The Waterfall

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It was a hot, sunny day, but a strong wind blew throughout the camp, lowering the temperature at the times when it blew considerably. Rheedwhisker watched as Dovesong approached him, her eyes flickering with bewilderment. "Hey, Dovesong!" He greeted her shakily. "Do want to come see what I found on lone border patrol?" He suggested. She agreed, though a little uncertainly. Rheedwhisker led her along the stream until it widened into a strong series of rapids, small pools of water... And... A waterfall! It was around 8 to 10 feet tall, and there was a foot of space behind it and in front of the rocks. It was sparkling and clear, beautiful and blue. Foam was noticeable at the bottom of the cascade of crystalline water. They walked behind the waterfall in silence. Dovesong gasped when she saw a fish swimming there, under the water's surface. She was even more surprised at the surface tension that let tiny water bugs lie on the top. They climbed to the top of the rocky hill where the waterfall started. There was a long, slightly narrow lake! (It curved around a bend and then went down. Don't ask for a picture.) Around the lake was about five feet of grass going to the sides. Underneath, to both of the cats' surprises... Was the FireClan camp! "Rheedwhisker... This has been a magical day... Thank you for taking me here." Dovesong breathed, gazing down. The tom shook his head. "Dovesong... I really like you, and when I first saw you when I came to FireClan... I knew you were the one I wanted... To be my mate. I love you more than any cat I have ever met." Dovesong's eyes widened. "I love you too," She purred. And so that waterfall truly brought them together as official mates. When they went to tell the Clan everybody was delighted- though hardly surprised!

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