna says softly, as I nod in agreement. She has a bad memory of this place. I sigh heavily, before staring at the ground for a moment.

"Have you girls been here before?" Nebula questions, before turning to stare at me. I nod in response, as worry creases her brow. A second later, I catch movement through of the corners of my eyes and spot the wizards of the black circle.

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