Chapter #9: "The Surprisingly Friendly Enemies".

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"It was the next morning, and Blue, Pink, and Green were on their way to the Inkling Agent Agency, but on their way, other Inkling's were just staring in shock to see Pink and Green, their kind wasn't at all welcome in Inkopolis, and Octarians weren't either, which was what made everyone shocked to see them getting along so well with Blue, it was unbelievable, could their kinds actually have a chance at co-existing? Who knew, it wasn't for sure, but when the three of them arrived at the Inkling Agency, the other Agents didn't react how they hoped they would at first, and ended up going something like this".

"BLUE, ARE YOU INSANE!? THOSE ARE OCTOLINGS, GET AWAY FROM THEM NOW" Agent 3 says, spitting out her fruit flavoured soda and grabbing her .96 Gal Ink Gun that was laying on the table right beside/next to her".

"YEAH! ARE YOU LOSING YOUR MIND, BLUE" Agent 4 says, standing in a ready posture, her Ink Brush at the ready to strike".

"Woah! Girls, they're not what you think they are, they're friendly, don't hurt them" Blue yells, slightly panicked".

"We beg you! Don't attack us, Blue's right, we're unarmed and are friendly, please" Pink begs".

"Fine.., I trust you two for now, but one wrong move and you'll be dealing with me and 4" Agent 3 says well giving Pink and Green the "I'm watching you" glare before gesturing for Agent 4 to lower her weapon".

"She's not lying guys, they're not like the rest of the Octoling and Octarian Agents," Blue says, a slightly annoyed look appearing on his face as he, without looking down, takes Pink by the hand gently squeezing it as if he was ready to throw Pink out of the way if they started shooting their ink at her for no reason once so ever".

"Okay, but why did you bring them here? Exactly" Agent 4 asks with a look of slight annoyance and anger appearing on her face as she waits for an explanation to the whole situation".

"There was a problem between these two and their teammate who was one of Pink's many good friends, and now that her friend has seen her with our kind, she's had to have told on them and gotten them both kicked out of the Octo agency probably permanently, and they were hoping to be taken in as one of our own" Blue explains, piecing together everything for both of them as he goes on with explaining why they were here in the first place".

"Wow..., so your own best friend thought you betrayed her and the rest of the Octolings and the Octarians that make up your mixed species population.., all cause you and Blue are in love?" 3 says, her expression turning from annoyed to sudden guilt for threatening Pink and Green like that without thinking twice about it".

"Ouch, sounds more like she betrayed you then you betraying her, sorry to say," Agent 4 says, slightly correcting the explanation".

"It's okay..., I kinda already knew, though it still confuses me that she'd go and do that to me, I thought we were soul sisters for eternity..., guess she never really wanted me in her life, after all, we've been through together..." Pink sighs sadly, sulking well staring at her feet".

"Don't let it bother you Pink, she doesn't want to be a faithful friend, so just let her go, you are so much better off without Lavender's constant arrogance and immaturity anyways" Green smiles, resting a hand on Pink's shoulder gently as he speaks in a calm reassuring tone of voice".

"Green is right. Even though I don't know much about Lavender, I can tell she isn't as nice as you first described her to be, and it'd be best if you let it go and not dwell in the past, it isn't good for your health either" Blue says, agreeing with Green's opinion on the matter".

"I guess that is true, plus it can make you go crazy if you do it too much-".

"And your too cute to go crazy" Blue smiles, slightly blushing a deep shade of red".

-Pink says nothing, but blushes the same deep shade of red as Blue in surprise of what he said-

"Okay, not gonna lie, that is cute" Agent 3 says, gushing about how cute Blue and Pink are".

"I think their perfect for each other" Agent 4 smiles brightly, agreeing with Agent 3 well looking at the two lovebirds".

"Okay, I give in, I'll explain everything to Marie and Callie, you two can join the team, plus Blue is me and 4's best buddy, we want nothing more then to see him happy, especially after what that backstabber Orange broke his heart, though it looks like you've pulled him out of his depression, and I want to thank you for doing so..., it means a lot to both of us" Agent 3 smiles calmly, a tear streaming down her cheek".

"You're welcome..." Pink smiles calmly in return, giving Blue a kiss on the cheek right after".

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