//ch 6

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//jonny's pov 

i was on the verge of tears at this point. i could hardly keep it in. i was breathing hard and shaking slightly. i could see regret forming in his eyes.

"i wanted to be with you thom, but you pushed me away. i went out with jesse because i figured you were embarrassed of me, and i needed someone to ease the pain that i had. i would break up with her if that's what you wanted; i would cut all of my hair off if you asked; and i would proudlydate you if that's what you wished of me. I WANT to date you thom"

thoms didnt speak and we stared at each other, sharing and embracing the mutual feeling of regret and despair.


he grabbed my face and pulled me in. we kissed fast and desperately. i could hear him moan as he deepened the kiss... thank god my parents aren't home. i pulled him into my lap and shoved my tongue into his mouth. he broke the kiss to trail more desperate kisses down my jaw and neck.

"mmffm jonny i-mmfmhh-im sorry"

i only moaned in response. he had his fingers on my hips and was pulling my shorts down. i knew this was it. we both knew there were no words needed for what was about to happen. i pulled thoms jeans and boxers off, flipped him over.

"have you done this before thom?"


i needed no other confirmation.

"tell me if it hurts, or if i need to stop, okay?"

he only whimpered in response, but the pitch was high enough to signal a "yes"

i was close to losing it so i quickly spit on my hand and lubed up my cock. i lined it up with his hole and shoved in. his first reaction was a whimper, but as i kept thrusting in and out, his sounds quickly turned to moans.

"j-jonny im cl-o-se"

"y-yeah me too"

i thrusted even harder, fueled by the idea of thom cumming for me, and we quickly finished at the same time. he melted down onto the couch, and i pulled out so i could grab him and sit him next to me. with me. his eyes were already closed, but i couldn't bear to shut out the sweet image of him.

"so, thom, will you be my boyfriend?"

"of course!" he giggled out, somehow still energetic

i grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles. all this trouble for one short little gremlin. i know i wouldn't do this for anyone else though. i felt his head slump onto my chest as he fell asleep. my hands thread through his hair until i fell asleep supporting him. 

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