(New permanent character:)
Lucas Evergreen:
"Biker" boy
Blond fluffy hair
Hazel eyes
Always had a thing for Tracy but never thought to act on it
Emojis used:
Finally, they had arrived. After another 5 hour bus ride they had gotten to their destination.
The Savannah Hotel.
Alice stood up and hit Abby on the top of the head to wake her up. Abby jumped and groaned before being pulled up. Tracy gently nudged her cousin as he stirred awake.
Alex opened his eyes. It looked pretty...bland outside. But it was only for 3 nights, they would be fine. Alex pulled on his back pack and followed the two girls in front of him while Tracy was behind. The dark brown haired girl yawed and tilted her head to the side before pulling out her phone.
All the students had gotten email about what room they were staying in and who was sharing. Tracy looked at the list on her phone.
Room ## (Girls):
Hernandez - Clark, Tracy
Hernandez, Abigail
Clark, Alice
Room ## (Boys):
Evergreen, Lucas
Clark, Alexander
Tracy sighed. Poor Alex, She never really liked being around Lucas. Something about him was annoying to her. Maybe it was his perfect hair, or his pretty eyes... "Oh yay! us three are in a room!"Alice cheered and looked behind her at Abby and Tracy. Tracy gave her a thumbs up and a smile.
Alex groaned as he saw "Evergreen" on top of his own name. Tracy pat the ginger boys head. "It alright, if you need a break from him we're in the connected room together, just come over and you can hang out with us." Tracy smiled at him, he smiled back. Sometimes he saw Tracy as an older sister instead of a cousin. She always looked out for the other three in the group. It was nice.
They all walked into the hotel foyer and up the stairs to the hallways where the rooms were. Abby walked - more like ran - in front to the room. She was followed by Alice and Alex walking next to each other, then there was Tracy and Lucas.
The blonde boy kept stealing glances at the girl next to him. He had never told anyone about his crush on her, it's been around for about 3 years. He never thought it was anything serious, until thought about them holding hands when he was 14. That's when he realised he liked her.
Abby unlocked the door to the room, it was large. One double bad and one single bed, there was a collapsible wall in the middle of the room, that's where the boys were staying. Alice moved past Abby and rolled her suitcase next to her now side of the bed and layed down. "Yup! It's comfy!" She sat up and watched the others walk into the room. Alex and lucus pushed the collapsible wall back to reveal two single beds on either wall.
Alex claimed him bed and so did Lucas. "How come you guys get the bathroom on your side?" Alex complained as he walked over to sit next to his sister and pouted. "Cuz we're better!" Tracy shouted form the bathroom a she walked out, running her brush through her hair.
Lucas stayed silent while the others talked, he wasn't really friends with any of them except Alex, and they had an argument earlier, so he didn't really have much to do except scroll on his phone.
About an hour passed and it was 10:00pm. All the teachers were knocking on doors, telling everyone to go to bed. Obviously know one was going to listen, except for Tracy, she at least stirs to sleep until she heard Alice and Abby gossiping, she obviously wanted in.
Luca layed on his back. He couldn't sleep, either it was because of the faint giggling from the other side of the wall or it was the turning and shuffling on Alex. Lucas sighed and got out his phone.
10:08pm....... 🛜🔋17%
< Alex :::
Ok ik ur pissed off at me and I get it
But aince we're gonna be in the same room
Ill make it up to u
I'll hang out with you guys all day tmrw
I heard u and Tracy talking gin the bus and I felt bad
I wanna get to know u guys
But if you even look at my sister wired your dead
Ok ok
I'll be nice I swear
Better be
Message Alex...
Alex chuckled and put his phone down before turning on his side. The peace and quiet was quickly disturbed when there was a loud bang heard from the other side of the wall, followed by manic giggling.
Alex rolled his eyes and got up. He pushed the wall back and started laughing when he saw Alice had fallen off the bed And - seems as though - pulled Tracy down with her. "Idiots.." Alex pulled the wall closed after the girls managed to stifle out an apology through their laughter.
Lucan knew that tomorrow was going to be either a hard day, or the stupidest day of his life.
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