TW:⚠️Self Harm
Fallon's POV
As soon as Kirby and Sam left the room I slid my back down the wall and started crying Liam was gonna leave me I can't have that I look at the test one more time.
This didn't feel right I got up and took another one out of the box and repeated the same process as soon as the timer went of I checked.
I smiled I was happy and then remembered Liam saying he didn't want kids "he is gonna leave me and you and I really don't want that..." I said as I looked down at my stomach I mean me having a baby really excites me but when the person I love the most in this world,the person who always managed to calm me down when I'm upset or angry,when the person who doesn't want children is your husband whom you love more than anything in the world doesn't want kids it scares you considering your already pregnant "god when did things get so damn complicated..." I started sobbing as I remembered something in the past.
Alexis and Blake were fighting because Alexis was pregnant but didn't want to keep the kid saying 2 was enough while Blake tried to persuade her to keep it and stop her from getting an abortion. I was in the bathroom listening to music it always calmed me down when the 2 where fighting which was constantly I was starting to listen to the fight
"BLAKE 2 KIDS IS ENOUGH BEING PREGNANT IS TORTURE YA KNOW!" Shouted Alexis "ALEXIS THIS IS OUR BABY IN THERE FALLON COULD BE AN OLDER SISTER SHE ALWAYS WANTED THAT DONT YOU GET IT!" Blake shouted back at her "I DONT CARE WHAT THAT BRAT WANTS SHE HAS GOTTEN EVERYTHING IN HER LIFE IM LEAVING AND IM GETTING RID OF THIS BABY!" Alexis shouted as she slammed the door by then tears were streaming down my face and then I felt a sharp pain on my wrist I look over and see my wrist has a line and it's bleeding 'fuck I did it again' I thought as steven walked in and saw me his jaw dropped and tears were forming in his eyes...he caught me "I-I thought you s-stopped" his voice was wobbly "I didn't mean to Steven please don't tell dad I don't wanna end up back in there" I said as I was at the verge of having a panic attack he sat next to me and took out my iPod and stopped my song I cried into his chest as he hugged me tight "hey it isn't your fault please stop doing this fal I can't lose you..." Steven whisper in her ear.
I looked at my wrist scars were still there "I'm sorry Steven..." I took a blade I hid it for over 12 years I was about to trace my scars but I heard the bedroom door open I immediately hid it back and realized it was Liam when I heard him calling my name "fal,Fallon baby where are you?" I just started crying he was gonna know now and he is gonna divorce me I know it as I heard his footsteps come closer to the door I started clutching the test harder I was scared of his reaction. He opened the door and rushed to my side he didn't see the tests thank god "woah fal are you alright what happened?" I heard the concern in his voice and couldn't help but break down I handed him the test...I was expecting to see him angry,upset,mad but I couldn't read the look on his face "I'm sorry" I whispered to him "I know you didn't want kids and I know you don't want anything to do with this one-" I started babbling stuttering god I sounded stupid "fal-" I cut him off "but please don't leave we just got married and I love you more than ever please don't leave me don't leave us Liam please I love you way too much I can't be apart from you Liam I'm sorry about this I really am but please I'm scared-" he cut me off "Fallon..I'm not going anywhere" I was so confused "what..why??" At this point I needed answers "Fallon I know this isn't something that I wanted but it happened and I can't run away from it I said let's see where life takes us and if this is the direction that it took us than I am more than happy to go down it especially with you" he was smiling I'm soo happy god what did I do to deserve a husband like him "you sure?" I needs to make sure this wasn't a joke "I'm pretty sure" I hugged him tightly god it hit me "where having a baby?!" I can't believe this it's really happening "we are and your gonna be the best mom in the world I know it" he is the sweetest I love him soo much I kissed him "and your gonna be the best dad in the world I know it" he chuckled I'm so happy my god then he crouched down what is he doing? "Hey kid it's your dad!" omg this is the cutest thing in the world "I love you more than anything in the world and me and your mommy can't wait to meet you!" He kissed my stomach I love this so much "this is gonna be an adventure" he said I was about to say something when I started puking again he held my hair back "can we keep the sappy moments until after I'm sick?" I chuckled this is gonna be great.
Surprise I love this already I always wanted to read story's like this but no one ever made something like this soo here ya go✨🤍
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