>> π‚π‘πšπ©π­πžπ« 11: Secrets (Pt1)

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In the next Morning,

Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy Sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"I hate this show, This is a weird show." Foxy said in calm voice, looks at freddy. "I actaully love this show" Freddy replied. "Of course you'll love it! it's a chicken cooking show!" Foxy said, in serious but friendly voice. Freddy giggled, "Chicken...." He said with smile on his face.

Then there was a few moments of completely silence between them, until foxy decides to break the silent.

"So freddy, can i ask you a question?" Foxy asked, makes freddy look at him, "Sure. what is it?" Freddy asked, curious. "Do you know someone that his last name is 'afton'?" Foxy asked.

Baby overheard Foxy's question, And Before Freddy could answer, She didn't thought twice and starts to run towards them. she knew freddy know the answers, But foxy can not know, she CAN'T let him know..

"WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?? THERE'S NO ONE THAT HIS LAST NAME IS AFTON!", Baby then said then laughs nervously , like she's hiding something. But for some reason, freddy looks angry. "Well, First of all, That is very rude of you to contradict my words as I'm coming to speak" Freddy said as he looks at her in anger. "And second, I actually know someone that his last name was afton! and tbh, I Know a whole family that their last names is afton!" Freddy says as he looking on foxy. Foxy's eyes opened wide in excitement and curiosity as he looking on freddy, then nodding as he looks on baby.

Baby was surprised about freddy's reaction. But whatever got into him, He sounded serious, and nothing can't change his mind.

"Please don't tell him, Freddy...." Baby said, sounds like she was begging him, but not too much. "Don't tell me what to do in my life!" Freddy replies to her, seriously. " Yeah! Don't tell him what to do in his life!" Foxy adds, at this point he was ready to do anything to know the truth. Baby felt like she cannot do nothing that will change freddy's mind. She just looked furious, seems like she wanted to say 1,100,101 things, but held them inside. Then she spoke, "FINE! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!", Baby said, angrily, then walked away, furious as hell. She really doesn't want him to know, Only for his own good, But he whould never understand. "Ok Then!" Funtime foxy shouted to her as she walks away.


Puppet got out of the bathroom and sees baby walks away from the living room, and she looks ferious as hell. "Hey what's wrong?" Puppet asked baby as he stoped her from going to the bedroom. "Foxy asked Freddy If he knows someone that his last name is afton!" She replied to him, angrily. Puppet raised an eyebrow towards her. "So?...." he asked, doesn't sounds worried like she is. "Aren't you worried that foxy will know things that he shouldn't?! I don't want him to know!!" Baby said, sounds serious and ferious. Puppet thought for a second, she has a point, he can't know too much. but he also felt like he should know atleast a little. he crossed his arms as he looked at her with serious eyes. "Listen, I'll listen for their conversation. If freddy will go too far, I'll stop them. Ok?" He said to her with calm voice, tries to calm her, but still crossing his arms. "You better!" Baby said angrely then immidietly left. Puppet looked at her walking toward foxy's bedroom. then he peeks through the wall that Separates between the living room to the bedroom and the bathroom, hears their conversetion.


"Ok tell me tell me tell me tell me!" Foxy said as he jumps up and down in exitment like a little childe. "Ok, ok!..." Freddy replied. making foxy stop jumping and sits on the couch instead.

"Well, as my memory tells, There was 2 people that worked here before that their last names was 'afton'. Like, Here's a name of someone that i'm 99% sure that worked here, His name is 'william afton'. And i'm pretty sure that he's our creator.." Freddy told. "Ok..And where's william now?" Foxy asked, curious. "Oh, He's springtrap" Freddy replied. Foxy got confused. "But--wait-- How could it be? Reggie is springtrap!" Foxy said with pure confussion. "There's another one" Freddy said. Foxy got even more confused. "WAIT--Wait--wait, wait, wait,wait, wait, wait. So you're saying that there's another springtrap, But there's someone eles inside the suit?" Foxy asked, super confused. "Yeah, and he's evil, Like, very evil, More evil than reggie after he got into the sprinlocks suit and before he did an heart change". Freddy explained, makes foxy less confused. "So his name is also springtrap?" Foxy asked. "No, I just forgot his name" Freddy answerd. (A\N- 24.2.19: I Really don't remember his name XD) (A\N- 9 monthes later: HIS NAME IS SCRAP-TRAP...)

"Ok... Keep telling", Foxy said, as he looks on him with confusion but curiosity in his eyes. "Ok, William has a son that worked here before--" Freddy told, and before he could finish his sentence, foxy cuts his words. "Michael? He's the purple guy." Foxy asked. then freddy's eyes opens wide in surprise. "Yeah! But how did you know?" Freddy said with smile of surprisness on his face. "Puppet told me", Foxy replied with Friendly smile on his face. then freddy stopped smiling, "Puppet knows too much" Freddy said. "Yeah.." foxy adds.

"So, you said you know a whole family that their last names is afton, right? are they his family?" Foxy asked. "I'm pretty sure that their his family, But i could be wrong! I mean, exaft michael, I think he has more 2 children, I mean, I'm sure that he has a daughter Because i remember that he was bringing a small girl with him when he was coming to check on us, and the little girl was calling him 'Daddy'. And I also thinks that he has another son, because thaat girl never stoped talking about someone that's sounds like a boy and how much she misses him, and it can't be her boyfriend because she was like 4 or something." Freddy told.

"Ok... and where are they now?" Foxy asked, curious. "Oh, they're all dead" Freddy answerd, Foxy's eyes widen in confussion and surprisiness. "Wait-- How?" Foxy asked in confusion, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, His little son Idk about him, The little girl died somewhere at this pizzeria, William's probably roaming in the woods like a crepper, And michael\Purple guy....Idk about him actaully, I mean, he's alive but I just don't know where he is." Freddy explained. "Wow, You never told me about it" Foxy Said in astonishment. "Yeah it took me a year and a half to figuer it out myself" Freddy said, sounds a bit proud.

Then, Foxy thought of something.

"What If-- The little girl's soul is inside of one of us?" Foxy said, and looks on freddy with widen eyes as like he solved a mystery. "Yeah that's probabaly true..." Freddy replied, not excited as much as foxy is. "Can i tell you something about baby from that period?" Freddy said immidiatly after he said his last sentence.

"Sure." Foxy replied. "Well, The only thing that I couldn't fond an answer to, Is the fact That I CLEARLY remember that baby had a blue eyes and fron nowhere they became green.." Freddy explained. Foxy Just looks on him with with his eyes widen, from surprisines. Then he lookes down for a few moments, Probably thinking. "How could that be though?" Foxy sait, sounds a bit serious. "Idk, That's what i'm saying" Freddy replied. Than Foxy looks on the floor againg while freddy looks on the ceiling. They both were thinking.

Then after a few Moments of silent, Foxy Thought of something. "WWWwwwaaaaiiiitttttt a mmmiiiinnnnuuuuttteeee-----" He said while looking on freddy, then freddy looks on him, "What?" Freddy asked with innocent voice. "D-Do you perhaps remember the girl's eye-color?", Foxy asked. "Hmmm... Not really, but I think they were green" Freddy answers, sounds a bit unsure. "And do you agree that the girl's soul is in one of us?", "Yeah Probably", "And.. did Baby's eyes turned from blue to green..after....the girl died?" Foxy asked. Freddy thought for a moment. "Tbh, I don't know for sure, But i think you're right.." Freddy answerd, still unsure with his answers. Then foxy looked on the floor again, keeps thinking, while freddy just looks around. Then Foxy thought on a conclusion. This conclusion was Something what made him shock that his eyes opened wide. Then he looks on freddy with sudden look. In a moment of second Freddy could feel foxy staring at him. Freddy then looks on foxy, with confussion but curiosity, also a little bit shock from foxy's face-reaction.

"Then what if... The girl's soul.. Is inside Baby?" Foxy asked as he looks on freddy. Freddy than took a moment to think. and the more he thought on that, the more possible it sounds. Freddy gasped in shock and surprisiness. "That actually could be true!! That's explains why Baby's eyes became green!!!" Freddy says as he smiles in shock. Foxy's thought were going as he thought. "And Maybe...." Foxy said then looks down for a second to think. "Maybe Baby killed the girl!" Foxy said With smile as he slowly Raises his head back up, Freddy gasped in shock then smile. "That's explains why the girl's soul is inside of her!" Foxy said, smiling a bigger smile, sounds a bit excited. "THAT'S ACTAULLY COULF BE TRUE! THE GIRL LOVED BABY!!" Freddy replied in excitment. then they both smiled and like little kids were Jumping in excitment, Like they solved a mystery. But Puppet doesn't like what he sees and hears at all....


He Just keeps peeking as they talk, and he doesn't likes what he hears... 'Ho no... they're getting to the truth!' , He Thought, 'I need to set them off this topic...' Thought as he stares at them. 'It's too late for freddy... But It's not late for Foxy.. I need to set him off this topic." He thought, Then quickly walked towards them.


Puppet arrives to them, they don't noticed him because of their own excitment, then he decides to speak. "Hey Foxy? Can I talk to you For a moment?", Puppet says, Gets their attention and probably ruins their excitment. "Umm... Is that importent? Me and freddy is in the middle of something......" Foxy says as he looks on puppet. "Yeah, That's Importent." Puppet replied in his calm but serious voice, sounds like he's about to expload from madness. Foxy sighed. "Ugh, Fine.." He says then gets up from the couch. "I'll be right back freddy", Foxy says then him and puppet walks towards the bathroom. "Ok.." Freddy replied, as he sees them goes.

This chapter was originally written at the dates: 22.2.19, 24.2.19, 25.2.19

The days it took me to write it on wattpad: 5 Days (7.11.19, 8.11.19. 9.11.19, 10.11.19, 11.11.19)

Words count: 2096


After 5 days...... I Finally Finished writing this chapter -_-

Wassap Everybody, Moonlight's here and--

Holy Moly Pure Guakamole--




Sorry it took me 5 days to write this chapter, I blame My Friend strawberry cookie on that XD

Anyyywaayyyysss--- How's your week Is? Is it good? Mine was...Let's Just say.. It was Something.

But I have to admit-- People starts to scare me when they say that Katie aka Nebneb (Baby's voice actor from the FNaF Minecraft channel) Quitted from the channel. bc as far as i know... She didn't. On her last community post on her channel, she said that she just not feeling good, wich is understandable. But OMG PEOPLE CALM DOWNNN!! WE DON'T KNOW NOTHING YET!

But I hopes she won't quit... I Didn't recovered from puppets leaving yet and if she quits.. I Don't know what'll happen next, And honestly, I Don't want to know XD









Btw, I'm always chacking the chapters after i upload them to see if there's any mistakes...so get ready for tons of updated XD

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