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Jen's POV

  As soon as I heard Tristan groan, I started firing at Penny who dashed behind the counter to hide. The empty shells hitting the marble floor along was the only sound that I heard. Once my .8 was empty, Penny shot up and started firing back at me. Smart. I jumped behind a fallen table until her gun was jammed.
  I got up to my feet and we kinda had a moment, staring at one another before she tossed the gun aside.
"Lets see who has real skills", Penny says and I get into my fighting stance. I scanned her stance, detecting that it was Judo which I also took a few classes in back when I was just in training. She lunged forward and if I hadn't ducked, one of my teeth would've been out.
  Penny and I had a long long history. Killing her father was one of the first tasks I was given when I was fully trained for this line of work. Coincidentally, she was the same age as me at the time. We both got a good whooping that same night I killed her father but I escaped her claws. A year later, she joined the bad guy's side(I may or may not have had something to do with it) and we've ran into each other many many times.
"Why would you send a boy to do a woman's work?" Penny asked coming forth with a force that sent a cool breeze strapped towards my face. I grunted blocking the blow. "Why do they send a girl to do a woman's job?" I asked as she kicked me with a force that sent me into the wall. I groaned when I hit the floor and whiles getting up, I spotted her gun lying near me. I rolled and grabbed it and aimed at Penny shooting before realizing there was no bullets.

Oh this was my gun...SHIT!

Her legs kicked the weapon out of my hands. "What happened to you Ace? You used to be so fast and so.." her legs came back down on my back. "...much better."
Before she could stomp me like a dirty roach, I reached for the handgun and acted fast. I dissembled the weapon and dug the barrel into her shin, jumped up and drove it into her neck. Her body dropped and began twitching and I did too but it was from the crushing fatigue.
   The sirens in the distance brought me back. The people she worked for would patch this up for sure. My chest heaved and I finally looked at Tristan who had managed to hide in the distance. He was still recovering from the first time ever being shot. Thank God he wore the vest like I told him.


   I dragged myself into the house tossing the bag of clothes I was wearing to the side. I cleaned up and changed apparel in a nearby gas station then threatened the cashier to give me the tape and lastly I broke the tape. I removed the red wig and sighed.
"How could you put my life in danger for a FUCKING mission?" Tristan's voice asked from behind me. I looked at him and without a word took myself upstairs.
"Answer me!"
"You're ok, are you not?" I asked turning around. Fluid trickled down my nose again and my chest heaved from the aching within my muscles.
"What if they aimed for my head?" Tristan continued to pester. I was tired and now, I finally had no more reason to be here.
"They wouldn't and Im trained to know that", I answered. I wiped my nose not at all alarmed by the blood.
"But what if-"
   I ran into the bathroom and shut it. I groan, cursing myself for the words I said. Im hurting so I hurt the one I love, classic me.


   As soon as I opened the door from my long bath, there was Tristan all veiny and sweaty. His chest heaved heavily and he looked directly at me.
"Tristan Im sorry for what I said", I quickly spoke as he stepped forward. I was kinda scared.
"Shut up", he commanded and I did so surprisingly. There was something in the way he said it: his...Dominance...
"Jenn, you-you don't know what to say sometimes and thats ok because I understand-I-I know you", he says caressing my hair. For some reason, I jump as soon as he touched me. Im afraid of what he will do next. It can't be anything physical because of course I could break his arms on him in 20 different ways. I'd grown fond of him-so much that I was afraid of him.
"But I love you and I know you love me too. I know its hard and its a new feeling but-" releasing my hair and holding my hands. "But you have to work with me, ok? I will never fuck you over."
I nod just so that he can let me go. He did and I felt free again. "Wear something nice, I have a surprise for you." I nod again and he backs away, taking a long moment before turning around and going down the stairs. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding but entered my room to do as he said.
I got to my room and to my surprise, there was a little gift box. I already knew it was from Tristan. I just wondered where the heck it came from. I opened it and pulled out the white fabric, unable to stop myself from smiling. This is ridiculous.
I fit in the dress and found shoes, brushing my hair until not a strand poked up. I applied some lip gloss on my lips and eyelids. I walked down the stairs and at the end of the stairway lied a path of white rose petals.

Honestly, it was ridiculous...and cheesy.

I followed it into the backyard, gaping when I saw the scenery. The trees were decorated with small led lights and flowers which made it magical. There was a large blanket in the middle surrounded by the fallen flowers and beyond was a table with two chairs.
Tristan finally came into light, holding his arm out as he handed me a white rose. He was dressed quite fine himself. "You look beautiful", he said to me before I took his arm.
"This is-this is ridiculous Tris. I could see you worked hard on it", I said as we walked towards the table. He chuckles. "Not that hard."
We arrive to the table and he pulls out my seat, then taking his own. He poured us glasses of wine then unleashed the beautiful meal he cooked. Well not so beautiful, it was just pasta but it was still as special.
I paused looking at the food, feeling my insides bubble. I couldn't eat it, I was becoming displaced.
"Whats wrong?" He asked me and I looked at him. He looked so handsome especially under the light.
"I-I don't know. I just-this is-"
"Prom, your prom well our since Im not going to mine", he answered and it mushed me even more. If he continued, I would tear up.
"Tristan I-"
"Look Jen, I know its not much but I just wanted you to experience having a prom", he spoke and my eyes couldn't help but well.
"What do you mean its not much?" I asked with a crazed look now clearly crying. "This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Ever."

He smiled as he handed me a napkin. I smiled as I wiped the tears. His smile was extremely contagious. What the fuck was going on with my chest? I finally heard the low music in the background and saw Tristan get up. He covered the food with the platter and asked me to dance. I accepted and he took me to the blanket.
The night seemed to move in slow motion and it moved even slower as we danced. It was hard to believe that soon I would have to leave because I definitely didn't want that now but what can I do?

My mission was over and if I didn't leave, they would have to come pull me out and I most definitely didn't want that.

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