It's been 2 months since Fallon and Liam got married and Fallon has been sick the past month but she never agreed to go to a doctor "Fal cmon seriously you have been throwing up,gagging and exhausted for over a month now yet you won't agree to go see what's wrong with you Fallon please let's go now I can't stand seeing you like this it's killing me!" Liam says to Fallon in an accusing manner "Liam I'm fine okay it's probably a stomach bug or something idk but I'm fine it's cool seriously" says Fallon trying to persuade Liam "okay I won't push you" Liam says in defeat.
The next day Fallon was still the same but the "stomach bug" had gotten worse she was throwing up all day long and was too exhausted and tired to move and do anything at this point Liam had enough "Fallon Carrington Ridley we are going to the hospital NOW!" Liam shouted Fallon was startled "Liam..even if I wanted to I can't move I'm sooo tired and I'm not letting you carry me even bridal style our wedding ended...with a knife at my throat and my dad getting paralyzed and my best friend getting stabbed but I will call Sam and Kirby to get some things from the pharmacy and they will be playing doctors today if I don't end up getting better we can go to a hospital but if it's the same like today where I'm basically paralyzed for the day then we can call a doctor to come over,alright sweetie?" Fallon said persuasively "sure but if you don't get better we are getting you to a doctor love you" Liam said as he went to kiss her head trying not to get "infected" "love you more" Fallon said lovingly.
"The doctors are here!" Said Sam "Fallon are you okay you look worse than normal and bloated no offense" Kirby said worriedly "offense taken,but I feel a bit worse today so can we please get this over with before Liam drags me to the hospital" Fallon said in a rushing way "sure tell us your symptoms and we will search them up to see what's wrong?" Said Sam "okay umm I have been throwing up a lot and very tired and nauseous and exhausted and gaining some weight tbh when I haven't eaten anything" said Fallon worriedly as Liam came in with a bowl of soup "oh and you've been craving a lot of weird things like hate chocolate and now suddenly you don't like bacon,what happened to my wife?" Liam said laughing he kissed her head and left the room "so what do I have it's a stomach bug right?" Fallon said as Kirby looked at Sam in a I know what's going on look "umm Fallon when was the last time you had your period..." said Kirby in a please don't voice "umm last month wh-" as soon as Fallon realized what was going on she immediately rushed to the bathroom and started throwing up Sam and Kirby ran after her and held her hair and kept rubbing her back and telling her it was gonna be okay when they knew exactly what was going on...nothing is okay.
As soon as Fallon finished throwing up she started crying and pacing around the room she suddenly had some energy while Sam was trying to calm her down as Kirby dug through the pharmacy bag trying to find a pregnancy test "what if I'm pregnant Liam doesn't want kids and he is gonna leave me and I'm gonna be alone a raising the kid on my own god Liam cant leave me we just got married I love him more than anything in the world god please don't leave me please don't leave me" Fallon said as tears where streaming down her face "fal Liam loves you he won't leave you and besides you aren't sure that your take the test and make sure alright" Sam said as he took the box from Kirby and handed it to Fallon.
Fallon took the test and is waiting for the timer to stop turns out 3 minutes feels like 3 hours. The timer stopped and Kirby and Sam look anxiously at Fallon she slowly walked back to the bathroom and picked up the test...the look on her face couldn't be read as she walked out of the bathroom "so...are you pregnant?" Asked Sam cautiously "it's a negative I'm not pregnant so it's probably just a stomach bug" said Fallon discreetly "ah alright get well soon I guess" said Kirby as they walked out what they didn't know was that Fallon had lied to them...
Cliffhanger hah wait for the next chapter to know how Liam reacts love you💖
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