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Patricia POV

   I was worried to the max. I have not seen or heard from my son for weeks, he doesn't pick up my calls or answer my texts. It was driving me insane not knowing whether he was safe or not.
  I anxiously paced the floor, trying to figure out where Tristan could possibly be. My friend Allison sat on the sofa sipping wine and watching me.
"Trish, you need to calm down", She suggested and I stopped and looked at the attractive woman. She was short, curvy and wore short black hair that complimented her round face.

"I have not seen my son for 2 weeks so please-unless you're in my shoes- dont tell me to calm down!" I lashed at her and Allison's eyebrow raised without skipping a beat. I sighed, and slumped my shoulders.
  I rubbed my eyes, muttering "Im sorry, Im just...worried" whiles plopping onto the loveseat. "I've lost my husband and now basically my son."
"Oh Trish dont say that. I-when was the last time you saw him?" Allison's stern voice questioned. I shrugged as she poured me a glass of wine.
"I dont know", I cried and shook my head in disappointment. I don't even remember the last time I saw my son. When I came home one night, everything was destroyed. It was like gunmen came and tested their weapons out on the house. I was worried and feared for my life so I immediately called the police.
   Unfortunately , they haven't gotten back to me yet and up to this point, Im not even sure they're looking into it.

  I glanced at Allison who came and sat beside me, handing me the glads. "We'll find him", she said in an effort to comfort me.
   Suddenly, she took her phone out and sat looking at it while I threw down the contents of the glass. She placed her own glass down and scoffed.
"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to sound like I cared.
  Her face was screwed as she responded, "More people found dead, you know I just dont get it. A few months ago, not even a dead fly and now bodies are just dropping like that", she spoke.
"Yea..that is weird", I said sitting up. "Its like...as soon as that teacher moved here, she started...targeting", I turned to Alison and she arched her brow once again.
"What teacher?" She asked and I shook my head, disregarding her curiosity.
"I think I know where my son is and I hope to God he's ok."


   I fixed the black scarf over my head, and adjusted my shades before attempting to alert the homeowners. I pressed the buzzer then waited. There wasn't a voice or anyone around to give me directions and it even looked like no one vacated here anymore but I knew someone did. I knew she did.
  I buzzed again and cleared my throat as I pressed the button before speaking into the intercom: "Hello Ms. Hills?" No response. "I was wondering if we could talk. I haven't see Tristan in a while and I..Im one hundred percent sure that he's here."
  Still no response. I released the button and sighed, watching a car speed past on the roads.

   Suddenly, the gates opened and I was met with a car who was obviously on its verge of leaving. The driver's door opened and here came the beautiful teacher that had most of the men on rock hard. She dressed in a light pink pants suit and her hair was curled around her face. She was honestly beautiful. I could see why Tristan liked her.
"Mrs. Isaacs", she greeted removing her hand from her pocket and offering to shake my hand. I took it with a fake smile. "I apologize for not being able to stay and chat but I understand your concerns for your son and sad to say, he's not here", she spoke with a lying venomous face. The lie sounded so coordinated and perfect that I almost believed her. She must have lied for a living.
"Ok, b-"
"I really have to go but if there's anything I can do to help, let me know ok?" She offered me a card and I took it, quickly scanning it.

Jennifer Hills
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1 (- - -) - - - -   - - - -

    I looked her deep in the eyes but there wasn't anything there for me to latch on. For all that I could see, she was telling the truth.
  She backed up to her car and got in while I moved out of the way then drove onto the roads. The gates immediately shut behind her.
  I flicked the card and got into my car, unsure of what to do. Then suddenly I got an idea. I quickly got onto the road and drove in the same direction as her, making it my mission to find out what she was hiding.

    The first place Jennifer went was the Fresh Market and it was just to use the phone. It was weird and highly suspicious but who am I to speak? I was across the street in my car stalking a woman who I barely knew.
  I watched the people around her and how they reacted to seeing such a beautiful woman. Most women stared and so did the men but both with different intentions and thoughts.
  When she put the pay phone down, her shielded eyes began looking around.
   Suddenly, my phone rang and I instantly ducked in my seat, sucking in my breath. I knew she heard it. This moment has to be a stalkers worst nightmare. I checked the caller ID: Alison.
"Al, Im kind of busy right now", I whispered into the phone.
"Why? What are you doing?" Her stern voice asked on the other line.
"I'm following the teacher, she lied to me I just need to prove it", I responded.
"O...k?" Alison answered sounding kind of worried. I don't blame her. A middle aged woman following a younger woman: highly worry worthy.  "There was another murder and it literally just happened like just now."
"Oh", I said realizing that I was watching Jennifer this entire time giving her an alibi. I peeked out and saw that she was speaking to an old woman that sold honey.
"Yea and listen to this, no culprit at all. Its like it was set up days before and even timed", Alison continued and I gasped to myself realizing I just saw Jennifer make a public probably untraceable call.  
"What? Was it like a bomb?" I asked peeking again. This time I didn't see her but I saw her vehicle still so she was somewhere around here. I got out of my car with Alison still on the phone explaining how worthless the police were. I went to the lady that sold the honey.
"Hi where was the woman that was just here?" I asked suddenly panicking. I couldn't lose her.

   The woman looked at me with a furrowed brow, quite confused looking. Ok she probably doesn't even speak English that good I thought to myself. I hopelessly turned around and almost had a fatal heart attack when I saw Jennifer standing right behind me.
"Jesus!" I exclaimed holding my chest. I immediately hung up the phone.
"Why are you following me?" she asked, eyes widely staring into mine. I looked back at the woman who pretended to not understand me a minute ago then back at Jennifer who stood wide eye waiting. Oh this was planned. I sighed, dropping my head.
"Ok I know this looks bad but can we at least talk over a drink?"
  Jennifer's eyes continued scanning me and she didn't respond but I knew she had agreed. We walked into a nearby bar.
"What'll you two beautiful ladies have?" asked the bartender. Her name was Sheila and she was about 24, stuck at a dead end job living off of tips.
"Double scotch."
"Water", Jennifer bluntly answered.
  Sheila looked at her then gave me an unsure look before tending to our drinks.
"Look Ms. Hills, I know you think that Im stalling and I also know you dont have kids but I do and Tristan is all that I have left. I just want to make sure he's safe an-"
"What makes you think I'll ever hurt Tristan?" she asked with a sort of hurt look. I stared into her face unsure of what to make of this.
"I didn't say you'd hurt him bu-" she got up from the stool and approached me, placing a hand on the counter and trying to look into my eyes as I evaded hers.
"Patricia, look at me", she commanded. I turned slightly afraid and looked into her eyes. "Leave...me...alone...or else", she venomously told me. Her hand slapped the counter and I jumped as she grinned.
  Placing hands back into her pocket, she turned and was on her way. I sat there still unsure of what to make of the situation.
"You ok?" asked Sheila interrupting my daze. I turned to her and nodded, gulping down my scotch.

There was definitely something going on.


   I sat on the couch, anxiously tapping my foot and waiting. My last encounter with Jennifer made me realize that she wasn't at all who she said she was. I mean, she THREATENED ME! There had to be more.

"Mrs. Isaacs? What are you doing here?" asked Kristen coming down the stairs. I got up to my feet and was more than amazed to see her stomach and how much it swole already. I shook my head at how Tristan just disappeared and left her to raise a child alone. Not on my watch, I'll get him back even if its only for the child.

"Hey Kristen, I really need your help", I said looking into her blue eyes. She waited to hear the problem. "What do you know about Ms. Hills?"

   Kristen who began sitting on a stool, laughed as she ate grapes. "You mean the teacher? The one that Tristan left me for?"
  I was 100% alarmed. "What do you mean left you for?"
"I mean left me for. He has like a major thing for her and I think she does too. One time I went to her estate and she threatened me", Kristen responded and rolling her eyes. She just threatened me too...
"How long have you known?"
"Longgg", she exaggerated the word. I plopped down on the couch in desperation. Wow.
"Kristen I think Tris is in trouble and I need your help", I say looking at her.
"No", she responded.
"Kristen please, I just need you to do some sleuthing and get me a little more proof so that I can really bring the police into this."
"Mrs. Isaacs, do you see me?" She pointed to her stomach. "I cant afford to get entangled in this."

"What about the baby? After the way Ms. Hills been brainwashing Tris into thinking he's not even the father? Kristen, Tris can be dead by now and even if he isn't, who knows what more lies that woman has fed him. I wouldn't want your baby to grow up without a father."

The last statement seemed to have persuaded her completely because she looked up. "Fine." I smiled, thanking her then leaving. I've got my own investigating to do.

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