First Things First

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It was morning when the trio set off to the FireClan homestead- for the ceremony had taken around an hour and they spent the night near there. Rosestar felt awkward. Leafpool and Crowfeather were looking at her in a respectful way, which was weird to her, because, to her, she was still the same old cat. But to them? They were looking at her as she was a deity among a couple commoners. Rosestar just didn't understand as they they made their way back to camp, which was only a little more than 30 minutes away from the camp. (Sorry if I made it sound short, in 'Rose of the Stars'... ) When they got back, Rosestar was met with an unexpected mob of cheering cats. "Rose! I-I mean Rosestar! Did you actually get nine lives?" Patch asked. She nodded. "Did you see our ancestors?" Questioned Willow and Scar at the same time. Leafpool sighed. "You're not allowed to talk about it, Rosestar- sorry." The she-cat said. Her leader dipped her head in agreement. "I couldn't even begin to explain if I tried." She said, wistfully.


"Ready? Crowfeather hissed. Rosestar gulped. "Um... Well, as ready as I'll ever be!" She said. A spark of excitement in her round eyes. "Um... All cats of FireClan! Please gather under the Reflecting Ledge for a First Clan Meeting!" (It is called a reflecting ledge because it has a thick coat of mica over the stone ledge. The ledge stick out of a hill in the camp- inside the hill in a small cave- Rosestar's new den.)  The cats quickly assembled themselves to meet their first Clan leader's gaze. "First," The leader began, "I'll be giving new names to all of you. Some of you might need some training, but you will have warrior names. Those of you who train must show yourself worthy with assessments, which I'll get to later. First, Willow. Please step forward!" The pale grey she-cat nervously stepped forward on light paws. Determination, however did not waver in her mind. "Leafpool tells me you have taken an impressive interest in herbs and has agreed to train you. Does this suit you and your cares?" She carried on. Willow nodded slowly. "I give you your true FireClan name- Willowsky! Because you always reach for the sky in whatever you do, trying, trying as hard as you can!" The newly named Willowsky was so euphoric, she looked ready to burst. "Next, Scar, please step forward! I give you your true FireClan name- Blackstride. I know you will be a strong addition to FireClan. You have been chosen to participate in mentoring assessments." Blackstride nodded his thanks, pride glimmering in his eyes. Though he looked fierce, he was truly a very, honest, loyal cat at heart. Patches became Patchfur, Icecut became Iceriver. Blackstride, Rosestar and Iceriver were allowed to mentor- Crowfeather had decided this. Iceriver couldn't, at the moment, however. Rosestar mentored Patchfur, so neither did Blackstride. It was her first time mentoring another cat, but she did so well with it, in a half moon, he was finished with his apprenticeship.

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