Chapter 3: The First Day

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Lucas yawed. He saw that the wall had been pushed open slightly. Alex is still in bed though..? He thought. That was until he heard footsteps. He saw a girl with long, messy dark hair come into their part of the room and start rummaging through Alex's bag.

"What are you doing...?" He knew it was Alice, but he was just confused on why she was looking through Alex's bag and not her own. "Getting my brush, it didn't fit in my bag so I put it in his" She pulled the brush out and untied her hair while walking away.

After everyone had been woken up by the teachers knocking on doors. Alex obviously didn't hear. "I swear a bomb could go off and he would still be sleeping." Tracy chuckled as she walked over to the fingers bed. She tapped him on the shoulder and said his name repeatedly.

"You're just like Alice..." he mumbled as he woke up slowly. Lucas chuckled as Tracy walked back. He got up and rummaged through his bag to find some clothes. Black hoodie and grey tracksuit pants it was. He walked over to the bathroom, the girls practically cackling about something, except Tracy..her laugh sounded soft and pretty even. He locked the door behind him and changed.

When he came out, everyone was somehow changed already. He looked around the room, his eyes landing on Tracy. He sighed. Why was he like this. They all got called to come to the foyer to collect breakfast and lunch. So they all left the room.

They arrived at the foyer and rushed out the hotel doors. "Ok so-"

"Alex you have some stuff to do yeah?" Abby talked over the top of her. "Oh yeah! Mum said there was face painting, but she wasn't sure, and there was also this fountain that apparently dad and Tyler stole from..." he trailed off. He would bring up the mysterious house if someone mentioned it.

"Is that it? Nothing else?" Lucas looked away from a tree and at Alex. The ginger boy shrugged. "Yeah pretty much."
"Let's explore! I mean, it's a decent sized town, there's gotta be something!" Tracy said enthusiastically as she began to walk backwards.

The group followed her. Lucas sped up a little to walk next to her. Tracy stopped in her tracks. She looked up at large manor like building. The group walked closer.

"The sorrel weed house...sounds creepy!" Tracy exclaimed and turned back to the group. Alex and Alice shot glanced at one another. "Isn't this the place mum and dad told us about...?" Alice whispered and turned her head to Alex.

"I mean, it doesn't say haunted house on it...? It should be ok to go in.." Alex looked back up at the house. "I guess you're right.." she sighed. "Let's go in! There's probably really cool artefacts or something!" Tracy walked into the house followed by Abby and Lucas.

Alex and Alice walked hand in hand. They were obviously a little unsure about the place, but since they were already inside they couldn't really back out now. They all split up, looking at different areas of the room.

Lucas just followed Alex and Alice around. "Hey guys! There's a basement!" Abby called from down the hallway. The wallpaper was either fading out torn up, the floor dusty and creaky. "Oh cool!" Tracy poked her head around the corner of the wall. The other three followed Tracy and Abby down the stair that lead to the basement.

Lucas was at the back of the group. He looked down when he reached the bottom of the steps, he noticed a pencil. He picked it up and examined it closer. His eyes widened.

"Hey Tracy...your Dad's name Ben right? Last name Clark...?" He looked up from the pencil and to the group. Tracy turned her head around. "Uh...yeah? Why are you bringing it up now?" She turned around fully and walked towards the blond. He hesitantly handed her the pencil.

"What the hell?! How- huh?!" She saw the name label on the pencil. The group huddled around. Alex saw the name tag and looked at Alice. "I knew it! And you said it was just a coincidence! They have been here before!" He pushed the raven haired girls shoulder slightly. She looked back at him. Her face had a dumbfounded look to it.

"What do you mean?" Abby asked, still looking at the pencil. "Yesterday at the cafe..Alex saw marking on the table, they had their Dads initials..." Lucas kept his gaze on the label.

Alice stepped back from the group and continued exploring, the rest soon following. So, their parents had been here before, kind of weird since all the warnings they had gotten. But it was fine. They were going to be fine.

They were going to be fine until Alice felt a chill down her neck. Then a painful scraping sensation. Alex looked up at her in horror. "ALICE! MOVE!" He screamed as she felt a force push her over. She looked up from the ground, gripping onto her neck tightly. A tall, black, skinny, horrifying creature looked back down at her with a terrifying grin. She pulled her hand away. Blood, her hand soaked with blood. All of a sudden, the creature was gone. Replacing it was a grimacing head ache through all of their heads.

Alex slid down to Alice's level and held her up slightly. "Alice?! Are- are you ok?!" He was panting. His eyes were darting over her face. "Yeah...I think so..." she moved a hand to her head, a sharp pain stinging her neck.

"What the fuck was that?!" Tracy yelled shakily, you could hear that she was about to cry. Abby just stood in place, he eyes wide. "No- no idea.." Lucas groaned stepping back slightly.

Alex helped his sister stand up. He face blank from emotion, all there was her soft green eyes were drained, they looked terrified. Alex walked her to the stairs.

"What the fuck are you doing just standing there?! Let's got out of here you idiots!" He pushed past them, still holding his twins hand for support. The group followed them quickly, up the stair and out of the manor.

That night, Alex, Alice and Abby went to get their dinners to bring them back to the room, leaving the two 16 year olds in the room alone. They were all still pretty distraught about what happened earlier, obviously.

Tracy had her knees tucked to her chest on the floor against her bed. Lucus was sat on his own single bed, the end facing Tracy. " ok..?" He wasn't really good at comforting people, but tried to make an effort.

Tracy's dark glistening eyes looked up at him as he walked over to her and sat down. " I'm not! What the fuck was the thing?!" Her eyes released water droplets down her face. He sighed and put a hand on her shoulder. "No idea, but at least we know we're not going insane? And if we were, the other would be aswell! So that's good, right?" He smiled sweetly at her. She smiled back. "I guess you're right..." she responded as they heard the door open.

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