Someone did, in fact, hear you.
You lift your head from your knees and look up to see Leslie.
"Are you okay?", he asks.
"Um, yeah," you reply uncomfortably. Just your luck that someone was around.
He sits down next to you. "Well, obviously you're not, otherwise you probably wouldn't have screamed." He looks at you. "What's wrong?"
You pause. "Well, I, um, I like someone, but they don't like me, and they're dating someone else." You let out a breath and look out at the empty theater. "It's just kind of frustrating."
"Yeah, I can imagine. Sorry, Y/N."
You just shrug.
"But who would be dumb enough to not like you?"
You feel a bit of heat rush to your cheeks. "Um, this person, apparently." You shrug again, keep your gaze forward. "It makes sense. They're a lot more talented than me, and could land anyone they wanted." You pause. "But it doesn't matter, anyway. I don't have a huge crush on them. Just a small one." You look over and see Leslie staring at you intently.
You stand. "Well, thanks for listening to my little rant, but I'm going to go get my script. I left it in the break room."
Leslie suddenly grabs your hand and looks deep into your eyes, forcing you to look at him. "Hey, you deserve so much better than whoever that guy is. Obviously he doesn't see how amazing you are. One day you'll find a guy who appreciates you and treats you the way that you should be treated."
You smile. "Thanks, Les."
Lin walks onstage, and sees you and Leslie holding hands. You notice his eyebrows tilt down slightly.
But this time, instead of feeling guilty, you felt angry. How you felt in the break room comes back to life in you.
You look away from Lin, then wrap your arms around Leslie. "Thank you."
He returns your embrace. "Of course."
You sneak a glance at Lin, and see him pretending to be deep into his script. But his eyebrows are still tilted down.
You let go of Leslie after a moment and clear your throat.
You look over at Lin, who's now staring at you.
This was going to be a fun rehearsal.
Turns out, you were right. The rest of the rehearsal was fun... in a not-fun-at-all way.
You and Lin had to pretend to have this amazing chemistry and be longing for each other while things still felt awkward between you.
Tommy (the director) called "Satisfied" "stiff", and had you two run it a few more times before he decided to just try it again tomorrow.
You were thankful for "Congratulations". It's literally a whole song where Angelica roasts Alexander for being stupid. You really belted at the angry parts.
After the rehearsal was over, while you were packing up your stuff, Lin walked over to you.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Hey," you reply cautiously.
"Um, do you have any plans for the rest of today?"
You feel a pang in your chest. "N-no, I don't think so."
You sling your tote bag over your shoulder and look at him. "Why?"
"Oh, uh, Evy was wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with us."
Disappointment. "...On your date?"
"It wouldn't be like a date. It would just be like friends going out together."
You pause. "I really don't want to."
"Why?", Lin asks, looking confused.
"You are extremely underestimating how awkward it's going to be."
"It's not going to be awkward."
Ten minutes into the dinner. It was awkward. It was hecka awkward. You were pretty sure the only reason you had survived the first ten minutes was because that was just greeting Evy then ordering drinks.
Evy clears her throat and continues. "Lin, how was rehearsal?"
"It was good. We still have so much to work on."
"Well of course, you're just starting out!" Evy rests her hand on top of his. "Mi amor." She turns to you. "Lin has been teaching me Spanish."
"What do you still need to work on?", Evy asks, turning her attention back to Lin.
"So much. We've sung through most of the songs, but we still need to work out choreo, costumes, the set-"
You gently set your hand on his shoulder. "Paciencia y fe."
Lin smiles, and you grin back.
After a moment, you realize that your hand is still on his shoulder, and quickly take it off and look away.
"So, Lin," Evy starts, ignoring what had just happened.
She just continues talking to Lin, leaving you out and making you feel more uncomfortable than you ever have in your life.
After two lemonades and a margarita, you decide you've had enough.
You stand up, and Lin glances at you, but Evy continues talking.
"Well, I'm going to go," you announce, and then you finally have their full attention. "Because this has been extremely boring and awkward, and I really just want to leave now." You throw a Hamilton on the table to cover your few drinks. "Thanks for inviting me," you say bitterly, then walk away.
Honestly, you had had enough of Evy's completely forgetting about you every time she had someone new. Sure she was your best friend, but at some point, enough had to be enough.
You only hoped that that wouldn't make things even more awkward between you and Lin.
A/N: Sorry I'm too lazy to add a picture. Also I have two different stories going on at the same time, so it's hard to decide which one to update. Anywayyyyy hope you liked it!
Also also also, there's a whole bunch of songs that didn't make the cut for Broadway that were only performed off-Broadway that I'm going to try and incorporate into the story. "Congratulations" was one of them.
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