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"Hey, Y/N," Leslie greets.

You were at rehearsal the following Monday, strategically avoiding Lin. You got there just a few minutes before it started, then made sure you were always talking to someone whenever there was breaks.

Right now, Lin was singing "The Adams Administration", and was at the part where he was rapping. You honestly loved that part. The rhymes in that section are insane. Plus you thought it was funny when he was like, "B****, please!" It always made you laugh.

"Hey," you reply.

"So, uh, you have any plans after work?"

You think for a moment. Art class had gotten canceled, right? "No, I don't think so."

"Would you want to get something to eat?"

You look at him, surprised. "Are you asking me on a date?", you ask with a smirk.

Leslie lightly chuckles, then shifts his weight, nervous, which was weird, because Leslie always seemed like a calm, cool, and collected kind of guy. "Um..." He straights his back a little. "Yeah."

You let out a small laugh, then involuntarily glance over at Lin. Would it be fair to date him while you had a crush on Lin?

It was only one date though, right? Plus, it might help you get over Lin. And Leslie is a super great guy. Benefits all around.

You pause, then turn to him. "Yes. That sounds fun," you say.

A grin spreads across his face. "Awesome. I'll pick you up at 7:00, okay? Where we're going will be a surprise."

"Okay." You smile. This'll all work out. It'll be okay.

Leslie grins at you again, then hurries onstage for "We Know".

After "Hurricane" and "The Reynolds Pamphlet", it's time for "Congratulations". Once again, you're grateful for that song. You weren't exactly mad at Lin, but things were just weird between you at the moment. This allowed you to sing out your frustration.

After Pippa finishes singing "Burn" and "Dear Theodosia Reprise" starts, Lin suddenly appears at your side.

"Hey," he whispers.

"Hi," you reply cautiously, turning your attention from the stage to him.

"Um, I know things are weird right now..."

"Dear Theodosia, how to say to you?"

"And I know it was kind of just one thing after another..."

"Sometime last night, your mother breathed your name."

"That just made things increasingly more tense between us."

"And like a flame, that flickers out too soon, she died."

"And it sucks."

"She's gone." Leslie sobs onstage. You hate that part. Well, you love the song, but it always made you want to cry. Leslie was such a freaking good actor. And Lin was such a freaking good writer.

His gaze never strays from you. "We were just getting to be good friends, and things got all messed up."

Good friends.

"She dedicated every day to you. She changed my life, she made my life worthwhile."

"And I'm sorry."

"And when you smile, I know a part of her lives on. I know I can go on."

"You didn't do anything," you whisper almost angrily.

"You have come of age with our young nation."

"But it feels like I did. And I want to fix it," Lin says innocently.

"We bleed and fight for you. Sometimes it seems that's all we do."

"Lin, trust me, you didn't do anything."

"But you and I will build a strong foundation."

"On the surface, it doesn't seem like it, but things just feel weird between us. And they have for a while now."

"And I'll be here for you. The way is clear for you to blow us all away."

"Lin, it's not you."

"Someday, someday. Yeah, you'll blow us all away."


"Someday, someday."

"It's not you!"

Lin looks at you in surprise.

You glance over and see Leslie looking at you too, along with Tommy, who was watching from the seats.

Great. Just great.

"Sorry," you mutter, then rush past him. You grab your bag from the table in the break room, then hurry out the back door of the theater. You were done with rehearsals for the day.

Once you're safe in your car, you throw your backpack in the backseat and cry onto your steering wheel. It's not like anything bad or traumatic had happened to you. There had just been so much stress in the last few weeks that it all was just pouring out... in the form of tears.

Starting back at the party from a couple weeks ago.

You had reluctantly agreed to go, only because Evy was worried about not having a date, and at the moment, you couldn't think of a good excuse.

After about ten minutes, you had actually begun to enjoy yourself. There was good food there, plus no one you didn't know was trying to talk to you. It was great.

Then, your phone buzzed in your pocket.

You checked it.

Reminder: Art class at 7:45 pm

You glanced at the clock. 7:30. Crap.

It would take twenty minutes to get there from you were.

You hurried over to Evy, who was talking to Jessica, the host.


"Hold on a second, Jess is going to introduce me to this guy-"

"I need to leave. I forgot I was teaching an art class today."

She finally gave you her full attention. "I forgot you were still teaching art classes to those little kids. Good for you." She tightened her dark ponytail. "I wish you could stay, though. Jess is about to introduce me to this guy who's writing or something."

"Well, good luck," you said quickly. "See you later!" You hurried away from Evy, and almost ran into this guy standing up from sitting on a couch or something.

"Sorry!", you yelled over your shoulder, then ran out to your car.

It was at that party that you could've met Lin. Could've been the one to end up with him. You love teaching art classes, of course, but it would've been nice to meet Lin sooner. You probably wouldn't have half of this drama.

Then there was your job. The art studio you were working for was barely managing to stay open. You could easily lose your job any day, and it would be completely out of your control.

At now, the whole cast must think you're a drama queen. Running out of the theater? After getting upset? That was the most dramatic, cliche thing that could ever happen. And that's exactly what you did.

There's a knock on you car window, and you look over to see a worried Lin standing there.

You roll down the window, and he leans down. "You okay?"

You stare straight ahead, and focus on the top of your steering wheel. "Not really."

He doesn't anything, then you hear footsteps, and see him walking around your car.

Lin gets in on the passenger side.

You roll up the window.

"Want to talk about it?", he asks gently.

You don't say anything for a moment, then finally look over at Lin.

He was staring at you gently, concern and care all written all over his face.

"Yeah." You let a breath that you had been holding. "That would be nice."

A/N: Sorry, this chapter is kind of all over the place, weirdly written, and I had no idea what to call it. Enjoy anywayyy?? *awkward finger guns*

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