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PLEASE READ: this is a really really old book and now I write much better quality stories. I'm actually working on one! So please, I ask, do not read this book. I wrote it when I just couldn't write, but there is no way I'm gonna erase it or un publish it, don't ask why just go with da flow.A dead silence. Cats stared at each other as if the world had disappeared. The trees even seemed to pray silently as the dark warrior approached, three cats hanging limply from his jaws. The rustle of leaves, the scent of prey were the only indication that they were still alive in the forest. But the dark warrior stared at all the cats without flinching. Starclan itself would be powerless against this enemy of might. It laughed as he released the cats from his jaws, it smiled as it saw the frightened look on the cat's faces, it walked to the leader proudly, it's pawsteps shacking the forest.Wanted to note that this started the 19 august 2014!…