TWs - Mentions of SH, Su!c!de, and ED. Cussing.
Tanjiro's POV -
Poor Tomioka-San, he smells so sad now because of Stella. I need to make things right and prove he's innocent. Nezuko is in her box, and I go see Aoi.
"Oh! Hey Tanjiro!" She says, waving at me.
"Hey Aoi-Chan, is it true that when I lie I make a face?" She nods her head, "Yeah, it's pretty obvious... but what about it?"
"If I tell Miss Kocho the truth, she can tell if I lie because of the face. So anything that I say without making a face would be true since I'm an awful liar!" I spit out. Honestly that took a quick moment.
I bow from embarrassment. She sighs.
"You can try to convince her all you want, but she has quite the opinion now." She steps back a little and lets me in. "Also, have you seen Inosuke?" I smirk, "Yeah. He's not here right now though, if he was you'd hear him."
I know she loved me at some point but now, Inosuke is her next interest.
"Miss Kocho?! It's me Tanjiro Kamado!" I say, knocking on her door.
She opens it, "Ah, yes Tanjiro. What do you need?" I gulp. "Well you know how I make silly faces when I lie?"
I see her nod her head. "Tomioka-San is innocent and did not cheat on Shinazugawa!" Her eyes widen.
"H-How would you know?" She asks. "Because, the guy that Haku was talking about was Tomioka-San's childhood bestfriend named Sabito who died during the final selection!" My face doesn't shift, it only shifts to show how confident I am in my words.
"I-Is it his side of the haori then?" I nod my head. "I know this because Sabito helped me cut my boulder with Urokodaki's training! He helped me even though he was a spirit!"
Her eyes narrow, and even she knows I'm not lying.
"So... are you saying that Stella was lying?" I nod my head quickly. I hear her gasp.
"Well thank you Tanjiro, I shall let the others know." Her smile fades from her face quickly and she shuts the door on me.
I shrug, I did what I needed to do.
Stella's POV -
I hear a knock at the estate's door, and I open it up to see a furious Shinobu.
"S-Shinobu?" I'm still shaken from Sanemi, but I do have the guts to stare her in the eyes.
"Now answer me dear Haku-San!" Her voice is eerily happy in a way.
"Why. The fuck. Did. You. Fucking. Lie. To ME!?" There's this deep hatred in her eyes, not for Tomioka but for me.
Shit my plan backfired.
"Lie? What do you mean by lie?" My voice shakes. "You know what I mean, I'll make sure everyone knows. I'll make sure that nobody will hate Tomioka-San so much, they may dislike him but you don't get to make his life fucking miserable!"
I tilt my head. "W-What?" Playing innocent doesn't work.
I get a hard slap to my face. "NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO US! YOU'VE MADE US INTO MONSTERS!" her voice hitches at the end.
"Woah, woah ladies! That's not flamboyant!" Oh shit it's Tengen.
"Uzui-San, she fucking lied to us!" I beg that Tengen is on my side, and not hers.
"That is not flamboyant without any evidence Kocho!" He steps closer towards us. "How is she lying?"
"S-She tricked us into hating Tomioka-San, we hated him from the beginning but she made us push him farther away! She's a monster, she's made us into the monster like her! She's manipulating us!"
I smirk. "Where's your proof?"
Her eyes narrow, and she fists her hands. "Tanjiro Kamado."
"What does that unflashy Kamado have to do with this?"
She looks towards him, looking just as ready to slap him.
"BECAUSE, TANJIRO MAKES FACES WHEN HE LIES TO US!" She shake's him violently, and I have the urge to slam the door on both of them but they step inside.
Tengen's eyes widen, ever since the entertainment district he's been closer to that Kamado. "Your point? I have already gained everyone's trust, nobody will believe you guys!"
I believe my point through and through until finally I hear rustling. Its Rengoku.
"What? That is not polite Haku!" He says, even though it's more of a yell.
I'm speechless. I shouldn't have rushed things as much as I did. I shouldn't have.
Now that Rengoku knows, everyone will believe him.
I pull my katana and slice my neck, it's not suicide because it doesn't kill me. I scream. As I take Shinobu's sword and cover it with my own blood.
I run, and I run all the way to Oykata-sama who has conjured a meeting just for this. I'm doomed.
Giyuu, Muichiro, and Sanemi arrive together seamlessly. They're all staring daggers into my soul. Mitsuri is the only one that runs up to me.
"KYAAAAAAAA! STELLA ARE YOU OKAY?!" She yells. I nod my head. "Shinobu tried to kill me!" I cry.
I fuss and fume for a while until...
"Please be quiet, the master has arrived."
I got shut up by the master.
"Now, as you may be wondering. I have had a report that our dear Shinobu Kocho has tried to kill Stella Haku, does anyone have any evidence to wrongs or rights before I share my judgement?"
Giyuu speaks.
"We all know that Kocho is weak. No offense. She doesn't have physically enough strength to behead a demon, so how could she possibly try to behead someone else? Yes of course her sword is covered in blood, but at the same time I can see her blade and tell there's fingerprints on there."
Everyone's eyes widen, even mine. He's vouching for Shinobu, even after we burned his haori?
Master seems to nod his head agreeing with me.
"You are correct Tomioka, Shinobu lacks the physical strength to behead us and demons. I do not say this as you are incredibly weak Shinobu, but because you can't do it and you are smarter than most why would you attempt that?"
He continues after taking a breath.
"You would most likely, if trying to kill someone would poison them to some extent and let the poison do its job rather than kill someone directly. You are innocent and not guilty to this accusation, therefore I do find Stella Haku guilty trying to frame you."
My voice dies.
"Stella, you have broken the rules of harming your fellow coworkers. Just because you didn't harm her physically doesn't mean you weren't willing to later on."
He may be blind, but oh do I get so scared of his glare.
"Therefore I am banning you from the demon slayer corps, please take your haori and katana and bring them to me. You may keep your uniform."
I take my katana and its hilt off of my waist, and then my haori and I set it down in front of the master before taking a seat.
"Shame my child. Shame on you." He looks down, and now he looks even angrier.
"My children I have to say I am very disappointed in almost all of you. You have decided to push the limits of Giyuu, and burn his haori. Just because I'm not there doesn't mean I won't know. I am gravely disappointed as he had been struggling a lot."
Everyone's gaze but Giyuu's and Muichiro's heads to the ground. Gyomei is saddened and he cry's, I hear him praying. Even my gaze does, in shame and respect.
"Now, Giyuu will be doing some recovery from the side as a fellow demon slayer. I hope you can actually respect him and be kinder to him, he has suffered through many things like all of you and you have all added on. Excluding a few of you, which may have changed him for the better instead of the worse."
"I am very disappointed my children, you are dismissed. Stella, please leave the corps ground. If you leak any information there is always a crow watching where you go. I wish you luck on finding somewhere to go, but this is a deserved punishment."
My eyes widen and tears fall down from my eyes. I hate that Tomioka!
I walk away shamefully and I never want to see this place again.
Giyuu's POV -
Tanjiro did it, I know he did. He finally convinced everyone, he did it for me. Stella is gone!
Someone puts their hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Sanemi.
"I'm sorry, maybe we can start again?" I nod my head.
Shinobu walks up to me first, tears in her eyes. I've never seen her cry.
"I'm so sorry Tomioka-San! I didn't know she was manipulating us, and even so she did I shouldn't have burned your haori. I shouldn't have agreed you were cheating on Shinazugawa. I regret believing her and trusting her. You don't have to forgive me but-."
I stop her, she doesn't need to rant all day to me.
"It's fine Kocho, I would've believed her too. I'll give you a second chance, and my haori.. I've decided to let it go. I don't want to be stuck in the past forever."
Her eyes widen, she's shocked that I'm forming full sentences.
Next up is Tengen and Rengoku. "My deepest apologies for believing her over you. I even helped with burning your haori! I'm so sorry, I will make it up to you!" Rengoku says, half yelling and half normally speaking.
"I'm very sorry, that was unflamboyant of me do something like that. I can get you a new flashier haori if you don't mind. I'm very sorry!" I nod my head.
"I forgive you both, and you can if you want Uzui." I nod my head as they walk away. I'm glad that they're starting over with me. I'm glad Stella's gone.
Mitsuri and Obanai apologize to me heavily, or more like just Mitsuri. I forgive them like everyone else.
I don't mind about Gyomei because he didn't do anything in the first place, and Sanemi I forgave him a long time ago.
Muichiro has been with me and supported me so he doesn't need to apologize.
I step out with Muichiro. "Thank you for everything Mui. I think maybe it's time I tell Sanemi about your relationship with Genya. Because if he doesn't support you, you know I always will." I tell him, I don't worry too much about him anymore.
I head with Mui and Sanemi over to the Mist Hashira's estate. I open the door and Genya is waiting, his eyes widen when he sees his older brother again.
He opens his mouth but I'll talk instead.
"Sanemi, I know you love your brother. I know you're scared he gets hurt during battle in the demon slayer corps but..."
Genya finishes my sentence with pride.
"Me and Muichiro are dating Aniki!" I look at Sanemi, his eyes are wide.
His face slowly forms a smile. "Congrats. YES I AM STILL ANGRY AT YOU ASSHOLE!" There are tears, of joy from both siblings and me a Muichiro just stare at each other and watch. Interesting indeed how they squabble.
I head to the kitchen and make all their favorite foods, even mine. I'll eat just this once, and there's a look of happiness on everyone's faces when they see me holding up a tray of Salmon Daikon.
Things have taken a turn for the better, and I'm living for it. I'm going to be happy, I'll try my best. I'll make a family with them, we can be a family.
I thought I'd be replaced, but no. I won't, I'll be happy and I'll live my life to the fullest. I won't forget Sabito and Tsutako but I won't stop trying to be happy. I'll try to resurface my heart back from the water...
This is the end~ we didn't reach word goals again, I wanted to end on a shorter note. Sorry if it's rushed, I ran out of ideas if I'm being completely honest.
Thank you, to all current, past, and future readers for reading this. Thank you for all the support and reads!
Word count - 2,024
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