[5] Giyuu.. don't.

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TWs - Su!c!de attempt, mentions of SH, ED, and cussing.


A/N - Also Mui and Gyomei are back from their missions already because it's a day or two time skip.


Stella's POV -

I finally made my Sanemi at last leave that dumb emo bitch. I brush my hair alone in the estate, and I get ready. 

I really want to get close to Sanemi, he's going to be my lovey-dovey pookie bear.


My next step, is to make sure his hatred runs as deep as possible. So deep it's in his blood, like it's a natural instinct.

I know that Tomioka bitch is definitely close with the child Hashira and that demon eating man..

Now I have to cut ties with them so they're completely alone.

So Tomioka is alone for the rest of his goddamn life.

I have to keep gaining my trust, and spreading lies. Keep doing that, and no matter what proof Tomioka will have even if it's true and believable they will believe me over him.

I'm not too concerned about master, nowadays he's just an old blind freak.

I put on my new haori, a light blue with shades of dark a little bit of everywhere. Like the sparkle in midnight waves.

I meet my crow outside named Hanzu and I call out to him, I give him a letter to Tokito.

I made sure it sounded somewhat convincing.

Dear Tokito,

If you don't know already, Tomioka has been cheating on Shinazugawa. His maroon side of the haori he wears is belonged to his sister, but the other side belongs to his fiance.

His fiancé's name is Sabito. A peach haired man with a scar on his cheek and has a mask with him often. 

I should warn you to distance yourself from him, as maybe his habits will rub off to you. I will be here if you need me, because I understand if this is overwhelming but you have a right to know, just like the rest of us.

My deepest concerns and regards for you, Stella Haku

I watch as Hanzu flies away in the sky his black wings being very clear yet subtle.

Just you wait Tomika, you will have no one someday.

Giyuu's POV -

I head over to Muichiro's estate, and I can feel myself shaking. I'm going to break, and I think he and Genya know that too because they hug me tightly and assist me to the sofa. 

"I don't want to do this any longer.." I cry, and the flower crown that I made on Muichiro's head falls off.

"I'm sorry about my brother." 

"It's not your fault Genya, it's just this stupid ass bitch. She's trying to ruin my life to the worst parts like when I first lost Sabito.." my voice breaks and trails off.

Over some time, I've told the couple about Sabito and Tsutako, and my self harming habits. My eating disorder too...

"Yuu, please you're scaring me. We know what happened last time after a major breakdown." I nod my head.

"I-I can't help it." 

My mind blacks out, and I'm back towards the memory.

I cried in the corner of my room, bundled up with fresh scars and I sat there crying. 

Muichiro had knocked on my door and came in because he left something that day.

"G-Giyuu?" He asked, I was crying so hard I couldn't even look up.

He started hugging me until I calmed down and reassured him I was fine. I made sure he left before I head outside.

I stood at the edge of the cliff by my estate, and I stare down into the crashing waves. They seem so calm, they seem so calm and lifeless like me.

I take my haori off and gently placed it to the side, and took my katana and lay it on the soft grass. I take a step closer to the edge and I get ready to fall down.

The first foot leaves the earth when someone shoves me back.

"YUU!" It's Muichiro and Genya. They used to be friends back then. I blacked out and when I woke up I was talking with Oyakata-Sama.

"Giyuu, you know I care about your health child. So why did you do it?" 

I stare at the floor in silence.

"I'm sorry mas-." 

"No I asked you why, not to apologize.."

"Because I don't want to live." It's an obvious answer but I can't give him a better one.

"Child, you can't live in guilt forever. As much as you want to drown yourself in it, you cannot let it consume you. We will not let it consume you, you are a strong force in the corps..."

He paused. "But you're also my child."

That night I was forced to stay over at Muichiro's estate and got my katana taken away for a few days. Muichiro tried to help me as much as he could, but no matter how hard he tried I kept crying and breaking down.

I kept trying to kill myself.

Then I finally gave up, I finally started noticing the little things.

I noticed I was becoming too heavy of a burden for the young kids. So I pretended to get better, I pretended I was actually okay.

I was okay for a while actually, but there was this part in my heart that was always drowning in my body.

Now it's drowning my whole heart, not just a piece anymore.

I wake up to Genya shaking me. "Tomioka-San, you might want to see this." He holds up a paper with Stella's signature at the bottom and I quickly skim the lines.

"Well she doesn't know.." Mui stares at Genya.

"Does she really want everyone to turn our backs on him? That's not going to work, all we have to do is get Tanjiro and get him to tell the truth. You know Tanjiro makes dumbass faces when he lies."

"Wait who taught you how to cuss?" Genya asks.

Muichiro shrugs. Whilst I mentally face palm myself and I get up off the sofa, "I can make dinner don't worry." 

I see Mui's face light up, he's always liked my cooking even if I can't eat it myself.

Genya's a fan too, he's just hesitant to show it.

I make Furofuki Daikon, and chop some watermelon for Genya who stares at me wide-eyed.

"Thank you very much!" He says, and he takes a piece of Muichiro's food.

He clearly gets annoyed and takes a bite out of the slice of watermelon Genya was supposed to eat and me and Genya both laugh.

"If you guys want seconds tell me okay? I can make you more, but I need to shower right now." I quickly make my way over to the bathroom and start showering.

I like showers because nobody can see my cry.

That's what I always do in the shower, I just cry for a bit. I need to gain composure by letting all the little things out. I need to be strong for Genya and Muichiro. I want them to both be happy.

I come back out dressed in pajamas and the two are holding their plates. "More please!" Genya says, whilst Muichiro blanks. 

"Erom esaelp!" I pause, did Muichiro really just say that backwards.

"Mui, you've said that backwards." 

"Oh..." his expression goes blank. "Please more?" I shrug, that'll do. So I take their plates and I begin making more for them. 

They're my last pieces of joy, the only things I can grip onto.

There's a knock on the door.

Sanemi's POV - 

I needed to visit Giyuu, and with the tension he was definitely at Muichiro's. I needed to talk to him, I needed to know, I needed to apologize.

I trudged my way through the path until I spotted his estate. Muichiro and Giyuu are probably the only ones here, or so I thought when I knocked on the door.

Because fucking Genya answers.

"A-Aniki?" I see Muichiro poke his head out and Genya blushes furiously. I hear someone cooking too.

"Can I come in or what?" Genya looks back and stares at Muichiro. Who skeptically looks at the kitchen. 

"Can you wait a moment Aniki?" I grunt.

"I guess, just don't take long idiot." Idiot is the only thing I have the guts to call him right now. I can tell it hurts because he flinches but not that much.

He's used to it..

He closes the door and I'm left outside, to sift through my thoughts.

Muichiro opens the door. "So can I come in Tokito?" The Hashira nods his head, but glares at me like he was controlling daggers that would spike into my head.

He sits on the couch with Genya, sharing watermelon and Furofuki Daikon. Their favorites. I notice someone's still in the kitchen and only those two are eating.

"So what is it you came for Aniki?" Genya narrows his eyes at me. "I-I came here to apologize to Tomioka." 

"Why should he accept your apology? You broke him. Again." Muichiro's words cut like a blade in me, I never knew he could be so harsh.

"He doesn't fucking have too, he just has to listen to it I guess." My mind swirls, it races with the fact I broke him. How did I break him? I need to fix this. 

"Aniki, maybe another day then-." He gets cut off with a voice I don't like to hear anymore. 

"It's ok Genya, I'll listen." That monotone voice which I hate so much. I don't like that voice, I miss his voice with hints of expression. The voice that I loved and heard so much for a few days.

"I'm sorry Giyuu." I say sitting down. He stands up watching me. "I shouldn't have trusted her, I-I just let my selfishness control me. I wanted to know things about you, and I became impatient even though you were in the process of healing. It's my fault and I'm sorry for that." 

I see a look of sympathy in his eyes and he sighs. "I-I just don't know what to do if that happens again." Muichiro cuts him off, he knows Giyuu's on the verge of tears.

"Shinazugawa, you must know that between all three of us me and Genya know him best. If you break his heart, you might break him for the worst. You might break him so bad, that there's nothing left to break." 

I look down on the floor. His tone was sharp, and it was serious. 

"I don't ever want to hurt Giyuu. I didn't want to, I didn't want to hurt you too Genya. I- I just couldn't deal with the fact I had to kill my own mother. I didn't want to be a monster in your eyes."

There it goes, it slipped loose. Two apologies in one day, it's like a miracle for me. Something I never ever thought would happen.

Muichiro gets up, he looks ready to kill me at this point. 


"Mui, stop please." Giyuu's voice tells him. He's sad. 

"Shinazugawa," he starts, and that already hurts. "Please, just give me time. I think that I can't take the pain anymore if I continue like this and let myself get broken. I think I might just kill myself."

Muichiro's gaze immediately goes to Giyuu. 

"Giyuu.. don't. Don't do that. Don't kill yourself, because I love you. Muichiro loves you, Genya loves you. That squabbling squad of idiots love you. Killing yourself wont fix things.." my voice trails off as I realize tears run down my face.

"A-Aniki. Maybe you should give it a rest for a bit." Genya says, helping me sit back down. 

Giyuu stands, leaning on a wall with his hands to his face and Muichiro hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry to you and Giyuu. Words won't make up for it, but actions can even just a little bit. If you don't accept my apology I won't bother you, but if you do I will try to make things right for us. I'll try.."

Genya nods.

"I accept yours." Giyuu uncovers his face. "I do too." 

I smile at them. My tears still flowing down like tiny waterfalls. "I still love you guys. I'll start by giving you space."

I get up and leave, I don't look back. I need to make things right. I need to with all my heart.

Whatever I can to make up for the things I've done. I'll start by being an actual brother to Genya, and by respecting Giyuu.

Stella's POV - 

I got a letter back from the child Hashira and I skim over some lines.

Dear bitch, 

Shut the fuck up, we know everything about Giyuu and his life. So if you really think your dumbass lies can get through us then your head is made of air.

I don't give a fuck, Genya Shinazugawa, and Muichiro Tokito.

What the heck? That child knows how to cuss?!

I get angry, a lot more angry than before. So to calm myself I think of my next step. Hanging out with Sanemi. My Sanemi, my heart beats fast and flutters when I think about him. When I think about us.

It's okay if those two don't believe me, because everybody else does.

I need to hang out with Sanemi, I need to.

So I leave my estate and go ask him.

I bound down the path almost skipping from excitement and happiness. I really am excited after all.

I give a few knocks on the door and Sanemi opens it. I stare at him, "Shinazugawa-San want to-." 


He slams the door in my face. 

I knock on it again.

"Go away bitch."

"Let's hang out!" I say, excited because this is just usual Sanemi.. right?

He steps out for a moment, "Stop trying to ruin Giyuu's life. Stop. I won't love you, you know that!" I freeze. He won't love me?

"I love you.." I say and I pull myself up and kiss him on the lips.

I get a slap, and it stings my cheeks.

"What. The actual. FUCK?" I stare with wide eyes. He didn't like that?

Why does he like Tomioka and not me!?

"Why do you like that emo bitch better than me huh? Am I just not good enough?" I scoff, waiting for his answer deliberately.

"YES YOU AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH SO GO YOU BITCH!" He slams the door in my face again.

I run away and cry, pathetically. I'm going to get my revenge.

So I rush to my estate, sit in the corner and cry. I deserve much more sympathy than Tomioka, I deserve so much more.


We didn't reach word goal sorry 😭 it's just that if I continue my idea, than the chapter name won't match anymore :( ALSOOoOooOoO after this story I might write a sabigiyuu fic... I have an idea I just want one story at a time :D

Word goal for next chapter - 2,500

Q - Do you like pineapple on pizza?

Word count - 2,459

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