5 more days till graduation
"Okay class lets go outside to the middle school tables" said my math teacher Mr. Hashimoto. I stood up and walked out side to the middle school tables with my friend Caspy. All the 8th graders were outside and they were either siting down or walking around confused. My English teacher, Mrs. Yamada started to pass out sheets of paper to everyone. Once I got my paper I began to read it and it listed all out 8th grade activities for the week and since today is Monday we are getting our time capsule back and we are decorating a ceramic tile for the school.
Back in 7th grade when I was in Mrs. Akemi's class for English we did a time capsule for our future 8th grade self. Well now that we are in 8th grade it's about that time to get our items back. We wrote a a letter to ourselves and I remember I put a friendship necklace that I gave to my friend Hanae before she moved.
"Okay 8th graders listen up" said Mrs. Yamada. "We are going to start our 8th grade activities with opening the time capsules that you guys made last year in 7th grade. So everyone gather around the table where the box is and I will begin to hand out the items".
I walked up to the table where Mrs. Yamada told us to go to. She began to hand out items and it took awhile but they finally got to my name. Once I got my item there was a folded piece of paper attached and the whole this was wrapped around a friendship necklace. I opened the folded piece of paper first and I remembered it was a letter my friend Hanae gave to me before she left. The front of the letter said "Kyoko Yoshioka is..." then around the whole paper it had words that described me. The other side of the paper is where Hanae wrote her letter that took up the entire piece of paper. (I would show you guys what she put but I don't have the paper because they already moved everything out of my house but when I find it I will type it up.)
Once everyone was done opening their time capsules we went to the cafeteria to get our ceramic tiles. Once we get our tile we paint something on it then give it back to Mrs. Yamada, and next year when we are off to high school they are going to put the tiles around the school and they are going to be there...forever!
I went to the table where my friends Timiko, Hana, Airi, and Hikari where at. On my tile I put the words "Live like there is no tomorrow" and please don't ask why because I have no idea why. On Timiko's tile she painted a beach and I wasn't sure what Hana (infinitecomplex) and Airi (lunashoz) painted on their tiles, but my friend Hikari's (foblover890) tile was pretty creepy. She drew a pika-cat but it was orange so it looked like a mango (we didn't have any yellow paint) and the eyes were red which made the whole thing looked creepy. Then everyone suggested that Hikari writes "See you in your dreams" to make it look extra creepy and she ended up writing it. When Hikari was about done with her tile Mrs. Yamada brought yellow paint and everyone began to laugh but Hikari was pissed. Airi and Hikari quickly painted the pika-cat yellow and when the whole thing was done it looked really creepy, the funny part was Mrs. Yamada thought it was cute and the tile was going to be in the elementary school so kids really would get freaked out.
"Kazuoooo wait up" I yelled.
Kazuo stopped and turned around "Oh hey Kyo what's up".
"Kazuo I need you to do something super important for me" I said smiling.
"Sure what is it" he said.
I took a deep breath, then smiled, then said "I want you to tell Kaito I like him"
"Whoa really" he questioned.
"Yup! But when you tell him make sure that no one is around because I don't want his friends to know that I like him" I said.
"Okay, don't your Kyoko I got you" said Kazuo with a grin.
"Thank you, big bro"
I jogged out of the girls locker room to catch up with my friends Eli and Niko. When I caught up with Niko and Eli I saw that Kazuo was talking to Kaito and no one else was around...he is telling Kaito. I saw Kaito look up to Kazuo and he started to talk but he was smiling. I ran up to my friend Izumi to get a closer look. Oh shit he is smiling!
Kaito left Kazuo, then Kazuo looked over to me and gave me a smile. What the hell is about to happen?
"Kyoko" started Kazuo. "Come here" he said forming a smile. "I need to tell you something".
My eyes widen and I held my breath and I slowly walked over to Kazuo, then I lowered my head and released my breath.
"Yeah" I said.
"So...I told Kaito you liked him and...he started smiling and blushing" said Kazuo.
A small smile grew aross my face. "Okay go on"
"That I said "What is your response" and he said 'I'm not going to say anything' and he was still smiling"
I stayed speechless and I was blushing.
"Then he said in a happy tone cause you know he usually has this sad tone when he talks 'I'm not going to say anything because I'm with my friends'"
"Wait what? What the hell is that supposed to mean" I questioned.
"I have no idea. Even I got confused over that" said Kazuo.
I spent the rest of the day thinking about what Kaito said, but I was also focusing on him and his actions. He seemed happier and energetic, which surprised me because he isn't a energetic person. I also noticed when he was talking to people he talked to them with a smile. Aiko must have really liked that because towards the end of class all she could do was talk to him. (It may have been the other way around but I don't remember.)
|~Timeskip to end of day~|
"Kyoko wait" I heard my friend Kazuo say from behind me. I turned around and stopped for him.
"I need to tell you something that just happened" said Kazuo.
"Huh?! Oh, what is it" I said a bit nervous.
"Okay, I was in the locker room and I walked up to Kaito and said 'So what was your reaction when I told you Kyoko likes you' then he started smiling again, then I asked him again and he said 'I don't care...no no no that's messed up'. He had a happy tone in his voice...and was smiling. And he kinda laughed...I think"
"I uhh...what" I said confused. "Ughhh he's confusing like Hiro" I said lowering my head.
"Heh I know right. I got to go lil sis but I'll see you later...oh yeah and think positive" Kazuo said with a smile then patted my head and left.
When I got closer to the gates I spotted Kaito talking to one of his friends and Makoto, but Kaito was looking at me. I swear he better NOT be waiting for me. When I got a bit closer him and his friend left and I walked up to Makoto.
"Makoto what were you and Kaito talking about" I asked.
"Oh that...it's a secret"
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