Chapter #8: "One's Fate Is Another's Fault".

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"After almost a full night of celebrating, Blue, Pink, and Green said goodbye to PG, Indigo, and the rest of their friends, and headed in the direction of Blue's apartment, Green legit teasing the other two along the way as expected when they told everyone, but they all genuinely seemed excited about it, considering poor Blue wasn't feeling the same way he did before Orange came into and ruined his life, but Pink was literally everything everyone knew was the perfect girl for him, which was right all this time, thankfully at least".

-Blue opens the door to his apartment and turns on the lights before walking in with Pink and Green following him inside-

"Hope it's okay but Green might half to sleep on the couch".

"No worries! I don't mind at all.., as long as you don't lay a hand on her" Green glares at Blue".


"Don't worry, he's only joking, right Green?" Pink asks".

"Yeah! Hahaha, what did you think I was gonna pummel yah?" Green chuckles, playfully punching Blue in the arm".

"Oh, heh, well good, though I thought for a second you really were about to pummel me" Blue laughs and sighs with relief".

"Well, I'd probably pummel Green before he pummeled you" Pink glares at Green smugly".

"Try me" Green jokes, laughing".

"I would, but I am tired, Blue where's your bedroom?" Pink asks, turning to face him".

"Down the hall, last room on the left, it has a sliding door that leads out to my bedroom balcony so you should find it fairly easily" Blue smiles, gesturing to down the hallway behind him".

"Okay, night Green" Pink waves at Green before kissing Blue goodnight on the cheek, and going down the hall, finally disappearing into the bedroom".

"She really loves you, ya know? She'd tell me story after story every day about you and her one day falling for each other and falling deeply in love with each other.., heh, I guess that she was not wrong there" Green chuckles".

"Well, I love her a lot too, so you can count on me to have her back when you can't," Blue smiles reassuringly at Green".

"Heh, good to know, after all, she's my sister, and even though she's older than me, she always needs backup by her side, though I get that she's not as well skilled as she had been hoping to be some time ago, that's just life for ya, though, it sucks sometimes" Green chuckles again".

"Well, goodnight dude, again sorry you half to sleep on the couch," Blue says, feeling slightly guilty about it".

"It's fine, I'd usually sleep on the couch back at our old place in Octo Valley, anyways, night buddy," Green says before letting himself flop back on the couch pillow".

-Blue walks into his bedroom to find Pink not in bed, but out on the balcony taking in the fresh summer night air with every breath of air she took-

"Couldn't fall asleep?" Blue asks while stepping out on to the balcony and shutting the door behind him, slightly startling Pink".

"Oh! Jeez, it's only you, you kinda startled me, and yeah I guess you could say that" she said, turning back around and leaning on the railing of the balcony".

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I was just curious about why you're not in bed," Blue says, walking over and leaning on the railing next to Pink".

"I still feel guilty about just letting Lavender leave like that, she was so upset, I love her like a sister and always have, but she hates me now, I am worried that Lavender is planning revenge or something, she does or at least tries to do really irrational things when she's betrayed or made mad, what if Lavender does anything like try and hurt you?!" Pink says, starting to panic".

"Don't worry, she's not gonna take me away from you, I'm the best Inkling Agent out there after all so I know all the Octarian Agent tricks, also I'm guessing you're one of the many Octolings in you're agency aren't you? Octarians and Octolings " Blue asks curiously".

"Well, besides Green, I guess so, I haven't seen many besides the two of us, but I can guarantee that there are more Octolings agents there than just me and Green" Pink sighs in a somewhat worried sounding tone".

"Interesting so how many Octarian Agent's and Octoling Agent's are there in your agency?" Blue asks, pondering to himself well randomly looking around at the scenery of the nighttime".

"Well, there's me, Green, Lavender, Grey the bosses second in command, Tangerine is my other friend, she's an Octarian like Lavender, I forget the rest of their names but I think there are 20-30 Octoling Agents, and 40-50 Octarian Agents, yeah seems like more Octarians decided to join the team, well I guess till I stepped up to the plate and became the first Octoling Agent, which made more Octolings willing to join the team, though their all gonna turn against me now and I know it, it's only a matter of time before they all come after me and Green" Pink says shamefully, well drooping her head".

"Hey, don't let it get you down, I am sure the Inkling agency would be happy to take the two of you in to join the team, we can even try and convince them to make you my partner, and there's no need for this anymore by the way," Blue says, clicking the decloak button on his Squid Phone, causing Pink to decloak out of her Inkling Pink disguise, revealing her in her original Splatoon 2-Octo Expansion outfit".

"Are you sure they'll accept me this way?" Pink asks nervously".

"Well with a simple explanation, I'm sure they will, but till then, we should get some sleep," Blue says, gesturing to go back inside".

"Right, plus no sleep means no energy to do missions" Pink smiles".

"Exactly!" Blue chuckles".

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