"Okay class, I am going to take attendance now so you all need to settle down and listen for your names," The science teacher announced.
Clyde had never really enjoyed school. He was hating it more so today, though. He had stayed up until about four in the morning the night before, woken up around seven-thirty that morning, missed the bus again, and had to get yet another ride from his father, and he overall felt like shit.
So now he was sitting through his least favourite class on three and a half hours of sleep, dealing with being exhausted and in pain from lack of food. Things could be worse, though, He thought to himself. I could be crying.
"Kyle Broflovski?" The teacher continued with attendance.
"Here," Kyle answered.
"Clyde Donovan?"
"Here," Clyde responded. He noticed Token shifting in the seat next to his, then felt him tap Clyde on the shoulder.
"Clyde, what's wrong?" He whispered loudly, drawing some attention.
Clyde stared at him in confusion for a second, then brought a hand to his cheek. Oh my God, I am crying, He realized and gulped. "Nothing," He whispered back. "I'm fine, mom. I mean-" He covered his mouth with his hand and blushed. He heard soft laughter coming from the people around them. This situation could not get any worse.
Token gave him an awkward smile paired with a small thumbs-up. Clyde face-palmed and looked down at his desk. If that wasn't embarrassing, he didn't know what was. He supposed it couldn't get much worse than this, so he decided his best bet would be to leave the classroom.
He raised his hand and mumbled, "Can I go to the bathroom?" When he got a nod in return, he made his way out the door. Once outside the classroom, he let out a heavy sigh. He leaned against the wall next to the door and closed his eyes for a moment. Something about the quiet halls was soothing.
He opened his eyes once again after a minute or so. There was a person walking by at that moment, giving Clyde the strangest look. Clyde realized then how odd this must look and decided to walk down to the restroom as he said he would.
When he arrived outside the men's room, he went inside and propped himself up on the countertop. He sat facing away from the mirror, his reflection was not something he wanted to see at the moment. He sighed and closed his eyes yet again, leaning against the wall.
Suddenly, he heard a stall door open up. He opened his eyes to see Kenny McCormick giving him a weird look as he exited a stall.
"Hi, Clyde," Kenny said as he rinsed his hands, without using any soap (nasty bitch). He dried his hands on his jacket and gave Clyde a little wave. "Bye, Clyde," He said again and walked out the bathroom door.
Clyde simply stared at the door until it fully closed. He thought about what this situation must've been like to Kenny and laughed lightly. "I probably looked like such a dumbass," He muttered to himself. He looked down at his wrist and pulled his jacket's sleeve back to check his watch. He had been out of class for about six minutes now, which he decided was long enough. He hopped off the counter, losing his balance a bit while landing on the floor. He opened the door back up and walked back down to his science classroom.
The room was silent upon entering, which made him more noticeable. Token smiled as Clyde took his seat and signaled to a blank piece of notebook paper he had placed on Clyde's desk. "We're taking notes," He whispered.
Clyde nodded and reached into his backpack, fishing out a pencil from one of the front pockets. He looked up at what was being projected onto the wall in front of him, then back down at his paper, and sighed. Today was going to be a long day.
We jus gonna fast-forward, boopadoo, it's lunchtime now
Clyde left his classroom alone, being sure to pack up and leave faster than Token. Although he really liked Token, he was really hating having to eat in front of him. So he figured if he got to the cafeteria much earlier, he could simply lie about eating once the others got there.
He speed-walked down the hallway, hoping that Token wasn't following. He snuck a glance behind him at the busy hall and saw no Token. As he turned back around, he bumped right into someone's chest. "Ow... shit, that hurt," He complained and took a step back, touching his nose to check for any bleeding. Luckily it wasn't, but he was faced with a bit of a bigger problem when he realized who he had bumped into. None other than Connor, ladies n' gents.
"Oh, sorry," He mumbled. He looked down at his shoes and tried to walk around Connor, not his surprise he was stopped by a hand pushing him back. He obviously wasn't in a good mood that day, which ultimately made him more touchy and irritable than usual. "Oh, come on," He muttered under his breath. He took a step back and looked up at Connor's smirking face. Connor was alone today, none of his little followers nearby.
"What do you want?" Clyde asked in a tone more annoyed than frightened.
Connor put a hand on Clyde's shoulder, making him uncomfortable. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"
Clyde rolled his eyes. "The lunchroom."
"Ah, should've guessed. Of course you're rushing to eat, fucking fatass."
"Can you please just let me go?" Clyde asked quietly, shifting uncomfortably when Connor's grip tightened. He looked around them, the hall was less crowded now. He looked to his side and saw Token walking by, who didn't seem to notice Clyde. He sighed deeply and tried wiggling out of Connor's grasp, but the dirty-blond was much too strong for him.
Clyde looked up at Connor with teary eyes. Connor looked down at Clyde with a grin. Connor squeezed his shoulder harder, pinching a nerve and causing him to let out a small whimper of pain.
"Aw, is da wittle baby gonna cwy?" Connor asked in a mimicking baby voice. Clyde gulped. He was gonna cry. But Connor didn't need to know that.
"No?" Clyde said, but it came out sounding unsure. He looked down, his bottom lip quivering as a tear rolled down his cheek and onto the tile floor. Connor noticed and started laughing. Suddenly, Clyde heard footsteps approaching. He looked behind him and smiled as he saw Tweek coming their way. "Oh, thank God," He whispered.
"Hey, get your hand off of him!" Tweek demanded.
"Or...?" Connor challenged.
Tweek glared and took a few steps forward. "Or I'll give you the ass-whooping of a lifetime. Let go."
Connor let go and took a step forward himself. Clyde just kind of stood there, interested in where this was headed. "You best watch your tone, little man."
Tweek laughed at that remark. "'Little man'? I'm like a half-inch shorter than you, ya dumbass."
"Don't be saying things you can't take back. That's a threat."
Tweek stepped even closer. "A threat, eh?" he pulled his fist back and launched it square into Connor's nose. "I wouldn't go around threatening people with five years of boxing experience if I were you. Just sayin'." He wiped his now bloody hand on his dark blue jeans and began walking off, Clyde following. He heard Connor yell something at them and rolled his eyes.
Tweek looked down at Clyde and gave him a couple of pats on the back. "You've gotta learn to stand up for yourself, man. Did he hurt you at all?" Clyde shook his head and Tweek gave him a sympathetic smile. "Hey, cheer up. You're -gh!- you're fine now. It's lunchtime, remember?"
"Don't remind me," Clyde said quietly, barely even realizing he said it out loud.
"Huh?" Tweek said, not sure if he heard the right thing. "Um, anyway, Craigy, Jimmy-Jam, and momma Token will cheer you up, I'm sure. Token, Jimmy, and Craig are probably already in the cafeteria, most likely wondering where we are." He rambled on and they reached the cafeteria doors. He swung them open and he and Clyde took their usual seats.
Token looked up from his food as Clyde sat down next to him. "Where were you, Clyde? The other guys and I waited at your locker a while, but you didn't show."
"Hall," Clyde answered plainly, not wanting to go into too much detail. Such as the fact that he avoided them and then cried over one little remark and a shoulder squeeze.
"Oh..." Token thought for a moment. "What were you doing?"
Clyde gave Token a dirty look. "Just drop it," He snapped. Token nodded, getting the message quite clear that Clyde did not want to talk about it.
"Sorry," Token said quietly.
Clyde closed his eyes and shook his head at himself. Token hadn't done anything wrong, there was no need for Clyde to be so rude. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten upset over a simple question."
Token smiled. "Don't worry about it," He said.
Clyde gave a small smile in return and opened his bag. There was no lunch inside, just as he had left it. Perfect, He thought to himself. He knew his friends could tell something was up with him, so he knew also that he'd have to put up a pretty convincing act to let this one slide. He changed his expression to a frown and dropped his bag to the floor in fake frustration.
Token leaned over and looked into Clyde's open bag, then sat back up and sighed. "Did you forget your lunch again?" He asked in a tone more disappointed than curious.
"Yeah," Clyde said, adding an eye roll to attempt to make it more believable.
Token shook his head and grinned. "Of course you did. I'll give you some of mine again."
Clyde gulped, knowing it'd be suspicious to not accept Token's offer. "Okay," He agreed quietly.
Token was happy to share with Clyde, of course. He handed Clyde some food and smiled. See? He's fine, He thought. Just forgetful.
Time skiPP again, school is done now
Clyde was walking down the hall quickly, going to get his computer from his locker. When he got to his locker, the other four were there waiting. "Hey," He greeted halfheartedly and opened his locker.
Token smiled. "Hey, Clyde, me and these guys are planning on going out to eat after school, will you come?"
Clyde shook his head. "No. Can't."
Craig rolled his eyes. "Why not?"
"My sister (She's unnamed, so I'mma call her Betty) and nephew are visiting today, so my dad is making me come straight home after school," Clyde explained.
"You have a nephew?" Tweek asked.
Clyde nodded. "Yeah, Betty had him like six months ago."
"And you haven't met him?"
"No, dude, they live in like, Kansas or something. I haven't seen her in ages. I have to get going now though, I gotta catch the bus." With that, Clyde closed his locker and walked down to where the bus was waiting and got on. He sat in a window seat near the back and closed his eyes in thought.
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