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"Did you sleep?"

"They did not," Changbin replied casually as he slammed a plastic bag on top of the table. Leaning down and proceeding to take out the takeaway food, he handed you a small box of food and looked up at Minho again. "They were up the whole night."

"Did you seriously stay up the whole night?" Minho asked, brows furrowed at the unexpected visit by Changbin. He wanted to ask why he decided to tag along with you, but he figured it was much more important to know what happened with you last night.

"I did," you sighed, shoving the chicken into your mouth and moaning at its delicious taste.

After realizing it would be almost impossible for you to stay awake on your own, which was such bullshit because you swore you used to have the ability to pull all-nighters like it was nothing, you ended up calling your last resort—Seo Changbin. Feeling bad that you had to wake him up in the middle of the night, you gave him the same explanation you gave Minho, and like your husband, he was extremely reluctant to accept it.

But you weren't sleeping at all. And while Changbin had the suspicion that you were just taking this 'joke' a little too far, he decided to humor you for the night and stayed up with you. And you spent the night over at his home, doing anything and everything to keep yourselves from falling asleep.

"Didn't they tell you about the story?" Changbin asked, popping open a can of soda and looking at Minho as he drank. "I still don't believe it but they were so hell-bent on not sleeping, I might just let them have it."

"What–Changbin, I thought you believed me!" you whined, punching his behind and shoving him to the side.

"If I come over and tell you I'm not actually me and I came from another dimension, would you have believed me?" Changbin retorted, rubbing the spilled drink off his chin.

"I don't have to because first of all, I met you for the first time at the shopping mall and I know nothing about you," you pointed out. "Second of all, I am going through it right now. I am telling you, if I fall asleep, you will never see me again."

"You don't have proof that you aren't you, [Name]," Minho chimed in, sighing in defeat as he slumped back against the bed.

Changbin pointed at you with wide eyes then, nodding in agreement. Sitting up from the couch, you turned your head to find Minho grimacing at you, and you heave a sigh. Proof. Where the hell would you find the proof to explain that you are who you are? Identity isn't a tangible thing, no amount of paperwork can shape it for you.

"Look, I am telling the truth, alright? Or at least I am saying what I know," you said as you grabbed a box and headed over to the bed. You handed the food to Minho, who refrained from throwing a mini tantrum the way he did before due to Changbin's presence. Sitting down on the chair you had also pulled over, you sighed. "Who knows? Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't want to take the risk and sleep."

You looked at Minho, your brows raising slowly to display a vulnerably honest expression. No malice was hidden behind your eyes, your gaze only directed at him. "I don't want to leave you, Minho."

His munching halted. He could feel a hint of unease at the bottom of his stomach, possibly due to what you said and the soft way you said it. As if you were afraid, cautious. Lowering his hand, he inhaled, kind of wishing his inner voice would kick him in the head and give him a little nudge to the right path.

But really, what more was there left to say, Minho? [Name] has said all they could.

"You are not going leave me," he muttered.

You shook your head. "Not consciously, no."

Minho pursed his lips. Think carefully; for him to convince himself of what you said, he has to nitpick the past and the present, like separating different colored peas with chopsticks.

Starting from the day you met him, you said you have no idea what his name is and you woke up in his bed even though he had this terrible rule of not sleeping together. That was one. Then you forgot about the marriage; you were surprised by the ring on your hand so much that you even asked him for the price. That was two. You went into his closet, even when you were banned from touching certain things that were his. That was three. These were all rules to be broken, but the old you never had the guts to do that. It didn't make sense for the courage to suddenly appear.

Asking for a divorce and acting like you didn't know it was arranged, forgetting that your parents were dead, completely unbothered by Yuna's presence, suddenly knowing how to cook up a whole meal, eating lots of greasy food, profoundly cursing, being playful enough to give him nicknames and make bad jokes.

Aside from that, he could physically tell, now that he thought about it with a clearer head. You were less timid and much louder. Sure, you have your moments of tenderness, but overall you felt much more energized and much happier than before. It was a difference in your presence—you didn't use to light up the room when you walk into one, but now all Minho could see was you whenever you come into his line of sight. And that was before he fell so in love with you.

The pieces were adding up to an unbelievable story.

Minho looked up at Changbin, his gaze hardened. "Can you leave us alone for a moment?"

You widened your eyes at his troubled look, then you turned around and urged your best friend away as well, promising to find him later when your private talk ends. Changbin rolled his eyes and unwillingly left, and then it was finally just you and him.

Minho started without waiting. "Let me recap everything. You came here not knowing who I am or what this place is?"

"Yes," you nodded, "does this mean you believe me now?"

"Wait–why didn't you tell me before then?" he asked.

"I thought I would leave soon and return to where I came from. I didn't expect to stay so long," you said. "Also, drama taught me it is better to keep my identity hidden."

Minho rolled his eyes. "So, you suspect that the way for you to go back is through a near-death experience?"

"And falling asleep later," you hummed. "This one I learned out of instinct, but I'm sure it's happened before on some show."

Minho scoffed, "You can't trust dramas all the time. They're made up."

"Yeah, but this feels too much like one for me to ignore it! I mean, look at this!" You pointed at him, smiling bitterly. "Look at you! I would have never been able to snatch a guy like you if I was back in my world. I was a huge loner. All I did was work and have fleeting crushes."

He watched as you lowered your arm, your smile dimming significantly. "Honestly, I don't even know if you love me or who used to be me." You shrugged, not looking at him. "I am a new person to you now, right?"

Minho licked his lower lip. That problem has never crossed his mind before since it was so obvious that he loved you. His affection was never there, it wasn't affection for you before. But then he started developing feelings of his own for you, steaming from a threatening turn where he might lose the care and obedience he was used to receiving. He just used to like being loved by 'you', now he liked loving you; he liked the mutual feelings you two shared.

If all were true, then there was a whole world behind you he's never known. You previous life, your friends, your fleeting crushes.

"Come here," he said, patting the spot next to him.

You stood up from the chair and carefully climbed onto the spot next to him. You back hit against the side rail, preventing you from falling off, while Minho pushed his hand against your waist to keep you close to him. You leaned your head against his shoulder, a sigh leaving your lips quietly.

"You know, I thought you were funny, back when you first came here," he said. "A little infuriating, yes, but amusing nonetheless."

"That's rich coming from you," you commented, giggling when he cleared his throat and nudged the top of your head with his jaw.

"You could have totally snatched me up even if we are not in this setting," he said. "You aren't like other people. You treat me differently."

Ah, and the iconic line finally decided to make its appearance. I was hoping it'd at least happen once for you to hear it because you would only be able to hear it from Minho's mouth.

"What do you mean different? I treat you the same way everyone treats you!" you said, suppressing a chuckle. You weren't sure if that line had boosted your ego but it sure did make you feel quite special, as cliché as it was, but honestly? As a society, we should all establish that clichés don't matter.

"No, you were so casual and honest. I think you are the only person who has given me nicknames aside from my old friends back in high school." He nodded with a shaky laugh. He patted your waist in a beckoning motion, seeming excited. "And you're even more different than others now because you are the only person I love, in that special kind of way."

"What are you, five? Special kind of way–that's lame!" you exclaimed, laughter escaping in between. When you quieted down, you pressed yourself closer to him and looked up.

He only glanced down when he felt your lips at the side of his jaw. And he kissed you then, leaning his head down eagerly to capture your lips. You were careful with moving around, your hand going up to stop at the nape of his neck, rubbing comfortingly as your mouths danced with each other sensually.

This could never be enough. Minho wanted more than this, he thought as he tugged you closer to him, feeling your chest against his side. This could never be enough. He wanted to do more than kissing you in a hospital bed. He wanted to kiss you under the moon, to kiss you at home, to kiss you during a spontaneous snack run at midnight. He wanted to eat junk food and get emotional about fictional characters with you; he wanted to see you read books while he worked on the side.

Minho wants you with him, always.

You pulled away, gasping a little at how teary his eyes had suddenly become. You didn't need to ask why. You could already tell. "Do you believe me now?"

"I can't. I don't want to." Minho let out a shaky breath. "If I do then I will have to accept the fact that you might leave me soon."

A sobbing noise spiked from the back of your throat as you reached up to peck his lips. "I will try my best to stay awake for as long as I can, Minho."

He nodded, even though the fact alone broke him, the fact that you two have to settle for 'as long as you can.'

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